Muscle Pain From Warfarin?
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Hi. I have been taking warfarin for 4 months. Prior to my PE when landing home from a long flight I was very active running and swimming every day. Since the attack every muscle and many leg joints ache all the time. Is this a side effect from medication? Thanks.

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Re: Rick (# 97) Expand Referenced Message

Have been on warfarin 50yrs, now 72 yrs old. Had several PE. Major heart attack @27yrs. Have had all the side effects, inserted Greenfeild Filter in Venae Cava, never had PE since inserted. If it wasn't for warfarin i would not been living today. Difficult medication yes, most important to keep your INR well monitored.... Howzat for warfarin....Rep of SA.

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Re: rach (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I know exactly how you feel, I have been on warfarin 10 mg daily for 5 weeks and my whole body hurts especially my legs, but sometimes my chest, my arms, my stomach. I keep thinking something else is wrong, wondering if there is another blood clot or something worse, it has made me very anxiety ridden. It's good to know I'm not the only one.

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Re: Roberta (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, Ive been on warfarin since July 2017 and my doctor says to keep taking medication for a year. i have also been experiencing lower leg pain. i cant walk too far then i have to stop and rest a bit before i can continue. I've decided to stop the warfarin and to monitor the leg pain.

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Re: Sue (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

oh wow.....feel a lot of the same symptoms. I have been on warfarin 5 mg for almost 2 years for Afib. My muscles are weak....I have less energy.....lightheadness periodically. The only med I am on is warfarin so it has to be this med.

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Re: natalie (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Natalie. I live in Sydney, Australia. I had a PE event in 1998 and the Specialist in their wisdom place me on alternative dose of 5 to 6 mgs daily. Everything I have read on this site is so relevant to my symptoms (i.e. muscle pain, nausea, dizziness, etc). In the end I became fed up over the whole thing. I decided to take matters into my hands and looked for alternatives to keep my INR levels between the desired levels of 2.0 & 3.0 with a much reduced Warfrin intake. In the last year without my Doctors/Specialist knowledge I reduced my Warfarin intake to 2mgs daily and combined it with Omega 3 X 6000mgs. My last 12 INR levels results have been constant at 2.4. Apart from the ‘Fishy Burp’ from time to time, I DO NOT experience any muscle pain or fatigue or dizziness since I covertly decided to take things into my own hands. I feel for you and all others who have and experiencing these terrible side effects of Warfarin and associated prescribed blood thinners. After all people, these ‘Professionals’ who have prescribed this medicine know that Warfarin is just another word for ‘Rat Sack’.

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Re: Roberta (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on Warafin for 3 years after a stroke. Works good preventing stroke but I have sever body pain every day I think as result of Warafin.
Anyone else?

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Interesting article....I am not a doctor, but if you have a holistic physician D.O. or M.D. you might discuss:

Nattokinase and Cardiovascular Health

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You should have your blood factors checked. There are about 30 different ones. Several of which affect warfarin dosage and INR numbers. Factor 5 and 8 I know affect it.

I've been on warfarin for 4 yrs. The joint and muscle pain and stiffness is constant. I wear compression socks. The itching is INTENSE when I remove them. Lotions help but the cause bothers me.


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You should have your blood factors checked. There are about 30 different ones. Several of which affect warfarin dosage and INR numbers. Factor 5 and 8 I know affect it.

I've been on warfarin for 4 yrs. The joint and muscle pain and stiffness is constant. I wear compression socks. The itching is INTENSE when I remove them. Lotions help but the cause bothers me.

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After a PE many doctors send the patient to a hematologist to assure that you do not have a clotting disorder.

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Great posts, thank you; i have been on Warafin for 10 years plus (12.5 mg/day), my only complaint is muscle stiffness and soreness in legs, feet and hip. I am an active male so i am not sure the drug is the problem so your feedback is help full.

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Wow. I've read this entire thread and am amazed at how many of us have the same side effects from warfarin, but all of our docs and pharmacists deny there are side effects. I've been on warfarin for so long I can't remember when I started. I have Crohn's disease diagnosed when I was 30 (I'm 52 now), so I often experience dehydration. (My Crohn's has actually been in remission for a couple of years following multiple surgeries and hospitalizations.) I got a DVT in my arm after having a PICC line inserted and left in for six weeks during one of my many hospitalizations. I was in lovenox injs for awhile, but then was started on warfarin "for life" as well. I later developed another DVT in my right groin. I remember when I started warfarin, I had so much pain, shortness of breath, etc., but my doc said it wasn't the warfarin. Long story short, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis several years ago, but the doc wasn't certain it was the right dx. I'd been having severe joint pain, bleeding in my knee joints, fatigue, severe anemia to the point of several blood transfusions, hair loss, shortness of breath, etc. Hemotologist dx'd me with Protein S deficiency, but said that can be brought on by taking warfarin for a long time. I'm currently in 15 medications, having been prescribed one after another to combat what I now think have been side effects of warfarin or side effect after side effect of each medication as I experience them. This frightens me. I take six different meds to combat the depression and anxiety I have. I think I have become addicted to Norco because my pain is so bad that I can't go a day without it. I'm nauseous all the time, for which I take an anti-nausea med. I can't believe I, nor any of my docs, never considered that each med I was prescribed might be chasing away a symptom caused by another med. I was on prednisone for ten years (because of my Crohn's disease), which I know screwed up so many of my bodily functions. Anyway, my INR has always been erratic. It was 1.6 last week, so the coag clinic increased my dose by a lot, and it was 4.2 yesterday. I thought it was high because I had increased joint pain, shortness of breath, bruising, fatigue, muscle aches, headache, severe itching everywhere, you name it. Whenever I increase my warfarin, I feel worse, and I just realized it after taking it for so long. Wow, do I feel stupid! I'm thankful to find this thread. I'll be talking to the coag clinic about it and I'll be showing it to my doc.

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i have bin on warfarin for 3 years had 2 blood clots..,will be on for life..i have had mussel pain fatigue..also have RA so hard to tell what is side effects or RA...i often wonder what long term use of warfarin will be...

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This post was in 2012, what has happened to you? What did you do? No one will help me. This pill is evil, the 2ND day I took it I thought I would die. It's been 5 months of pain. Also my doctor retired and the new one will not give me any pain meds. I'm 66, never drank, smoked or abused any drugs. I have diabetes, have a cage with rods and pins, nerve damage and neuropathy for which I used Vicodin, only when needed. Now I have nothing. I'm from Burien, Wa.

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I have been on roughly 3.5mg of Warfarin for 4 years now following a heart valve replacement. Dose can vary sometimes but I'm on it for life.
My joints, particularly my knees, ankles and feet ache. Sometimes I'm in agony and walking up and down stairs can be very difficult and the symptoms have become quite severe over the past 6 months.
I'm going to address this issue with my consultant but not quite sure what they will do for me as the warfarin is for life.

Hope you get some resolution soon. X

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I hv been on warfarin before nd stopped bcoz of severe muscular pain nd joints pain dizzyness nd headache general body aching I had a clott again nd nw am warfrin for life but am experiencing the same problems as before

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I too have constant pain. lost my hair also. quality of like is 3 on a good day. I will ask ;my doctor for a different med.

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I had bi lateral PE 3.5 YRS ago. Been on warfarin since. Had muscle and joint pain ever since. Recently had swollen bursi? in wrist. Ive never had such prolonged mid level to debilitating pain.
Im searching for a non drug equivalent to prednisone.

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Hi, I'm on warfarin for life which I've been on since 2011. Thing is, I keep getting a pain in one spot on my leg and I'm worried sick! I've started a Gym so I'm bound to hurt but, I'm worried in case it's another clot? My INR results have been brilliant. They're not seeing me now till January. Have I got something to worry about?

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Wow! I read these posts and I wonder if you're all still around. I'm on this stuff (Warfarin) for life as I have a mitral valve replacement. My INR is never steady. It's either too low or too high. YES! YOU SHOULD GET YOUR OWN MONITOR! I know it's expensive but it is cheaper and less traumatic, and safer than multiple trips to the lab. (because you can test more often... anytime you want) My diet is my biggest issue. I don't have much of an appetite but take an array of meds and I have a large hernia in my stomach that bleeds if I do anything wrong. I have had a couple of bad bleeds. One sent me to the hospital, in a helicopter, for 9 units of blood. (THANK YOU DONERS!!!). Cold meds did that! I still don't know what caused the second one. So careful, careful, careful! Don't touch her, she bleeds! Ha! There are many antibiotics that you should not take while taking Warfarin. DO YOUR HOMEWORK! PLEASE READ YOUR PHARMACY NOTES! If it says drink a full glass of water then drink a full glass of water!! Bottom line, I'm still alive! Praise God! This is a difficult situation and I'm very sympathetic with all of you. I know that this is not an easy life. I know that you feel like you've been cut off at the knees. This happened to me when I was 50! (I inherited this condition.) I can no longer do the things I enjoyed most and that stinks! And no, it's not fair, but it is what it is! I don't know how long I'll live but I'm grateful for every day! And I'm grateful for the doctors that have saved my life multiple times. One thing I do know, you can't just quit taking your meds. I've monitored my INR for all these years, and I know that if you quit taking them, without your doctors assistance, you will most likely die. They don't put you on this stuff just for giggles. Right now, even with my INR at 4.3, I know this stuff is keeping me alive! Chin up! Chest out! We are soldiers, you know!! Fear IS your greatest enemy!

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