Is It Possible To Snort The New Op 80s? (Page 3)
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i have been prescribed to OC 80's for 6 years now for my debilitating pain. i started taking them intranasally about a year back when i learned that it works much faster and better. i'm currently up to 4 a 5 a day. yesterday i got my script filled to learn that they had come out w/a new generic replacement that has OP on the side that used to say OC. i've tried everything in my power and nothing seems to work. taking these pills orally does NOTHING for me except make me feel tired and sick to my stomach and i had to stay home from work today because of this. i know there has to be a way to take these new generic pills and separate the plastic from the oxycodone, but have yet to learn what that way is. {edited for safety}

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Methadone for pain? yes its the best pain med i've ever taken, i don't get high off it and it prevents me from getting high off other meds also its very very cheap like .20 cents a pill.The reason (i believe) why its not prescribed more often is no one is getting rich off of it. compare 55.00 a month to control my pain on methadone vs. 1200.00 on oxy. what would you take?

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To Tim,
Anyone who "snorts" drugs, is not following doctors orders...a doctor knows that drugs eat through the nose tissues, any smart person knows that! Then it usually ends up in cancer. Crazy people out there...I am desperately trying to get off all pain meds...may cost a lot but I am ready to do it. Will make a trip to Florida, a Clinic there can have it out of your system in 2-3 hours at a cost of $15,000.00. But it is worth it...I think. After 45 years taking codeine for migraines, it is time to quit it and put up with the migraine pain, though I hate it! The codeine is not good, Opiods only cause more pain, I have done a lot of research for some time now. I am ready to stop.

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I feel the same way

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Yes it sucks that dr's are cracking down, I have ruptured discs and can't afford the surgery so I have to rely on pain medication. But think hard, all the methadone and oxy junkies, ARENt using heroin when they have legit meds whether they need it or not. The DEA sticks their nose where it doesn't belong . Now I believe in enforcing public safety such as keep high people indoors and not driving or babysitting children. But they only hurt themselves, let them
Sign a release and release the dr in case they act stupid and overdose. I NEED my medicine to get out of bed. But it doesn't hurt my feelings of people take it for fun, I would rather hear them doing that than heroin( which could have anything in it) it's made by peopl who don't care about life. If they would legalize weed, and let a dr give a one time script so people can go daily and get their dose, this would prevent a lot of selling and abuse. The drug problem is a money making scheme for the government . If weed was legal cartels would loose 80% of income ( as per national geographic) and making opioids more obtainable, people hurt like me wouldn't be treated like parolee's to get their meds being forced to take a damn drug test every month. Congressmen voted that they can't be tested, why should we. I don't drive when my medicine is affecting me , if people didn't mix drugs, they would be fine just taking opioids. It's when they mix with Xanax or cocaine that they die( most of the time ) Im prescribe 5(30mg) oxy IR a day with 40mg lortab. It doesnt make me sedated it just turns my pain from a 8 to a 5

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very true!!!

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very well said

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Someone ( legit pain patient or not) deserves to suffer? Good thing your not a person a value who has any power overv regulations, if they aren't stealing to get it , it's thier own business not yours, who are you to say tey can't feel good. People like you think your better than people who use , do you drink? Alchohal is worse than opioids. This is a free country last I checked. Pills may kill people ( only because they take too much)so they should ban guns because people die, bull:)/7. If opioids weren't available they would use heroin supporting the cartels. People deserve to take what they want as long as they are not driving or looking after children , it's none of your business.

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so wait, you're better than people who snort their oxy yet you take methadone for a broken back? why would any doctor give you methadone for pain? unless he's really trying to suck you in for life, cuz methadone withdrawals are 10x worse than oxy... so you're better than us? enjoy your pillform of heroin

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Screw the microwave method. Ya it works but u have to be careful.
1. Smash pill with hammer, it'll get to a point were it pulls apart like a paper fiber. Break it down as much as possible.
2. On an oven safe plate put ur oxy in oven on broil.
3. Wait for it to turn golden brown
4. Freeze for 10-15 minutes
5. Take out and it'll usually just fall off plate.
6 . Put in pill crusher and grind away

This has worked the best for me and it works every time. The pill isn't sticky like it is if u use microwave.

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CanCan, how do you sort out the junkies from legit pain patients?drq

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Thanks CanCan, I can't believe there posting this crap. The best thing for them is there Doctor find out there snortin the meds. thats called COLD TURKEY and they deserve it. Its because these as&'# my dr. will not be filling my methadone for the broken back i suffered. one thing for sure is when you mess with drugs you will pay the price.

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You know Tim, you said exactly what I wanted to add....only these jerks won't take notice at any common sense. I don't think I can come to this site any makes me so sick to read what these people are writing!!! One of my daughters' friends did the "nose" thing for a few years, developed nose and throat cancer, had his tongue, nose, throat mostly cut out until he finally died at age 31. He is not the only case I know about....the sickening thing is....when they do develope cancer from too many narcotics....they run to the ER for help...and it is too late. I can't read this stuff any longer. I used to come here to see how certain meds reacted on individuals that my doctor had given me, before taking them. I did not expect to find all the junkies!!!! You did a good job with your note but I am afraid it is a lost cause for these people!!!!

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The same thing happen to me and I let it cool for about an hour....I don't know if thats suppose to happen

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Or if not in de-tox, then in the morgue!!! Our druggist/pharmacist has started filtering out the "shoppers" the rest of us LEGAL users are not unable to get the pain meds needed! I will be happy when ALL drug stores do this, then put de-tox centers on all the opposite intersection corners from the drug stores, either that or build more prisons for dealers!!!! God Bless The USA, if only this could happen!!!! Our country is so drug laden, guess we could also use some more psychological help for those in need. The Merry-go-round needs to stop!!!!!!

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I think I did it wrong last night... I microwaved it and it turned nice and brown but then I don't think I waited long enough for it to cool... How long do I have to wait? because when I went to scrape it, it just was gooky...

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Just put one in coffee bean grinder and shake it a little bit and it turns in powder in like 3 seconds

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How bout you ask the Doctor how to snort your meds? I'm sure he must have some type of device he can get you. Fix you right up.
Really its people like you that are making it so difficult for legit people that suffer day after day trying get proper relief doing the right thing. The only thing besides screwing up your sinuses snorting does is affect you a few minutes faster. If you were taking your meds properly you would not need such speedy results.

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use a coffee bean grinder it turns to powder in 3 seconds

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The easiest way to get it to powder form is with a coffee bean grinder it turns to powder in 3 seconds

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