Drugs That Give False Positive For Dextroamphetamine (Top voted first)


I have recently taken a drug screening and it came back that it was positive for amphetamines so I did a conformation test and it came back dextroamphetamines which I am not taking any medication that has that in it however I am taking wellbutrin and zantac which I think can have something to do with it.

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I just had same thing happen I paid for a breakdown came back for dextroamphetamine I've never taken anything but OTC Heartburn meds I don't understand how it can come back pos for amphetamines when I haven't taken them I'm furious

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This can be caused by the Bupropion in the Wellbutrin, so you may want to make sure they know you're taking it.

Learn more Wellbutrin details here.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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My doctors office wants me to bring a urine sample today because i am prescribed large amounts of percocet. The only problem is that i will test positive for marijuana so my boyfriend is gonna supply the urine. He takes the same pain meds but he also is prescribed xanax twice a day. I just dont know how high his xanax levels are going to be and if that's gonna be a big deal to my doctor. Im also worried his oxycodone levels might not be high enough to justify the amount of percs i get each month. Any insight would be appreciated.

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My bad, i've obviously never posted a question before

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I have already gave them a list of my medications and they say none of them are or have dextroamphetamine or amphetamines in them. I do not know what to do never had this happen in the 5 years that I've been going there please help

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nice try. dont waste time i can testify to one thing i know to be true. you cant get out of this. sorry . believe me, i tried.

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They don't care about pot and it will show up that it's a male owe samlpe .

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My husband was 47 years old, was a marine, beat cancer 20 years ago when they gave him a 15% chance to live came thru the chemo with a great recovery. He has been on medication for ADD ADHD for several years now from adderal to ????? And now for the past 7 or so years he has been on dextroamphetamine. I can't remember the exact 10 or 5 mg but he was to take 4 pills in am and 4 in pm.
On July 3, 2017, my husband passed away. He was working outside at his mom's cutting trees in 110° heat he said he felt light headed and the next thing he remembered he was on the ground and his head was severely bleeding. When he passed out he landed on the back of his head. He them calls me to come get him not telling me all this just that I needed to get there he had and accident. It took me 15-20 minutes to get to him but because he didn't want to freak jus mom out because she was recovering from a stroke i pull in the driveway and he is still on the ground in the hot garage. I got there he started to ceasing out ambulance gets there doing CPR i am freaking out (not good under emerg situations). Paramedic asking all the questions I could barely remember my name, they ask me if he is on any medication I in my brain am thinking antibiotics not thinking of his normal everyday ones. When I got to the hospital and they were working on him I the the nurse coming out of the room about the dextroamphetamine he was taking from his doctor and she said she would more the file. I also told the doctor and the coroner when she came.

We finally got his autopsy back and it said cause of death was methamphetamines. He did not and was not on any drugs. So apparently found this so called meth in his system and figure that's the cause of death not the fact that he had hit his head on the concrete hard enough to split his head open the size of a silver dollar. Am I able to fight this with the coroner to retract this and where can I research to print to back me in this?

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Re: Melody (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

It’s simple really - Don’t smoke any marijuana!!! Oh and secondly, you won’t need to worry about the urine sample, they know if it’s male or female wee.

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Re: SockAdoo (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Wow that is really horrible. They should be ashamed of being THAT stupid ruling it out as meth OD. That wouldn't even effect anything if he hit his head that hard. Heavy heat and amphetamines are not good, your body can kinda go into error mode which is probably why he got lightheaded. I'm sorry.

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