Tramadol Addiction (Page 2) (Top voted first)


TRAMADOL=DECEPTIVE POISON. this drug is one of the nastier little secrets of the painkiller industry. from my experience it is highly addictive with all the standard withdrawal symptoms plus severe interference with the logical thought processes, more so than other opiates. and to think that this drug is advertised as a safer alternative to other painkillers. I work with numbers as part of my job and I was unable to function once i ran out of my supply early. put myself into a long term suboxone rehab program. am almost ready to "graduate" from the program. (yipee!!!). this nightmare has cost me about $450 a month for doc visits and meds. TRAMADOL = DECEPTIVE POISON

25 Replies (2 Pages)

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Re: Bella (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I totally disagree in certain situations. I’ve been on it for two years and I don’t get high off of it. It keeps me from shooting heroin in the veins in my hip. I am disabled now because of that. If it weren’t for Suboxone I would be dead right now.

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Curious about taking Tramadol and going to the bathroom regularly. I seem to be doomed using any meds.for pain .Tylenol #3 will mess me up but not a problem as no Doctor wants to prescribe any longer.

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Re: Allison (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

Talking about the Vivitrol shot. It’s not researched enough but hear it can help. Have you tried getting off Suboxone yet?

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Re: deedee (# 22) Expand Referenced Message
I so agree with you.I'm fortunate to have a wonderful nurse practitioner since 1986 so she knows I don't abuse drugs.Don't like taking meds but there are times we all need a bit of help in the pain department.

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Re: Bad Back (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for your comments, they're very insightful. I really hope you're doing ok. I hope you can keep looking around and find a Dr that will help you with the meds you need.

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