Son Has False Positive On Drug Test


i never used cocaine and my son just tested positive for cocaine in his maconium (sp?) the nurses are trying to tell me there is no way for this to be wrong they sent it for a second test but how can a newborn test positive for a drug me and him never used. he was born at 24 Weeks after i spent two Weeks in hospital on different meds and antibiotics what are possible reasons and meds that could have caused this? please help freaking out

4 Replies

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Do you know what specific medications/antibiotics they gave you?

There are some that can cause false positives and, if you can post back with more details, I'll be happy to do some more research for you.

Learn more Cocaine details here.

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i was on albuterol sulfate, acetaminophen, metronidazole, toprol xl, ferrous sulfate, cefuroxime axetil, percocet, ibuprofen, zantac, antacids, ultram, seroquel xr, prenatals, ciprodex otic, tylenal 3 with codien, amoxicillin, pulmacourt, phenergan, polyethylene glycol, promethazine vc- codeine syrup, benzonatate, fludrocortisone, z-pack, ampicillin, prednisone and other meds i just don't remember while i was in hospital week before i had him

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The same thing just happened to me..dcf took my baby, he is 20 days old. I was clean, but was taking antibiotics. Amoxicillin and Flagyl.

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Re: Jessie (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Amoxicillin and ampicillin are the culprits. Check the internet for cocaine false-positive and antibiotics.

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