Snorting Morphine Sul 15mg Tab (Page 2) (Top voted first)


i think my son is snorting morphine

59 Replies (3 Pages)

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Prison time for prostitution? I'm a lawyer and have never seen this happen.

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Dude, look at YOUR typing.
You're using "don't" in the wrong place.
"Ain't" is not a word.

Also, recreationally snorting or abusing pain medicine, although a bad call, is not going to kill you when done in moderation or at least an IQ of something over 4. So. Not really a big deal.

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I think all drugs should be legal, though, if it affects your punctuation, grammar and spelling, either attend mandatory remedial English or remedial effective pill use. Watching someone even nod out in public never bothered me but, man oh man! Please learn proper English!

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I feel you brother. Too many ppl take the pharmaceutical co at face value, not knowing that they are really in it for the profit, so keeping ppl ill, really, whether they believe it or not, is one of their goals. Going back to the usage of Rx drugs incorrectly, I whole heartedly agree w you. Good Job on the educating of the youth. They are our future. Loving you brother, and share the love w all. One Love, Infinite Love. And it starts by loving ourselves.

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Yep to you! And if medical weed would be legal then it would clear the jails. To be legal that wasteful paper work and police irratation and others for having to go through the nonsense. Go after the sicko(Is)

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You sound like a sincere hater. Who are You to sit here and judge any of Us. You don't know Our story or what road We traveled to land Us where We are now. What was the purpose of your post? Not one thing You wrote helped me in any way. You need to stop downing. degrading and lecturing people.

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Hey gang, how about we create contracr for our doctors? Type out that due to our tolerance adequate time must be alloted before dismissing you, if urine comes back funny mandatory retedt before dismissal, hang kn to EVERY BOTTLE YOU EVER HAD! If anything in urine, explain that they are not treating you adequately so u took something old you had, explain to them that it seems our roles have changed.....they refuse to treat our pain because they are not co fortable with a higher dose....arent we supposed to be comfortable and dont have the job of makung them comfortable......BEFORE they sneakily mail you the letter of dismissal, they must call you in and go over issues and give you time to be compliant.....if a roofer fks up your roof he has 30 days to fix the issue, we should have the same time frame and really why are we catering to them? They are our paid employees.........just so e thi gs to think about

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True that. Im only doing it for pain post shoulder surgery. Snorting kicks in faster but doing it regardless is not good for you. Cant wait to be done with oxy and morphine after recovering. My advice to everyone is try some good weed. Best medicine in the world and its natural.

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Word !

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DOnt çaLL Himm DUmbass, DumasS. Radioooo wu hera, i can spell dat sentanc.

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Cathy your have got to be the MOST KINDEST AND CARING PERSON that I've come across on the Internet period. You just made feel high on life just from the fact that some people still have their hearts close to God. God bless you. Your words of wisdom have inspired me

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No she wasn't charged with prostituting. after being arrested a number of times for prostitution.and being put on probation which she didnt do she just ran until they picked her up and she got offered rehab.but when she got to rehab she ran again and that is when i stopped talking to her and a month or so later she was picked up again and was found with a stolen gun.I'm not sure the whole story because i haven't spoke to her but im pretty positive she was holding the gun for some jackass.not that it matters. I love her to death but prison is the best place for her. she wrote home recently and she is HIV+ Its sad it sucks she's my little sister but shes grown up now and she has to deal with her issues.I just finally wrote her this week actually shes been in prison for over half a year or so im not even sure.Sad but i tried to help her and she was to worried about getting out to get f***ed up then to care about me even tho i was the only one there for her while she was locked up and I THOUGHT she was going to go to rehab. But maybe this is better. she would of got out of rehab sooner then 2 years and i think the longer shes locked up the more time we have to get rid of all the losers she was hanging out with and get her mind right.She suffers from PTSD so she has alot to deal with and hopefully get thru while shes in there. I can only hope.

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Are you still snorting drugs? I heard it can really do damage to your sinuses and that it can damage your nose so bad that the part between the nostrils will just disintegrate. I drank for 30 years and then I started to add to that. I smoked cannabis, snorted coke and smoked crack for about 6 months. I felt so messed up, I went into a rehab. I didn't do drugs anymore, but still had a problem with alcohol. Now I stopped drinking, but I sometimes snort Modafinil to give me a slight high and motivation to do all the things I need to get done. I occasionally add an Oxycodone to it and I get higher, but the motivation goes away. What I am getting at is, I believe if someone has an addictive way about them, they can get addicted to anything. I sometimes eat an entire 1/2 gallon of ice cream or entire box of cookies in one sitting. I find the only way to stay away from anything is to not have them in my apartment. I live alone so that is one good thing. The other is that I don't drive so someone has to take me anywhere I go, so I can't buy alcohol or get any other drugs since they wouldn't let me because of my past active addiction/alcoholism. I should flush all my Modafinil and Oxycodone and keep away from the stuff altogether, even though they are prescriptions. I just can't take them the way they are prescribed.

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I am so with you, Gezz it just became about who was more of a dumass more that the other. Their are those of us who really sufferpain, my doc just took me off Oxycodon 4x day to two IMM release morphine 2xday but I told her I think the offs are making my toletence sky high so I told her I didn't want the offs anymore. So I just take the I'M release morphine when needed only for breakthrough pain. I am on a 50mcg patch so I am just greatful to be pain free. And it keeps all the weird drama out of my life. Staying and keeping things simple in life is what life is about. Someday someone who is experienced in playing with drugs, will see that if you really really have chonic pain, it won't matter you will be more than happy not to live in pay day after day. This then turns into depression, worthlessness, and even suicide. I hope just one person will understand it is no longer about getting as high as your body will allow. But just being free of pain. Peace and God Bless.

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I found that chewing morphine works better than snorting. Snorting oxy's works better than oral for me even though the bioavailability is higher orally. Orally gives me the tiniest, teeniest, weeny sort of opiate feeling and a bit noddy. Snorting I don't feel a thing but pain relief is great! With morphine it helps to use a clear carbonated beverage to down it. You can even soak it in a shotglass of 7 Up or Mountain Dew over night, then just drink it and swallow that gooey lil blob of released morphine.

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There has been so many different ways people have said to do these morphine pills. Mine are the IMM and they don't do anything, I asked my Dr. In joking if these were placebo, she laughed and said I need to try and use them until my next appointment. Which made no sense to me. But you can't just call things in anymore. Anyway I thought the best way to get these to work was to plug them. I have been but you have to double the dose. Anyway I'm returning to school and I can't be in a class and walk out all bent over. I'm on the Fentanyl Patch 50mcg, which work great, but there is always breakthrough pain,

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I'm sorry even with freakN spell check, I still end up hitting reply without re reading what I have written. So sorry or to my own defense the spell check sometimes put what it wants. Any way the question about the Morphine. I have the IR 15mg, but I'm also on 50mcg Fentanyl patch. Ask you doc to start you low and go from there. They're perfectly safe if you take them safe, meaning use them right. Fent is something you don't take its a patch. And beats taking a gang of pills. But I personally plug my Morphine, I'm really careful cuz I'm on the patch. But put a few 15 in water they have no coating and an IV users deam, because they break right down. Anyway use a childs tylonal syringe. Stir, suck up the Morphine, insert just enough so the length is halfway in yo buty and push. It don't hurt, but that is the only way you get about 90% of the drug into your system. Orally nothing for me , most people know plunging morphine is the best way. Anyway again, I wrote fast so if you have a specific question, I will be glad to answer in the best harmreduction way. Peace

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LOL you do t have to be all bent over, it takes bout 10 minutes I think to absorb the active ingrediants. Im in school as well and a quick shot in the morning gets me going. I may have to go back to snorting them due to spring bei g arou d the corner and my arms. Snorting gets me about 20 % less but i am more energetic that way. Orally i get a bit noddy and I d t like that, especially driving to school. At my age I need all the help I can concentrating and remembering the info so oral ise is out. Snorting make tolerance rise too quick so im left with that other way. I dont mind not being able to feel anything as long as I'm pain free. I wonder why we werent used for the pain research? LOL

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Eww fentanyl! My doc wanted me to start on patch and reduce my breakthrough to #3 30mg oxycodone per day. I asked about dosage of patch and then temembered my chemist friend a lil over 30 years ago. He brought a bottle of liquid fentanyl everyday to work for me. I wasnt crazy about it then. I could t feel a thing so I really dont want to use it as my ER. I requested an additional impax oxymorphone and well, that is working very well for me. I may actually get all my meds to last an entire month.

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Wait didn't you just claim to be clean?

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