Premature Ejaculation (Top voted first)


in the last 10 yrs i have found that i have premature ejaculation,in the past i have had no problem,i dont drink alcohol ,but i did,i dont take drugs,and i am a confident minded person,what can i do to fix this !!

2 Replies

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I have battled with PE for 11 years due to severe prostatitis. Any of the kegel muscle exercises and or the anxiety related relaxation techniques were completely ineffective for me. I got involved in a clinic trial at a urologist clinic in Orange County about a year ago with a drug called promescent. It has an absorption technology where it goes sub dermal and leaves sensation but somehow takes away the "ticklish" sensation i was feeling. It should be available soon, Watch for Promescent

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I suffer with premature ejaculation myself and have tried a number of creams on the market but all of them seem to either make me go to "numb" or transfer to my girlfriend and cause her discomfort.
I use Promescent and I have been extremely happy with it. It's a spray rather than a cream and you are able to personalize the number of sprays to your individual needs. It's lidocaine based with an absorption molecule so it should be able to decrease the sensitivity you are experiencing. I really like the product and I believe it could help others out

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