Zubsolv Reviews (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Has anyone tried it?

418 Replies (21 Pages)

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I've been taking the Zubsolv now for a month. One 5.7 in the morning and one at night. I am so sorry to say it is NOT the same! With the subs I had no cravings at all, I have also winged myself off subs and returned to them only because of knee surgery. Thanks to our wonderful insurance I have no choice. The switch over was easy, no withdrawals but seems like the zub has way more side effects. Looks like it's working for some and that's great but for me my cravings are back and I'm very moody. I'm controlling my cravings but I want off of this stuff quick! Don't like it at all.

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Why do you think it is necessary for the insurance companies to have physicians switch their patients to the Zubsolv when they're stabilized on Suboxone, regarding the patients that their insurance still cover Suboxone or Subutex?
Also, I thought the ceiling effect didn't become active until 24-32mgs, if this is so then I don't understand your statement that 5.7, 8, & 12 mgs are all the same? If they were the same why would there be different mgs? I understand how mental tolerance can effect the physical effects, but how does the science state that is absolutely mental and not to do with a persons chemical makeup? What science supports these claims?

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As many said here, including myself..... if Zubsolv works for you that's great. I am reading that some only found it worked after a substantial dose increase. If for arguments sake, you were doing well on 8mg of Suboxone once a day, but now find you're taking 5/7mg of Zubsolv two or for some three times a day to achieve the therapeutic level that Suboxone had been providing, you have upped your dose drastically. "If" 5/7mg of Zubsolv equals 8 of Suboxone you've gone up 8 or 16mg. That's quite a bit for this type of drug. Why go past the ceiling, why increase your dose, and if you weren't dosing more than once daily, why start now? If finances are an issue, than I understand, if not, I think we want to be going forward not backwards.

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My insurance made me switch from Subs to Zubsolv, and I honestly do not feel any difference. Its a miracle medicine, and so grateful to have it now.

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If u notice the subsolv has less naloxene also and when you take Suboxone 8/2 the naloxene eats up some of your bupe. So when the 5.7-1.4 zubsolv metabolizes then u are getting exactly the same amount of bupe as u would after taking 8/2 subs. I was educated by a representative of Suboxone and subsolv and chemical composition; u all get the same amount

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Wanna know how much? A LOT! Try $330! Are they out of their minds? I can find good medication cheaper, but so far no relapse, sry, been 3 days of pure hell, I finally ask for help, get approved, and this dumb insurance games deny my right to medicine prescribed for me

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I was taking 1 to 1.5 5mg Percocet on a daily basis for about 3 years. Someone had given me about 50 pills at a party, and I liked the way they made me feel. Up to that point, I was never really into drugs or alcohol. I then got sick in 2013, and it turned out to be cancerous tumor in my GI tract. I was in the hospital for about a month after the first surgery and I was getting dilaudid by IV every 4 hours for the pain. When I was released, I was taking 10mg Percocet 3x per day.

Then in mid 2013, they had to go back in and remove another tumor. Another 2 weeks in the hospital. This time I was given fentanyl patches. I started on 75mcg patches. Then I slowly dropped down to the 25mcg patches. Although I still had pain, my Dr. said no more and referred me to a pain management Dr. The pain Dr worked with me to slow down to the 12.5 mcg patches, then Percocet 10mg, then down to 5mg. The pills worked to numb my pain, but I knew it was also an addiction at that point. I tried to stop on my own, but between the pain, the nausea, and the shakes, I couldn't stop.
I had another surgery in Dec 2014 and started all over with the dilaudid IV while in the hospital.

Then I was released with 2mg dilaudid pills 3x per day. The final surgery fixed the pain, but I still needed something.
Worked with my pain mgt. Dr. again. Started on 10mg Percocet 2x per day for a month. Then 5mg percocet 2x per day for a month. I tried to stop on my own again, but the withdrawal was too hard to take. He then put me on Zubsolv 5.7/1.4. Taking that made a huge difference. It has really helped with the withdrawal symptoms I was experiencing. I now split the Zubsolv and take half in the am and the other half after lunch. I back to work and functional. I hope to step down to the 1.4/.36 Zubsolv soon.

So in summary, I think it's working to get me off the heavier opiates. But I do worry about the withdrawal when I do finally stop the Zubsolv. But I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there.... I never really understood addiction until now. It's very difficult to both admit it and get over it. Good luck to all here fighting a similar battle.

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But crushing them supposedly affects the bio-availability & make the Zubs less effective. I'm guessing I'm at .5mg of Zub a day. It's frustrating guessing how much I'm breaking off & end up doing more than I want. So how are we supposed to taper? I wish some of Orexo's employees had opiate addictions.Then they could see firsthand the hell it is trying to taper off this stuff. They could make life a lot easier for addicts who really want to break the death grip that opiate addiction has on us. The brutal truth is the longer we stay on their meds, the more money they rake in. They've got a money making monster & I don't see them changing it for the benefit of the addict any time soon. I'm not blaming them. I got myself in this mess. But if you're going to claim you want to help addicts taper off of their addiction, at least make the Zubs/Subs in sizes we can taper off of without having to do all the guesswork by cutting/crushing them into tiny pieces & compromising their effectiveness... PLEASE!

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I switched to Zubsolv after the Subs started making my teeth so sensitive I couldn't wear my retainer and I was getting killer headaches. It has worked for me and I appreciate my doc suggesting the switch. Unfortunately, the price is still outrageous but its better than trying to self medicate and risk my freedom buying through other means.

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"pretty faded"? Wow....thanks for giving us addicts who are trying REALLY HARD to remain sober a bad name. You are the reason an addict is always looked at with suspicion when on Opiate Replacement Therapy. You are an addict just looking for a legal high. Get some help. ugh....judging someone while still a "high-seeking", actively using addict. Sad.

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And I've said it before I don't care if I stay on this the rest of my life if it keeps me clean!

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D: I have had two different Addiction Specialists tell me that I may need to be on an ORT for the rest of my life. I have been an opioid addict for over 30 years, starting when I was a teenager, and I just don't do well I go off of everything. It must be nice to be able to lower your dosages of opioids and feel NO WITHDRAWALS. Because the rest of Planet Earth DOES feel withdrawals when we do that. So you are basically a medical miracle...first person on earth to have no withdrawals from stopping opioids. So if you want to think I am using ORT as a "crutch", then so be it. I will go ahead and heed the advice of my doctors, rather than some judgmental stranger on a random forum.

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I agree the zubsolv sucks. I was taking 1 12 mg suboxone strips a day and I took 1 11.6 zub and was starting withdrawal by the late afternoon. Why do the insurance companies gotta keep ****ing with it!

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So I have been on zubsolv for a month now...at my last appointment I told my doc that I didn't feel that it lasted very long...he told me it as in my head....been feeling not myslef lately and I think its the zubsolv. I felt much more normal on suboxone films than the zubsolv. Seems like I'm not the only one. I just don't like that my doc said it was in my head that it didn't last as long.....as much as I like the menthol and the fast dissolve I still think I might switch back. Plus now that it is a new year there are more restrictions on that $75 coupon....I got 14 pills and they only took off $35....so kinda pissed about that as well. What can you do though....I did find a $50 coupon for suboxone films though!

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I tried one of these yesterday for first time. Tasted wonderful and feels like the same as 8 mg film. I come to the conclusion they put a mint flavor to help with nadeau. Since mint helps calm nadeau and a lot of people hate the sublingual taste of film and nasty taste of subutex. They have 5.7 in bup which is why you feel less. And the strips have 8. Idk maybe take 1 1/2. Our it could be your tolerance as everyone knows you develop tolerance quickly on these meds. Yeah thought one did me good and I took on 2 mg Xanax with my cup of coffee and feel nice. Ready for the day. That's all I need.

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How is the bioavailability better with Zubsolv than Suboxone or Subutex when they are both sublingual. Can someone pleas explain this?

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Dr Elliot, I am the owner of a business and have a dependence on Vicodin for the last 4-5 years. I am looking for advice from A-Z on getting off meds. Typical story, I am an ex-athlete whom had a bad back for over a three year period when I was prescribed Vicodin during that time, then got surgery which fixed 80% of my problems, but by that time they had increased dosage and of course, I am still taking it just to be 'normal'. Since I am been on it sooo long, my tolerance is high and I am scared. Withdrawals and insomnia is horrible. I have 9 other people working for me, I cannot 'leave' my business, so I would like to work with a professional doctor as an outpatient. What should I expect for treatment? (from physical, timing, mental, etc) Also, my father owned alcohol/drug treatment centers my whole life, so I am very familiar with the 12 step approach. Thanks for any advice!

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Yes i currently am on zubsolv. i have been on suboxone film for 5 years and i only took 1 8mg/2mg a day. my scrip costs 90 to 150 for suboxone. i switched to zubsolv because it was something new and i figured i would give it a try. i am now on the 5.7mg zubsolv i am saposed to take 1 a day. My best way to put it is i could take a quarter of a suboxone film and be good. these i take the whole pill which is said to be equal to a whole film. ummmm no that is not true. One thing that was a nice change was taste. I replyed only becuase of one other person who said he would wake up and take some a suboxone film and then at lunch time would take one after lunch i would do the same. the suboxone film is alot more convenient.

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I was going to switch to the zubsolv bc of the savings. Is it true you can use the coupon six times per script if you only get a few days worth at a time? I am spending 900.00 a month between doc and the films. Help!!!!

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The prior post is in response to munmizz..by the way munmizz chill out we are not all carzy and "liars "..we are all in this together .

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