How To Pass A Random Saliva Test
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My workplace administers random swab tests... I took a 30 milligram Adderall IR and I don't have a prescription... I understand that I shouldn't have but I couldn't stay awake...Now I'm freakin out bcuz I could be called at any point during my shift to take the test. I was just wonderin if there's anythng I could do to prepare myself if this happens to increase my chances of passing the test??? How long after the last dose can Adderall be detected? I understand that with urine it depends on a persons body fat, how well they're hydrated, they're metabolism...But is that the case with saliva as well? Is there anythng that I could use such as a specific gum/mint, or is there a detox product that is known to be effective? Please Help!

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Well for starters maybe quit smoking dope!!! That's your first step!!

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I am a 5'3 female weighing 190lbs I stopped doing coke and did some jail time and blew up... I just started Weight Watchers....Anyway here's my question, I do about 5 bags of dope a day and take 3mg of xanax. How could I beat a random oral swab? Also how can I beat a supervised urine?

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I had taken it on Tuesday of this week. Anyway thanks a lot for the info. I made it through Wednesday without getting tested and now I'm off until Sunday so I'm in the clear this time. Where I work they don't play. They pull people quite often for randoms so I just try to stay clean so I don't have to stress. I will definately be keeping those tips in mind for the future just in case I screw up again. Thank you so much! :)

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How long ago did you take the Adderall? Based on information I've read, a single use of Amphetamines can be detected in your saliva for only 1-2 days, so you may just be in clear if you don't get tested right away.

I would also recommend eating, blending, or juicing plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to help build up good bacteria in your saliva and essentially detox quicker. At least that's what I would do personally, if I were in your shoes; given my knowledge of nutrition.

I hope this advice helps and wish you good luck if you get tested sooner than later!

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