Lyrica Lawsuit (Page 16)
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Does anyone know if there is an ongoing lawsuit against the company who puts out Lyrica? I am a mess from it. Do we have a leg to stand on when it comes to the side effects they found out from people like us? I am a long termer. I have been taking 900 mg since 2005. Is there anyone representing us? Thank you

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I am now 22 and I began taking lyrica at 17. I took Lyrica from 17-21 and I had terrible withdrawals while weaning off and then after I had completed the standard weaning period I continued to have gastric and nervous system issues. I am still dealing with gastric problems(vomiting every day unless I have anti-nausea medicine from the dr such as promethozene) but I have noticed a small difference in my nervous system symptoms(i.e. numbness, tingling, depth perception etc etc). I am waiting for the 1-800-BADDRUG commercial to show. It does validate my experience to see all these people! When I began taking Lyrica it was the new "saving grace" for those with fibromyalgia and of course I began taking it without ever knowing that these side effects would take away more than a year of my life by making me so ill.

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it started with nightmares, rapidly increased to a couple hours of sleep with night and day mares, soon i was delusional! afraid to leave my couch, in my delusions i thought i was 4 or 5 years old. became fearful of my wonderful husband, my beautiful 17 yr old christian daughter. In my delusions i only wanted my mom and dad. i could not understand this man(my husband) telling me i was a 48 yr old woman with 3 children. in an almost constant state of terror! i have been thru the panic disorder and had learned to almost overcome it. this is totally new and beyond the panic disorder i had lived with from age 20 and had almost totally overcome! i am currently a run away, i have come to my mother and fathers home where i feel safe, for now until i can pull myself together and return to my awesome husband and 3 beautiful children of my own! there has to be some law firm not afraid to take on the drug manufacturer! anyone?!

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On one of these threads about Lyrica, there was woman from England who has a suit against Lyrica. All she needs is our names and email addresses. I think her name was Fahah Faron. I am not sure of the spelling of her name but she is on one of these threads. She Also said it doesn't matter what country you are in, evidently she found someone who will take on the case matter where you live or how long its been since Lyrica was taken. There is no statute of limitations. Has anyone seen her message?

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My Son complained about exactly the same thing , it cost him his year 11 studies as he could no longer comprehend complex mathematics , hold a sentence in his head and said the characters on his pages were moving around like ants , Lyrica destroyed his education and that was on 300mg per day .

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Lyrica, took it post below knee amputation. It did as was described, treating phantom pain syndrome post amputation.
BUT, nobody told me the side affects of Lyrica, or its non-brand names.
This was my symptoms, taking Lyrica,
I couldn't add columns of numbers, I couldn't read a newspaper without great difficulty. I couldn't read books without reading the same page maybe eight times over and over again. Crossword puzzles, and Word Search games are an ordeal.
I took an online reading test, and I came up as "dyslectic" now.
I didn't experience weight gain. But reading skills were greatly impacted. I do use now type set size much bigger than before. Why? Because font 10 causes my eyes to dart about a page. I now use font 14 BOLD. I also use page blocking to isolate a sentence on one line at a time. If I intend to read and comprehend. This because I was using Lyrica, 650mg.

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Thank you Mary , that's a great idea but have already tried that , i think psychologically he just feels defeated and wont even look at it .

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Vicky, I used Lyrica for about aa month 5-6 years ago and have had double vision ever since. I have to get special glasses that correct it. I guess it will never go away as it has been years. I just went onlin and googled "Lyrica Lawsuits" and saw several I suggest you do the same. Good luck. I am going to check into it..

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Nick, because of. Lyrica's effect on your son's brain why don't you go on line and Google Luminosity. They have a lot of brain games. You do have to pay for it buy I don't think it costs that much. It may help your son and you might enjoy playing the games with him or give him a little help if he's stuck??

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Nick, it may take a long time, maybe years. Encourage him to do puzzles and games that require a lot of use for his brain. Chess and checkers are two good games. There ate many others. I know L yrica did a number on your son but keep trying.

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Lyrica was only made commercially available in the US in around 2005 to 2006 , not 20 years ago as you said , .there is a huge difference between commercial availability and the clinical trial period ....once a drug is available to the masses in large quantity's then its true effects are better understood ....

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Hi Mary , hope you are right about the brains ability to heal it self , do you really think my son can recover his sharp photographic and highly analytically mind again and recover from the anxiety disorder Lyrica triggered along with its memory destroying ,, he is still on lexapro so that must still be having a brain altering effect , don't know what to do about this , i wonder if there is any one out there who has taken lyrica for months or years on end with a dose of at least 300mg per day who has not been permanently damaged by Lyrica ? if they have would like to hear from them ..

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My mother had a stroke in the early 50s and her whole right side was paralyzed amd when there was very little physical therapy, physically or cognitively. The doctors did not know how the brain worked, what with all those nerve cells, and how were they were they communicating with each other. They believed that of all the cells in the body , the only ones that don't heal are the nerve cell. They were later proved wrong. They found that NERVE CELLS do heal and create new neural pathways, however, it takes a long time. That is why I do strategy games to help retrain my brain because of the damage Lyrica did to my brain. So if you live long enough your brain will heal. The only thing wrong is nerve cells take the longest to heal. that is why a quicker way is to retrain the brain to form new neural pathways.

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Hi Mary,
I'm so sorry you've been left with the wretched cognitive issues. I know so many others like you. In fact, it seems to me that once we begin experiencing the side effects, it's almost too late to expect to withdraw from the drug and return to our pre-lyrica state. I do believe the brain-training programs will help you over time, perhaps a long time. And I'm sure you're doing all the right things like taking your Omega 3-6-9/fish oils etc. I have a book around here somewhere that talks specifically about the ability of the brain to rebuild itself - at least in some circumstances (we're all different and there's no guarantee.) I'll see if I can find it again - dust it off and read it properly. I'll let you know if I find anything really helpful.

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Amen to you, I'm an ex nurse And I am very familiar with a drug's side effects especially Lyrica, I was on a fairly higher dose 3x a day for a few months , I had to have family and friends tell me about how I was behaving. I felt fine from my view point. I went cold turkey and stopped taking the drug. That was seven years ago and I still have short memory losses. Sometimes I forget where I'm going or how to drive a car @ times. That is what Lyrica left me with. I'm trying to retrain my brain with strategy games, but it all takes time.

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Rxlf...Lyrica was approved for use (for seizures, epilepsy) in July 2004, so 10 years ago, not 20. It's taken doctors some years after that to begin prescribing it regularly. My own doctor actually described it as a new drug three years ago. It is related to its predecessors but not the same. Given that these drugs work on brain chemistry, we know that a tiny change in the chemical structure of a drug can make a huge difference.

Also given that its modus operandus is to slow/halt the production of new neurons in the brain, it's not too much of a cognitive leap to work out that at some point, after months or years of use, there are going to be problems. It used to be thought that an adult brain doesn't generate new neurons - the latest research now tells us that's not true, but that we rely on the continued growth of neurons for life itself. The visual system on its own relies on the development of new neurons in order for us to continue to be able to see - hence the vision problems associated with lyrica that often appear a long time after the drug is first prescribed. All the other issues described by people who've suffered from this drug can be explained by the slowing down/loss of neurogenesis in the brain. It also easily explains the wide diversity of symptoms.

A quick look at the drug information sheet for lyrica shows that ALL these 'side effects' described on this forum are known about. The manufacturers say they're rare (well, they're not going to tell us they're common and therefore lose out on millions of dollars of revenue.) There is also clearly going to be under-reporting of these serious side effects because of the delayed onset of symptoms. It's very difficult to work out where symptoms are coming from if they didn't appear at the onset of taking the medication, particularly since the onset can be slow and insidious, and by the time we realize we've changed irreparably, our memories and other cognitive processes are already struggling.

It's plain insulting to have it suggested that not only are the side effects we describe 'rare' (a quick google search proves otherwise), but that they perhaps don't exist...or that we're simply pinning random health issues on a scapegoat. We're ill...we've suffered significant health issues from this medication...but we're not stupid.

I'm one of the lucky ones. I was on a very low dose, and while I had many of the issues described by others, the only 'permanent' problem I have, since stopping the lyrica months ago, is the hearing loss. Everything else has returned to its pre-lyrica state. Coincidence? I don't think so.

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So was Darvocet , yet they pulled it off the market , but this drug had less side effects than Lyrica and Darvocet was on the market longer than Lyrica and it didn't affect a person's memory!!

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What is very odd about the symptoms you describe that you attribute to Lyrica use are atypical - atypical to the extent that I don't think they've ever been reported before. Lyrica (generic pregablin) has been used in Europe for ALMOST TEN YEARS as an anti-anxiety/anti-panic agent ... so seeing anxiety and panic listed as being caused by Lyrica is extremely unusual.

I hope you have taken the time to have your anxiety and panic symptoms evaluated rather than simply attributed to Lyrica use. Although benzodiazepine anti-anxiety agents sometimes produce "paradoxical effects" (such as stimulate the user rather than relieve anxiety) this is not the case with Lyrica. Too many times, people blame what they consider to be a "new" drug for a variety of health conditions. The important thing to remember is that this drug has been in use for twenty -plus years when you combine the clinical studies with the original European and subsequent USA marketing. So - "new" drug? Not really..

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Hello Faron, I am from Canada. I have contacted several law firms who are not interested in my case. I too have suffered many lasting effects from Lyrica, and I know it is still being prescribed. I have seen specialists for hearing loss, blurred vision and memory problems. Everyone has said, "it is purely a coincidence that you have these problems," and further......that Lyrica is not a problem drug.

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hello all my name is eunice and I am suffering dearly from this terrible drug.I'm suffering from panic attacks and anxiety attacks memory loss speech problems I used to be a bit brighter of poetry and I can no longer do so the weight gain that I have put on is very embarrassing and disturbing I'm 5 foot 10 and I weigh 180 to that is a 50 pound weight difference for me.I can no longer type so I must speak when I email or textlike all of us here I am very worried and scaredI have also been diagnosed with a very rare syndrome called Horner's syndromeit affects the central nervous system and there is no cure.I had been on Lyrica for about 11 months and I'm no longer taking itat 200 milligrams 3 times a dayso along with my chronic pain that I suffer from an accident in 2008 also have extensive nerve damage from surgeries.I wish you all well and I pray that we all get some help because what this drug has done to us is criminal in my opinion.I also hope that my message here does not come out discombobulatedif it does please forgive meI know you all will get the gist of what I am trying to saytake care everyone

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Hello All:

Just to let you know that the "RotLaw" site again declined my case as being worthy of representation. I don't know what they need other than enough "FDA Adverse Event" notifications from all of us out here to see the worthiness of taking on Pfizer.

"Thank you again for contacting the Rottenstein Law Group. Because the firm represents only those with specific injuries caused by certain products, we have determined that we can not offer to represent you in a legal action. This message will serve as formal notification that RLG is declining to represent you; no attorney-client relationship has been created."

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