Viibryd Side Effects (Page 31) (Top voted first)


What if any side effects are people experiencing on viibryd

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I have said it before and I will say it again, do not taper off Viibryd, STOP IT INSTANTLY before the damage is permanent. Viibryd almost killed me.

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Here is a page listing 186 side effects from viibryd. Of course people taking it don't get all 186 side effects, but being put in the hospital for serotonin toxicity and hypoxia as a side effect from viiibryd was enough for me to taper off this drug completely. The side effects coming off of this drug were a nightmare.

this medicine effects the brain which run the organs in the body. I was on it for 6 months and was getting sicker and sicker until I couldn't even stand up.

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I had positive energy results from Viibryd for a few months, and then it lost its effectiveness for me. No long term side effects and it was easy to quit. The depression came back along with the apathy and lack of energy (desire) to do anything. Just based on your short message, you might research and then talk to your doctor about Concerta. There are more and more doctors willing to give these ADHD meds a try when nothing else is working. It has improved my energy but also completely alleviated the depression. I'm getting no negative side effects. Crossing my fingers it will keep working. Good luck.

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After reading this, I realized that many symptoms I attributed to anxiety (which is why I am taking this for) are really side effects. Talked to my psychiatrist and I am going off Viibryd. And the medication did not help me at all. Cannot wait yo be off it in five more days. She has warned me of some possible side effects of going off, but I cannot wait to finish this. Side effects I had: nightmares, restless legs were much worse, fatigue, joint pain, trouble sleeping snd I take Trazodone to help me sleep, the runs, etc. still taking Clonazepam but going to try using it only when needed. I have been on so many anti depressants with so many side effects. So tired of them all and just want the anxiety to lessen so I can feel better. I have doubled my exercise routine, which is never stopped, to try to lose the ten pounds I have gained. Good luck to all of you, wishing you better mental health.

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Georgia, I just found this site today and have been following your posts. I've had RA since 1998. The cause of mine was being exposed to my son who had a typical childhood illness called foot and mouth disease. It can manifest itself in adults as RA. I was "sero negative" which means it didn't come up in blood tests for over 10 years. You really should see the rheumatologist because RA is very treatable these days. That being said, I do believe you when you say this drug is responsible. I've had my RA in control for years and after being on this drug for just over a month my hands are so swollen that I can't get my wedding ring off. I started looking for side effects for this drug because I'm so itchy, have had the big D for weeks, and suddenly my libido has gone into overdrive. I've been on lots of antidepressants and have fortunately never experienced any sexual side effect until this one. This is an awful drug! I can't wait to be off it!!!!

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Get off the joints hurt and my feet hurt so bad I couldn't even walk. I have been off over a year now and things might be getting better slowly but some may be permanent not sure. It is a bad med, yes I got insomnia have to take 2mg xanax and benadryl 50mg and melatonin 6 mg to sleep. Plus 2 Tramadol for the pain, it is so not worth it.

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Ditto! It's a messed up drug that will make females feel like they are taking Viagra, especially the 1st mo (& I mean ouch!), & for too many, the night terrors are too much (admitted flaw w/ drug that causes part of your brain to wake up during sleep). I have struggled w/ all over pain since finally getting off Vi & this was 3 yrs ago! Since dx w/ sjogrens & fibro. I am nearly bedridden w/ pain. And the brain explosions I had when weaning off the recommended dose then of 60 mg, leaves awful memories for me. There is no other antidepressant like it. And remember folks! I took it for 3 mos. before the sleep paralysis attacks started up.

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Dawnzip, I've had so many serious sleep problems, if I get 3-4 hrs sleep every 24 hrs it's a miracle. My left knee hurts, my legs itch uncontrollably, my head aches, my anxiety is out of control. I've lost 20 lbs In 3 months. I can't eat. I shake inside and feel full of despair.

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Taking Viibryd (vilazodone) at a dose of 40 mg per day is considered to be well tolerated and reported adverse effects ranged from mild to moderate in intensity; side effects included diarrhea, nausea, and somnolence.

Other than that, I haven't located any other side effect information on this drug.

You can view more details on Viibryd by following the link below:

Please post back if you have any other general questions or concerns about this drug.

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I wouldn't worry about it too much. Surely there's a nurse out there somewhere who knows more than any doctor and can get you fixed right up. Of course, that same nurse might also think you're naïve enough to believe that the only warning a drug like Viibryd originally listed was for an upset stomach.

And who says I never suffered any negative side effects from medication used to treat depression? I have. But I'm also conscientious enough to actually read about the issues BEFORE I start dumping stuff into my system. It's all a roll of the dice.

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I've been on this for about half a year. It has helped with my anxiety & depression, but I feel so lethargic lately & my anxiety is returning. I only had mild stomach upset & no sexual side effects. I have experienced leg pain at night and migraines are becoming more frequent. I take my pill every morning at the exact same time, and if I forget, by the end of the work day I am in emotional distress. The strangest side effect is that if it has been more than 10 hours, I have what can only be described as a severe histamine reaction. I sneeze like mad, my eyes burn and my skin becomes so itchy I can hardly handle it. This has happened every time that I have missed a dose. It makes me very nervous for the day my doctor & I decide to wean me off.

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The drug company doesn't list the side effects people are having? They are on the Viibryd website! Know what Arthralgia is? Paresthesia? Somnolence? How about Akathisia? And "brain zaps"? That is one of the most commonly listed side effects of ALL psychotic drugs, primarily when changing doses. They result from a global downregulation of serotonin receptors in response to increased levels of serotonin in the synaptic cleft. The warnings are all there. People don't do much research on what they put into their bodies. Aspirin kill people every year due to G.I bleeding, but we just accept that. Every drug has side effects.

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A nurse? So you can't write prescriptions, only needed a basic understanding of most meds to get your degree, and that makes you an authority? LOL. I remember very well when Viibryd first came out. My REAL doctor (not a nurse) suggested I RESEARCH it as an option. And believe me, there were a host of side effects listed on what was then a very new drug. I can't think of a single medication I've ever taken in my entire life that listed only a single side effect; yet we are supposed to believe that a psychotropic drug was released with only a GI issues listed as a potential problem?

It's like many others have stated: Drugs have side effects. And we're talking about a drug that is used to treat people with mental issues (and many that are physical) of unknown origin. Did you know there was a girl that died a few years ago from applying too much Ben Gay? Pepto Bismol can cause Salicylate poisoning... and death. And don't even get me started on how many people die or come close from taking Vitamin C. Drugs are a risk. We assume those risks everyday, yet someone acts surprised that - sure enough - that long list of warnings really meant something.

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