How To Snort The New Formula Opana Er (Page 31) (Top voted first)


I became a pain patient after I fell off a horse in March of last year and sustained spinal injuries which are still VERY painful. Opana ER was the first thing doctors gave me that helped at all and now that they have changed the formula I'm in a lot more pain. I want to break down the formula so I can insufflate it, as I am told I may get more pain relief and increase bioavailability of the drug. The new formula hardly offers the same pain relief, Please help me!

628 Replies (32 Pages)

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I didn't say there were no difference between Opana ER or IR then hydocodone. The one I replied to said the formula has changed since they weren't getting any relief any longer and they wanted to insufflate them. Your body acculamates to anything you take on a daily basis, trust me I know how strong my meds are and why they are prescribed, I take NOTHING without tons of research and lots of questions to my oncologist and pharmacist. I just don't see why people have to try insufflating, mainlining, or muscling their meds, that ruins it for all of us that truly NEED the meds such as myself being Stage 4 terminal cancer, now they are putting that plastic coating on everything and they seem to take a bit longer to get in your system.

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it obviously just doesn't work for you. I take 50 mg twice a day and have never, ever had any sort of stomach issue with it. in fact i've gained twenty pounds since i started taking it.

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Jonson: very well said. I pray for you and your girlfriend. I too tried sticking 4 40's under my tongue at a time. These new formulated pills offer NO relief from pain and barely help to keep the withdrawal symptoms in check. I too hope the Endo suffers great financial loss from what they have done to all of their pain patients. My Doctor informed me that it was the Government that forced them to change the formula. Once again, our socialistic form of Government prevails! If there were such a problem with abuse, go after the people abusing it, don't make legitimate patients suffer because of it and don't go after the Doctors that prescribe it. They need to go after the people who deal illegally with it. And as far as how legitimate pain patients take their medication, it should be up to them how they take it, whichever way works best for that individual. I hope that the two of you find another form of relief, as I am seeking alternatives as well.

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I was first put on Methadone for my RSD pain. I started with .5 mg and worked up to 2 mg a day. To me it was nothing to do with relieving any pain that i had. I did have break through medication of percocets 10/325. I never got hooked on Methadone which is surprising to me cause of all the bad i hear about them. I found that whenever i went to a doctors appointment and the doctors would find out i was on methadone they looked at me like i was a drug addict. Heroin addict maybe? Alot of the doctors would not prescribe me other medications until they said i got off the methadone first. It is NOT a good pain reliever at all. Trust me!!! It does work well if you want to get rid of withdrawls but need large dosages of it. Only certain doctors or clinics can give you a prescription for it. Also if you go for a drug test for work, you could be taking percocet, vicodin or anyother pain med but if you take Methadone that will show up. I would not rely 100% on Methadone taking away pain. It did not work well for me. Maybe someone else had better luck with it.

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@trapswife, Isn't the definition of an addict somebody who needs a pill to feel normal?? If you stop taking opana's you will be dope sick, so in the true sense of the word you are an addict regardless if the pill is given to you by a doctor or you get it off the streets. You people are kidding yourselves it's not that the drugs no longer mask the pain it's that you no longer get high enough. I mean one dude takes 6 opana 40's a day, and claims he is not an addict?? That is crazy and the equivilant of shooting 28 bags of herion a day. I am sorry but as somebody who used to take OC 80's for "pain" then switched to herion when the doctor cut me off I know that pain killers lower you pain tolerance and threshold. My back pain, I have AS a blood disease that curves the spine, I thought was intolerable when I was an addicted but now that I am sober the pain is extremely manageable with just advil and toughness. I mean I am a golf teaching Pro, so I am constantly using my back but I manned up and dealt with the pain so I wasn't a slave to a pill or needle. All you people on here crying because you don't get high anymore need to get a clue; you are addicted, and you could probably manage just fine without 97 opana's or Oc's a day. I mean come on how can the most of you seriously tell yourselves that you couldn't live because the pain is that bad??? You all are just like I was you love the way the Pills make you feel; you know how they work right? The don't take the pain away, they just mess you up so much you don't care about the pain. I beg of all of you to look into alternatives because these pills have ruined a ton of wonderful people, and if a junkie with a curved back like me can play 36 holes of golf a day with out pills then the majority of you can surely sit in an office for 9 hours a day with out being stoned out of your mind.

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First of all, if the new formulas for OxyContin, opana, exalts, etc. doesn't work, then change to another opioid. I have been on opioids for 15 years. Mscontin, fentanyl, dilaudid all work awesome and you don't have to worry about snorting because the bioavailability isn't great with the others. My suggestion is to have your pain doctors switch to fentanyl patches which passes the intestinal absorption and the patches last 24-72 hours. Take dilaudid for breakthrough pain. If you want to snort them for pain relief, then you can't find anything better!

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To Back to reality: Well said! It is just plain sickening what people will do to get high! And your main point of people trying to justify their actions under the guise of trying to control pain is right on! Great post!

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which opana can you break down? they gave me opana er tablets 15mg but the ones with 262 and a half moon on them you can break down those are the ones i need i got into a big argument with the pharmicist at cvs any help please how do i get the er ones do i have to specifically tell them to order them?

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Hello...I just read your post and see that it was over 2 years ago. Don't know if you will get this OR even be able to reply... But I am in a similar situation as you and honestly...I'm terrified what will happen to me in 20years!!! I'm 43 and have been in PM for years. I just found out I need a fourth and fifth surgery and have terrible pain and took my oxycodone (1extra each day) and have run out!! My appt is in 6days and I take 30 mgs of opana 2x a day and I don't feel like they help bc they are the ER gel ones. Just curious how you are doing after 2years and if you have any advice?

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I would like to know how you take your opana - i'm really desperate- any help you can give me will be appreciated - I would just like t control my pain better & have a better life- orally is not workinking I'm taking opana5 mg er twice a day. Can you tell me how i would appreciate it!!!! I had 2 back surgeries over 3 yrs ago. Please help me!

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Berky and Liza, there are other means to cold turkey! The most common is methadone, but it causes a euphoric effect and has high risk of abuse. It will help with pain also. The second (better) is suboxone or subutex. They have no euphoric effect but still help with pain so abuse isn't a risk-no euphoria so no desire to take more. They also block any opiated from working while on the subs. I let my rx opiates get out of control & knew I needed to quit, but I'd get sick as hell each time I'd try-so sick I'd give up, until I found the "wonder" drug. The subs block the withdrawal effects. I took them for about a week, and that was it. I'd take half of the 8 Mg the first 2 days (you only need to take once a day) and then I'd take less than half the rest of the week and that was it. Most cases of sickness last about 3-5 days. On the 6th day when I didn't take any subs, I was completely fine & back to normal. To be honest, I've had slip ups here & there (not many), but only for a few days when I do but always have subs. I probably wouldn't get sick, but I'd rather not take any chances, plus it helps with the lack of energy. Seriously, they are the wonder drug. Talk to your dr. If he won't prescribe something else that will help, inquire about the subs-they can be life changer

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Actually it wasn't your socialist government. The capitalist Endo, in effort to curtail generic manufactures' ER form. Endo informed the FDA that their current form of the ER pill is so dangerous in what was it's current form that they were going to remove it and replace it with a new "safer" form of the pill. Thus giving Endo a new patent, and avenue to prolong litigation further, delaying the release of newer generic ER forms. All whilst motivating doctors and malpracting insures' to insist of the newer "safer" alternative when prescribing.

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To anyone who doesn't know.. new law has been passed that generic brand opanas are off the market in 4 months... by federal judge stands... So the new formula is all that will be.. I know this will discourage a lot.. I use to take opana 40 and it was the best pain pill ever, that was 4 yrs ago.. now im on 7 and a half mg opana new formula. I put 4 in my mouth and let it dissolve for a half hour to 45mins. The effect will come but not as strong.. Sorry for bad news about the new laws.. So remember, Er gel formula is all after the rest is to be sold off shelf...

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You Can Clip Them With Fingernail clippers Into Very Tiny Pieces !! I am only on 10 mg 3 times a day and perc-10/325 i of course run out of percs in 10 to 12 days but the opana does keep me from going through withdraw as long as i clip them into very small pieces.

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I have chronic pain from RSD in my dominant right hand. Constantly throbbing and debilitating to the point i cannot do anything and have to lay down. I finally heard about the Fentanyl Patches and I was on 2 100mcg patches every 3 days. When my PC decided to move i found a doctor that would only prescribe me half of that. It was hard to wean down to it but it is working with the breakthrough percocet. The only downfall is i get 10 of them a month so if one gets messed up from swimming or sweating i have bad withdrawls when i am out of them. They work great but do not run out.

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Definitely trying this! Thank you so much and I'll let you know how it works for me.

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Same problem here, the gel doesn't come out of the tip unless i turn it upside down, and even then I'm apprehensive to put something so viscous up my nose.

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ISN'T there a way to ban loser trolley from using the internet? Could someone please invent the losernet for all these people who respond to my questions with their stupid, you shouldn't be doing that, replies!

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