Lyrica Lawsuit (Page 74)
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Does anyone know if there is an ongoing lawsuit against the company who puts out Lyrica? I am a mess from it. Do we have a leg to stand on when it comes to the side effects they found out from people like us? I am a long termer. I have been taking 900 mg since 2005. Is there anyone representing us? Thank you

1480 Replies (74 Pages)

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Vickie: I can help you show a direct correlation between using LYRICA and losing your teeth. I was misdiagnosed and placed on Lyrica for only seven months. Prior to starting Lyrica, I have dental records proving my teeth were in perfect condition. After only seven months, I had to have nine root canals, one implant and total restoration. The only thing I did prior to my teeth problem was start Lyrica.

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Connie - did you find a Michigan attorney for use of Lyrica - my life is a nightmare since last Spring - can't live without it because of nerve damage pain but can't live it and get the pain back. Has anyone else hired an attorney even outside Michigan? Anyone....please help me

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only you know what side effects can be tolerated. What out weights the pain. I took Lyrica for pain. Fear of that pain hindered me from seeking out any other options. When you wake up not hurting it can be the best feeling ever. you have to be your own advocate. review the site i have attached... this woman is now losing her vision. For me the side effects far out weighed the pain relifef.

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Since my injury in 05 I have been on Lyrica and I did end up losing all of my teeth and had to have 1000S of dental work done. I didnt even consider Lyrica being a culprit but how do any of us know what will happen to us unless we discuss like this. I am still taking Lyrica because I have severe nerve damange that withouy it I would haave no use, or unbearable pain to the left side of my body. I just worry reading all you guys comments what will we bre left with. Will it inventionally take our minds compleyely. I too as stated that the confusion and the way I have no thought process to even put a sentence together. I noticed that right away, and just find myself not going places because of the embarrassment. Its there in your mind, your thoughts but just wont come out and when they do, its a jumbled mess making little sense. So i gained 90 pds, memory loss, confusion, teeth loss,

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I too have taken lyrica and have suffered with the side effects. problems with my eyes, thoughts of suicide, weight gain, problems putting thoughts together. Now i have been told I have Lymphedema! it seems to be never ending. Please check out the above web site. it contains lots of information on lawsuits and lyrica. Slowly taking myself off of this drug has been the best thing i could have ever done. Better health to all of you.


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I took Lyrica for one week and got so sick I could not get out of bed. That's a dangerous thing when you are a single mom of an autistic child. I HATE LYRICA.

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I am very happy to have come across this website. My life was completely destroyed after taking Lyrica, by Pfizer for only seven months. Has anybody contacted the attorney(s) that just won the case against Pfizer for another medication? Pfizer was ordered to pay a HUGE amount. I think it was one of the highest payments ever by a drug manufacturer. I've been looking for the case, but don't know how to find the attorney, or firm that won against Pfizer. On a side note, did anybody in this forum have dental problems while using Lyrica?

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Took Lyrica during 9 months of 2009. It did cease the tremendous pain that had literally paralyzed my neck, upper back & right arm so bad I couldn't life my arm to even type. I lost my great job to this drug. I couldn't see the forest for the trees effect. My eye sight went bad, dizzy, vertigo, shakiness, agitated, weight gain, major hair loss, confusion, crazy thoughts, decreased intelligence, etc. My co-worker used it against me causing me to get Fired after 9 yrs. on the job. Was going to sue my company...because she thought I had lost my mind. Anyway, went off the drug and feel there is some permanant damage in my eyesight after one year of being off of it. I have read so much damage this drug has done to people. What does it take?? I feel like I will never get past the year I was on this drug, I lost so much of my life in 2008 and 2 years later am still suffering from the use of this drug. I don't take anything now except effexor and life with occassional pain in my right arm and fingers. Looking back now I am sure I would have tried suicide if I had been on this drug any longer than I was. I even told my doctor about all the side effects and she just increased the doseage! Finally, my husband (after I lost my job) took me to her and demanded she do something because he felt like he was loosing me. She said well, just stop taking it and I did. Took me about 3 months just to get my thoughts together to find another job. Now, after almost 2 years, I definitely have side effects that have not gone away. My eyesight is terrible and I used to have 20/20. I have contacted an attorney here in Oklahoma City who basically blew me off because he said after the Phen Phen episodes there would be no way to sue a drug company or the FDA that they are all protected by the fine print on the warnings of the side effects. By the way, my hair did grow back and I am thankful for that!

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that is a great way to describe it Miranda. I fear that it has irreversable damage when it comes to your brain. I have been off of it for over 2 years now and as you can see from my previous posts, I still have problems. I didn't have seisures per say, but I remember sitting in my Dr's office and she thought I had had a stroke, so she ordered a whole battery of tests. I think you need to see a Dr. because you need to find a way to totally stop taking Lyrica before it causes any more damage. Good luck sweetie, keep us posted.

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I've been on Lyrica for just over a year. I consider it to be deadly poison. After a very long period of tapering to an incredibly low dose, I am still experiencing the scariest side effects. Within 48 hours of quitting, I experienced what appeared to be a seizure, although I've never had a seizure disorder. Immediately went back on the tiny dose I've been taking, and then started experiencing excruciating headaches during times of stress and during sex. If anyone has any advice, I'd very much appreciate hearing it. I'm afraid this drug is damaging my brain, and I feel like I'm in a pharmaceutical prison, scared to death of having rebound seizures when I stop taking it, but fearing the headaches even more. I feel like this drug is rewiring my brain!

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I totally understand the embarrassing part. While I was taking Lyrica, My Mom had broken her back and had come out to Live with me so I could take care of her. Between that and all her other health problems I was taking her to the Dr's several times a week. It would be so emb
barrassing to be in talking to the Dr trying to explain something and I couldn't get the words out properly. It made me feel like an idiot. Also I don't know about anyone else, but when I am writing or typing. I am always getting my letters mixed up, contantly having to erase, scratch out or go back and retype. The worst was the suicide attempt. I took over 300 pills without hestitation and that wasn't something I would've done and only by the grace of God am I still here. I don't understand why they can't do something about this drug to either correct the problem or take it off the market. Has anyone found an attorney to represent them in a lawsuit against this medication?

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Someone told me today that Lyrica is very I googled it only to learn my terrible side effects are NOT in my head. This is terrifying me and want to hear from others. Thanks.

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I have all the side affects and more and it is interesting o read your comments and hope the long term unknown side affects dont com up andbite us in the butt. I suffer frome a spinal cord injury with severenerve damange frm a work related injury. I have little to say to people noe becauseI have thpughtpattern problems, getting words out. Its embararrsing. I sorry for all of us stuck with a drug that helps but with detromental side affects!

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thanks for all your comments, unfortunatley I still take lyrica because of my sever nerve damage i got as a result of a work related injury, at age 53 I am afraid th unknown longterm side afects from lyrica is scaring me . I will continue to view cmments. I have th confusion blurred vision sturring, all very embrrsing to me. I was a professional for the gov for over 35 years and now suffer at the hands of OWCP. It is a shame to have been a dedicated employee only to be let down by the people I put my entire life andtrust in. God bless and lets hope thes unknown side affectsdont jump up and bite us in the iygnkrr down the road

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Thanks Janna, I haven't heard of that one. I am curious, have you had any lasting effects from Lyrica, like stuttering, uncontrolled jerking or anything like that? I took it off an on for about a year before I realized it was the Lyrica that was destroying me. Glad you are feeling better.

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I took an overdose of sleeping meds after being on Lyrica for just over a month. My lfe went to hell, pardon the pun. Now I am on naltrexone for the fibromyalgia pain and I feel so much better. Maybe it will help you.

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I am looking for an Attorney in Michigan that will take on the company that put out Lyrica. I stopped taking it way over a year ago and I still have side effects.. I attempted suicide without hesitation and that is not something I would've done. My Shrink says that he prevented another patient from attempting suicide after being put on Lyrica. Are they actually any lawsuits going on now or what. If anyone has info please let me know. Thanks. I wouldn't recommend anyone take that med after what I have gone through and what I have read from others.

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my doctor has lowered my dose down, some days its necessary yo take 600 and sometimrs 300mg, It just depends on how much pain I can taake versus my injury. We have tried Neurotin amd theey has btought me no relieff ay all. So I am kinda stuck at this point but here your words of encouragemeent and say Thank you, Knowing aat age 50 that I am kinnda stuck between aa rock and a hard place plrese keep me posted if anything comrs about vicky sullivano

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My daughter experienced serious injury while taking Lyrica. Looking for an attorney in California, having a difficult time finding one would take on the drug company.

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Hi Vicky. Right now it looks like the primary lawsuits concerning Lyrica are centered around suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Very sorry to hear about your condition from this drug. I've heard of many individuals experiencing some dramatic side effects from long term use. That's just a shame. I definitely would not give up yet, because what you are saying is now coming to the forefront, so it's just the beginning. What has your doctor's response been to your deteriorating condition over time? Have they even tried to get you on a different solution?

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