Nuvigil Side Effects (Page 2)


I'm having severe side effects from nuvigil. Muscle and joint pain with numbness and tingling down my arms.

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I have been on Nuvigil for a two weeks for Idiopathic Hypersomnolence (like narcolepsy but worse). My heart is pounding all the time, even in bed, and I often have tingling in my forearms and hands. I am sometimes anxious and irritable and often feel confused, can't concentrate. Thanks for posting. I will call my doctor tomorrow. Did everyone get a proper sleep lab with their diagnosis. I was on Ritalin for 10 yrs. for narcolepsy before I found out I had idopathic hypersomnolence from a sleep lab (Univ. of Chicago). Sometimes had rapid heart rate with Ritalin but it kept me awake. Did not have heart issues with Provigil (just issues with affording it!)

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Is anyone experiencing a weird mouth movement on Nuvigil? It kinda feels like I want to grind my teeth. It makes my tiredness feel masked. I'm able to move around and do stuff but I feel like I'm being a robot. Its strange. This is my second go round with this med. The 1st time I got an awful headache, my mouth went numb, major anxiety, my stomach was in knots. I told my dr. but she seemed like she didnt want to believe it. She said to give it another try. Its been 2 months later and I'm trying it again. I know, why would I go thru that again? Its because you will try anything when you get to the point Im at.

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I have experience all of the symtoms except for the tingling and tic but I now seem to studer over my word at time does anyone else have this experience?

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yes, I find myself stumbling over words as you say stuttering. The insomnia is terrible for me and last night the heart racing. My mind tends to race at night because I'm over tired and the the drug masks it.

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Ive been using this Nuvigil on and off for two months and thought I found the answer to my prayers regarding my sleepiness, but over the last two weeks Ive experienced, muscle aches, back and stomach pain, and the worst of all is tingling over my entire body. Ive been investigating what world this could have been, but, having read all the reviews of everyone, I realized its probably the nuvigil- Ill have to let my Doctor know... Bummed, I thought this would be it for me- looks like im back to square one

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Used 250 mg nuvigil for two weeks with no severe problems, but the bast two days have been hell. Almost went to the emergency room today for severe nausea, migraine, tingling, worst of all I had to force myself to breath for hours. I thought this stuff was fantastic at first, now I realize it is really bad stuff. Glad Im not the only one feeling this way.

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My husband was on Nuvigil for about 9 months for sleep apnea involving short term memory loss. He felt GREAT at first , lots of energy but toward the end had chest discomfort. Stopped taking it and has terrible depression, confusion, etc. Has anyone else experienced these symptoms after stopping Nuvigil? Blood pressure skyrocketed toward the end as well.

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I suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome I experienced and Hypersomnolence, idiopathic ; anxiousness, flu-like symptoms, along with neck and back pain after taking Nuvigil 250mg. $350 for a 30 day supply online! just to make me feel like crap!

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I suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome and Hypersomnolence, idiopathic ; I experienced anxiousness, flu-like symptoms, along with neck and back pain after taking Nuvigil 250mg. $350 for a 30 day supply online! just to make me feel like crap!

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i started taking one half of a 250 mg nuvigil.i want to hear from anyone that had good experience from it.Due to crazy shift work i was always too tired for sex but last night was the first night that i was actually awake and wanted to have sex with my partner.I dont have tingling or a headache.I am a little nervous.Will that go away? Has anyone had the same experience? I WANT TO GIVE THE MED A TRY BUT HAVE ONLY READ BAD THINGS ABOUT IT

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I suffer from severe CFS (exhaustion, constant sleepiness) as well as sleep apnea. Was taking 10 mg. of Adderall morning and noon and did great on that. But sleep doctor wanted me to try Nuvigil since it's supposed to be better... 150 mg. did nothing for my sleepiness so he upped it to 250 mg. This DID start really helping the sleepiness - like others, I still felt tired but like it was masked and I could at least stay awake during the day to get some things done. However, after being on it for 3 months now, I've started having really bad tremors (hands shake and I can't write straight!) - and also ringing in my ears (a buzzing sound that is CONSTANT) - this is driving me NUTS. Did anyone else get this ringing in the ears?! I stopped the Nuvigil a little over a week ago and the tremors are gone, but the ringing is still going on in my left ear - right ear finally stopped ringing 2 days ago. I'm hoping my left ear will quit ringing soon. I hope my doctor will put me back on the Adderall - I was not abusing it in any way and it at least was helping w/o these bizarre side effects!

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So far I've just had a little bit of a dry mouth. But I'm glad to read your posts so I will know what to expect. If I get any of the symptoms mentioned here then I'll get with my doc and get off the Nuvigil asap. But so far, I feel great on this stuff.

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Been on 250mg. for two weeks and have been very happy with this drug. In the last three days I have gotten severe heart burn and chest pressure. I don't want to stop it because it has helped me so much, but the pain is bad.

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Thus far, I tried it for 4 days. On day 1, I thought all my problems of MS fatigue were going to over. My mental clarity was similiar to my healthy days I felt sharp as a tack... & I had lots of energy that seemed to never fade. Day 2 was similiar to the 1st day. On days 3 & 4, my energy and mental clarity were not nearly as strong and it was replaced by a mental fog. I stopped taking it yesterday. Was I too quick to judge. Maybe I should try a higher dose... For the 1st two days, I was in heaven...

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I just started taking nuvigil three days ago, and the first day i took it at 7 a.m. At first i felt amazing, i hadn't felt that way in a long time. Then around noon or so i freaked out, i went back to the doctor around three because i had an anxiety attack. The second day i took half a pill and still felt tired. The feelings i have are weird and uncomfortable. I have numbness in my arms and legs, and im very nervous. It does seem to mask the feeling of being tired. Its nice to know that there are other ppl out there that have felt this way too, i felt like a crazy person. My doctor even said that it was unusual but now after reading all of your posts i dont feel so weird. If theres anyone out there that has been taking it for quit some time... does it get any better??

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I hurt my back 3 years ago, and I've been on pain meds ever since. I've been on PROvigil to combat the sleepiness, but my dr. decided to have me switch to Nuvigil. That night I had the worst, burning tailbone pain I've had since the original injury! So I went back to the Provigil yesterday, and I took the full dose of 2 pills. That terrible burning came back!! I'm on morphine and it didn't touch the pain! I read that back pain is a side effect of Provigil!! So maybe it is of Nuvigil also?

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I posted a comment a couple weeks ago talking about my 1st 4 days. Since then, my body has gotten used to Nuvigil. I feel and friends report more energy and clarity with my mind. I really like this, but my medicare ins. will not cover it. Does anybody know of an equal or better medicine to help with fatigue as a symptom of MS? I have a doc. appt tomorrow and we'll probably discuss other possibilities. I like Nuvigil...

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The first time I took this drug it was an amazing feeling of alertness and I felt fantastic until I noticed a intense tightening in the back of my neck and my teeth began to clench so tight, it was hurting my jaw, the reason I was taking this med is because I was blacking out while driving my car from severe sleep apnea, the machine helps a little but I am still sleepy and wrecked my car 2 times from blacking out and I need help before I kill myself or someone else and this drug seemed to be the answer but alas everything seems to have a some side effect after days later and reducing my dosage in half it seemed to work better but then I started having very bad chest pains like stabbing and burning pains and I felt dizzy, I thought I had to go to the hospital at one point, it got so bad, I really like the positives of this drug but the negatives unfortunately far out way the benefits, bummer,.It's back to the doctor to try something else that is if there is something else. I am started to get very depressed and it is affecting my mental state of mind.

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I started a little over a week ago on the Nuvigil for possible narcolepsy. I was supposed to take a half of a 250 mg to start and I forgot and took the whole pill. Felt awake and great the first few hours, then felt like I was having a total panic attack. Couldn't sleep that night, stomach hurt and I didn't want to eat. Didn't take it at all the next day and still felt like I was an emotional wreck, crying, heart racing etc. I went back to the half a pill for the week and I have been more awake but feel totally weird. Today I started the full 250 and I felt like I was going to die- I nearly asked my husband to take me to the hospital. I finally took some xanax and calmed down some but I have a horrible headache. I don't know if I can continue this stuff... I will try to go back to the half of a pill and if it doesn't get better in a few days I will quit it. I understand it's very expensive and difficult to get through your insurance, so I'm thankful I didn't pay for this!

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After a sleep study, I was diagnosed with narcolepsy. I always thought I was just sleepy and hard to keep my eyes open after work or while driving. I also have a history of anxiety, tension headaches and migraines. I have been on dozens of medications for the last 5 years. All with different side effects and some with major withdrawals. I have been taking Nuvigil for 6 days now. This is now the only med I am on besides the occasional Klonapin for anxiety. The first day I felt wired but still tired. Half way through the day my heart was pounding fast and hard and felt short of breath. That did subside and was up most of that night. The following days felt similar with less wired feeling. I had occasional headaches throughout the day but dont know if Nuvigil was the cause. By the 4th day I started feeling very foggy headed and a feeling of dispair with no motivation to do much of anything...but I went to work and had a decent day. Yesterday and today (day 5 & 6) I have no increase of awakeness, extreme mental fog, dizzy, and concentrate and my back, neck, hips and legs are very achey. I also get multiple cramps in my feet and feel itchy all over. With all my meds prior I gave them plenty of time to get used to them but I may call my doctor tomorrow. The foggy head is the worst because with my headaches for years I have always had it to a point but never this bad. Maybe Provigil or Adderall may differ? Besides the side affects, if thats what they from, Nuvigil seems to mask my tiredness and doesn't help much for feeling more awake or alert at all.

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