Preparation H Cream Forums

Recently active Preparation H Cream forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Preparation H Cream and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

is there a substitute for preperation H that is milder? ## Apparently there are two versions of Preparation H. One which is supposed to be more effective than the other in retrospect to the active ingredients. There is an American version and a Canadian version which is considered the more effective cream. The most sought out difference between the two is that the American version left out one of the main ingredients Bio-Dyne; an ingredient used to further remove any bags from under the eyes. A lot of customer reviews state that it is considered a must-have once you have tried the Canadian version. To view the active ingredients in Preparation H cream, please click on the link below and refer to the top of the page... If you would like to further research each individual active ingredie...

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