Itching Withdrawal From Cetirizine Or Zyrtec (Page 14)


I want to know how many are suffering from withdrawal from this drug that causes itching all over the body. At the people's pharmacy there is an article about this very problem, yet Zyrtec doesn't list the information on their web site. This is my third attempt to get off of this med and I'm going crazy from the itching.

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I am following up on my recent post. I am now a year out from going off zyrtec and today I went to see a dermatologist to discuss the ongoing issues that I am having since quitting. He diagnosed me with demographism. Essentially I can use a fingernail or object to write on my skin. Doing so creates a hive. I didn't have this condition prior to taking zyrtec. I plan to report this to the FDA and to the makers of the drug. I am wondering if anyone else on here has had the same reaction AND if they have previously reported this to the FDA or drug maker. I have been given a prescription which should help with the condition, but I don't want to be dependent on a drug for the rest of my life. I am seriously considering legal action and would like to establish whether or not the drug maker knew of both the initial withdrawal symptoms (first few weeks of itching) and of others who have come down with dermographism as a result of taking and going off of zyrtec. If you did notify either the FDA or the manufacturer, I'd be interested in knowing when you did so and what you told them. Thanks.

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Yes, I went online and filled out form FDA 3500B. I detailed my experience (I am off Ceterizine as of 1/20/14 and I weaned myself off using liquid form and a dropper). I mailed the form in on 12/15/13 and received a reply dated 1/9/14. This reply was just to acknowledge and confirm the report was received. They stated I would be notified by FDA if additional information was needed. I have not heard anything but I strongly recommend a legal suit. This experience was horrible. Go to and click on "submit report".

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Wow... I thought I was going nuts. I have been on this med for more than 5 years because of allergies to cats...but since my heart attack, I've been prescribed a lot of meds so I decided to cut on those whom I don't need.

My question is... how long do I have to endure this? I feel like a junkie in rehab.

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Hi nick
I have had dermagraphism many years ago then it went dormant
About 2 years ago it came back ,,,,when it got really bad I took zyrtec at night ... i then started taking it regularly because it helped with my allergies also ... One night I forgot to take it & I got extremely itchy
I put together that it was the zyrtec that was making me itchy & it made my dermagraphism get reAlly bad for out a month. It is now under control again
I'm wondering if you ad any signs of dermagraphism before coming off the zyrtec ?..whatever you do not go back on it ...I take 1/2 of a Benadryl when I get hives ... Hopefully your dermagraphism will get under control ..good luck

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I could not tolerate it. I decided to ween myself off and it has been 4 weeks. Went from 10 mg...5 mg...2.5 mg....1 mg.... .5 mg and stopped. Took me 1 month. I have been off for several days and I itch a little but no big deal. Best to buy it in childrens liquid form and a dropper because you can't break the tablets easily after you half them.

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Several months?...this is disappointing. I have stopped taking them 6 days ago....and I still itch.

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Wow, I have the issue with dermagraphia and started taking Zyrtec and it did quickly help. I have tried to stop taking it every day and found that the itching would start but I never gave it a thought and felt like I "needed" it everyday. My husband started taking Zyrtec during the spring for allergies and decided that being it was winter he would stop. He has been itching uncontrollably and says that he is going crazy. Its been 7 days and it was better yesterday and then today was worse. He does not want to take it any longer as he feels like it is controlling his life. I am scared to death now wondering if the dermagraphia is worse to deal with or keep taking Zyrtec knowing that one day I will have to deal with all I am reading:(

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I had no signs of dermagraphism prior to taking zyrtec.

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I come back to post occassionally that Prednisone (a week regimen) did it for me. I had to take it for another injury I had and after the prednisone I didn't go back on zyrtec and was itch free. I warn all my friends and family about Zyrtec's nasty siede effect!!!
Maybe doctor will help you.

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I come back to post occassionally that Prednisone (a week regimen) did it for me. I had to take it for another injury I had and after the prednisone I didn't go back on zyrtec and was itch free. I warn all my friends and family about Zyrtec's nasty siede effect!!!

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I was on Zyrtec (Costco brand) for 2-1/2 years and had to go off for allergy diagnosing. I itched so badly I scratched my back until it bled. It was late at night and I was in a hotel so took the plastic laundry/drycleaning bag and filled it with ice and slept on that, basically numbing my back. The next day I used cortizone cream but only 1 day due to allergy diagnostics. After about 3 days of hell, the itching subsided and I will NEVER take this drug again. I mentioned this to 3 of my docs and only 1 was familiar with the withdrawl symptoms. The FDA should require this to be listed on insert.

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Hi from Germany,
How are you now after 3 weeks?
I am on day 4 and it is the hell ...

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Hi Everyone, I am sure grateful for this board or I would have had no idea what is happening. I have taken Zyrtec steadily for about 4 years. I am on my third attempt to go off it. I have been trying to taper off. I am crushing the pills and am down to 1/16th, with trying desperately to skip days when I can. I've not had any of the poison (because that is what it really is), in two days. This is day 14 for me, and the itching is beyond belief. Deep inner ears and throat itch, along with numerous other places. The itch travels. First it might be my feet, and then my arms, then it will move to my waist, my eyes, my tougue, and sometimes, seemingly everywhere at once. It is totally random. This is truly a form of torture. This drug has definitely altered my natural histamine response. I also have the dermagraphia issue which I never had before taking this evil drug. I wonder what other issues are as a result of Zyrtec. Since being on it, I have been diagnosed with IBS and overactive bladder. I think there has to be a connection. It is very difficult to carry out your daily routine when you have to carry a hairbrush everywhere with you and your skin is beet red from all the scratching.

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Hi Vicki & others,
I took Zyrtec for 4 years, 1 pill every 24 hrs, every day. I started taking it because I had developed dermagraphia, and a doctor recommended I try Zyrtec. It brought immediate relief and I thought I would probably have to take it for the rest of my life. (I'm only in my 20's!). But I really don't want to be stuck taking a drug long-term, with the side-effects and stuff. I decided to launch on a search for herbal and lifestyle changes that would help my dermagraphia. . . and I stopped taking Zyrtec last October (nearly 5 months now). For 4 months preceding, I had been taking only 1/2 dose every 24 hrs, which still seemed to alleviate my symptoms just the same. Once I quit, the withdrawal was awful!!!! There's no way to describe the intense itching and burning that I went through!!! The most effective way I found to cope was wearing loose, soft clothing and not moving at all. Any touch or movement to my skin triggered the itchies. Cold really bothered me. Heat helped. I slept with a heating pad, and put the pad on any ichy spot. If I didn't have the heating pad handy, I would run hot water onto a washcloth and hold that against an ichy spot. I also learned to count to 30 instead of iching--If I could hold back from scratching, the itch would dissipate. Scratching really never satisfied, and when I started scratching, it would spread and I would go into an all over scratching frenzy!

Now it is better, almost 5 months since I quit. I think my symptoms of dermagraphia are pretty much what they were prior to taking the drug. I still itch some, but it doesn't burn like it did. The itch is not so "ravenous" anymore. I still haven't found a cure for my dermagraphia. (Tried Gluten-free, various herbs, vegan diet, etc.) But I will keep trying other things. I will never, never, never go back to Zyrtec.

Take courage guys! This itchy-burning withdrawal won't last forever.

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I too experienced the extreme itching when I stopped this medication, it was horrible!!!!!! I was able to get relief with a natural solution and no longer need any allergy medication on a daily basis. If you would like to know how I did it feel free to email me {edited for privacy}

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Oh my goodness! I too, thought I was going crazy with extreme itching after suddenly removing Zyrtec from my nightly routine, after 3 yrs of taking this drug! I never suspected this would be a reaction and blamed it on (???) anything else. I will attempt to ween off by taking half a pill, but can not deal with the sleepless and intense non stop itching. Do any of you know what natural herb can help? I'm desperate!!!

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I too, thought I was going crazy with extreme itching after suddenly removing Zyrtec from my nightly routine, after three years of taking this drug. I never suspected this would be a reaction and blamed it on (???) anything else. I will attempt to ween off by taking half a pill, but can not deal with the sleepless and intense non stop itching. Do any of you know what natural herb can help? I'm desperate!!!

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Denise, when you want to cut to less than half a pill, it is very difficult to measure accurately. I tried when I got down to 1/8 of a pill, and it just can't be done. You can find children's liquid zyrtec online. I am down to 1/8 of a teaspoon daily – which amounts to 1/16 of a pill. What is hard to believe is how strong this stuff is to have any effect from such a tiny amount. Think of what those whole pills were doing to our insides! To cut any more I will have to use an eyedropper, but I will do that. At this point, the 1/8 tsp. is barely keeping the itchiness at bay. I still have severe dermagraphia which I hope will dissipate one day. I have found no herbal remedy and I am not so sure it would be a good idea. I believe that our bodies are having a severe histamine response and any anti-histamine would mess with that. Just my thoughts though. Please let us know if you find something that helps.

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ive been on the cetirizine h. drug for 15+ years..i will ask my doctor to confirm how many years...ive tried to kick it many many many times with no success..i suffered long enough I called my lawyer today.Marc

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I tried weaning myself off the Zyrtec a few weeks ago, and then decided to just go cold turkey and get it over with. It is the way I quit smoking 30 years ago also. I went through hell with the itching from the Zyrtec withdrawal, and I am a person that doesn't just scratch an itch. I will dig at it. I ended up having some bruises from that. It is now about 2 weeks from going cold turkey and I feel the worst is over and I'm not itching hardly at all. I was determined not to even take a Benedryl for this time frame. I just want all antihistamines out of my system. Then I'll re-evaluate as to what I should do for my allergies, which by the are really giving me fits this year too. I will say what helped me mostly was using this cream by Aveeno, for itching. It comes in a small beige bottle. I also took some oatmeal baths. Not sure if those helped that much, but they were relaxing. I have told and will continue to tell people not to take Zyrtec. I even called the company, and they acted like I was the first person to complain. Shame on Zyrtec. Their punishment should be to take their own medicine! Good luck to everyone who reads this and just know that the itching will stop soon.

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