Is It Possible To Snort The New Op 80s? (Page 3)


i have been prescribed to OC 80's for 6 years now for my debilitating pain. i started taking them intranasally about a year back when i learned that it works much faster and better. i'm currently up to 4 a 5 a day. yesterday i got my script filled to learn that they had come out w/a new generic replacement that has OP on the side that used to say OC. i've tried everything in my power and nothing seems to work. taking these pills orally does NOTHING for me except make me feel tired and sick to my stomach and i had to stay home from work today because of this. i know there has to be a way to take these new generic pills and separate the plastic from the oxycodone, but have yet to learn what that way is. {edited for safety}

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Try the microwave method. 3rd time nailed it. works fine.

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First of all u need to get into a fine powder first. Use a pedi paw. Works best. Then mictowave no little pill left grinds in full.

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today is the first time ive got an OP 80 i told my self i would sniff it somehow even thiough i heard that was the whole point in making these so people cant sniff them. i thought to myself for awhile and took sissors and tried to see what was in it. it seemed like rubber to me. thought to myself i can just cut this into tiny peices and sniff it, i did i read that u get like gooey s--t in your nose bt i controlled myself to only doing a lil at a time and realized that my method does work you just have to understand what your doing what is said and meant to be the impossible.

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i need instrucions on giong bak to prior forums. i am chronic pai for16 yrs. to much to mrntion, i have never abuse, but how you smoke tham?and do the new ups work to smoke? I go back to doc next week, in meantime i need to get pain realeif. yakee or dirrect me to current pade. need help! suffering

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SILLY!! good stuff girl-- worked for me. Just to ask-- when i microwaved it for the first time( after i took the green coating off) as a whole pill it truned light brown on me and started to turn into a soft gunk__ thne took it out and put in the freezer for 2 mins__ took it out filed it down __ microwaved it again for like 4mins__ freezered it for like 10mins__ chopped it up again and then let it rip__ no gelling and drip began ha__ sorta diff taste drip though__ but still better than nothing..-- does it usually turn brown the 1st time you mmicrowave it as a whole pill?? thanks sillygirl!!

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hi, i take oxys orally for a little high, usually about 40mg at a question is, with these new OPs, if i suck the coating off and just eat the pill, will it work like the old ones? i dont sniff, just eat them....will it still work? or will it still be on time release?

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Broken back ur a idiot after cooking don't mess wit it put it in the freezer for 7 min then when its hard chop it up jack ass it works fine who every says it doesn't work is dumb cuz it does been doing it for a month now

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lol i just want a website where peole who do drugs can ask questions in peace without the hassle of you good Samaritans preaching on the time...our personal life are that big of a deal to you where you have to take your time and post on a site? how did you come across this person question in the first place?

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I found this pill in my sisters car. She was track star and a student at UVA on the deans list. Since her addiction she has dropped out of school and has no job and loser friends. She likes to spend most of her time on the sofa sleeping. Then about every four days she is extremely sick until she gets her next fix. It breaks my heart to literally waste away to nothing. She has lost at least 40 pounds it's gross. So I personally think this is a brilliant idea which should have been invited from the getgo. However in your defense I've never taken any other pain medication besides Tylenol advil and asprin. I still highly doubt it's worth giving up your life for. My point is I miss mr sister, she was my role model. So I'm asking you the other addicted will I ever get her back or is she gone into the world of sleeping druggie forever? Because I still have hope in her my parents don't but I do. I am 13 years and my parents say she's never coming back and that don't understand bc I'm too young is this true?

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I just wanted to post and I have been taking oxy80 for 16+years since they first came out. Along the way I tried other thing but nothing ever worked as good. I took these new op's for two months I thought I would adjust and I just could not imagine starting over with a regime and pain pts. understand. The 2nd time before I got them filled is when I started really looking into the web sites. I called my pharmacy first to make sure I could get the original medicine and they told me yes so when they where the op's again I couldn't believe it. These things not only did not work for my pain at all I began developing an aversion to them I had alot left this month and got my meds switched. I fell 100% better. I got so sick I vomitted till I thought I would choke to death. MY stomache felt like it was on fire. I had to go to an er which I haven't done in years.MY head pounded. my heart pounded, and my mouth was so dry I could not swallow. Like a major anti-depressant does to you. I did some research now that I am able. The buffers they are using for this product have been studied . they are carcegenic. They are illeagal in the uk for sure and some other countries. This drug is more than just a reformulation, in my opinion. A phamicist is a friend of mine and there are at least 5 new ingrediants as non-useful. I think there are a major amount of people beeing weaned and it is not being told. I don't think Dr.'s even realize the difference they believe what they are told, which is not only are they tamper resistant, but that an ingrediant has been removed that causes euphria What do you think that is? if the active drug is the same. Also my Dr.told me that if they are tampered with they release a drug like (i do not know exact name) but narcgone or whatever it is that they use for opiate overdose. I have a good Dr. and I believe him when he tells me that one of the tamper resistant things is not just the way they are made but that the effectiveness is completely lost melting gring ect. I believe that you want to believe that there are ways to use or misuse this drug but not only is it impossible but just doing so ruins the whole effect of the oxycodone. I have been off of the new ones and just on a starter dose of morphine which when I tried before I hated but it is working better than those new things. I saw one post for someone they are working for. That is great but a small number.For me They where not just less effective I was sick. Put one in a cup of cocacola for fiteen min. and just look at what you are taking. An 80 looked like a ruuber ball from a 25cent machine in the mall. I cannot believe what I know now that they can even call these oxycontin thus the op. What does that stand For Anyway? OVER PEOPLE rEAL PAIN PTS. GO GET REAL PAIN MEDS! I am a new person already and doesn't anyone else recognize the few of the withdrawl sympmtoms? Without the runny nose and diareaha ? The price has changed the pill has changed they just are duping alot of people. Go get a new drug not one exulisively made by Pharma Perdue hopefully, perhaps a few choices. I considered the 30 irs. They will be next. I already read there is a shortage and you cannot get them in Fla. Already. I went to a Vets er and the Dr. There told me this is very widespread to go to what they have used for let's say over 100 years. Hope this helps some fellow pain sufferers and whatever you do don't tamper with your pill you are not only ruing that pill but ruining what comes after.

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stevemar dont bad mouth other people for how they do there pills. u think your better because you eat them. congrats for being a junkie 39 years. people can do what they want.

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Okay, first of all, just because someone is addicted to pills doesn't mean they don't have any pain problems. I was diagnosed with something called RND (Reflex Neurovascular Distrophy) when I was 11. RND is basically 10 diseases, that they put in one name, including Fibromyalgya, and Lupas. So I am constantly, constantly, in pain, and I do take painkillers. I take oxycodone, but when I run out of those I take oxy's. I snort them, because taking them orally doen't work for me. And just recently I got the new OP's, and I was wondering if, and how you can snort them, so I looked it up and I found this site. I was thinking about peeling the time release off and then just grinding it and snorting it. (Hose clamps work the best when it comes to crushing or grinding.) But then I saw the whole microwave thing and tried it, and it worked. But you have to remember, everyone is different, and your body may not react the same way as some others. So don't go judging people because they take their meds different ways then you do. And make sure some ways to snort, smoke, or swallow, absolutely don't work for you before you go and say it doesn't and that it's b.s.

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I FIGURED IT OUT! I read the posts about cooking, freezing, hammering... I wasn't about to cook this pill in the microwave... I'd feel ridiculous! lol, so just as I was about to say forget it & swallow the dang pill, I tried the Pedi Paw & it worked! The op filed down to a Very Fine Powder :) in about 1 minute, I tried a small bit to see if I needed to mix it w/ another pill as someone else had mentioned, and that's not necessary either. It did not gel, not at all... it tastes the same, feels the same ;) or maybe better (the better could just be the sense of accomplishment I feel, lol) Dunno what they'll try next, but we'll figure a way around it too! ;) It took the same amount of time as it did to scratch the coating off & crush the oc. & it turned into much more powder. The coating filed fine also & mixed w/ the pill, couldn't tell it was there. Definitely try this before you put your apron on!

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Just went through my first op 80. this is what I did.
1-cut into quarters
2-microwave 1/4 on plate for 5 mins
3-place in freezer for 5 mins
4-grind to powder, microwave 6 min
5-freeze 5 mins

did it 3 times. ate 1/4.

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all you have to do is suck the coating off and grind it on a pedegg you can buy them at walmart for like 12 bucks it works great i do it everyday

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Just wanted to let everyone know that I have tried it both ways, Microwave and then just griding it down.
No need to waste your time microwaving and freezing crap! Just MAKE SURE you have a pedi paw!!! No need to take off coating, just grind it down to a fine powder and snort away!!!!!
Works GREAT!!!!!!! Screw you Purdue!!!!!!

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OMG the micro recipe works. you are a smart girl. Thankyou soooooooooo much. It took me 3 tries cause my micro isnt the best. 5 minutes wasnt long enough. I did it for about nine and i saw that brown gunk forming and i took it out. I then tasted and i thought i would never taste that sweet oxy taste again. No gel it just melts in your mouth. I read that it didnt work for some people so if your one you didnt leave it in long enough but watch carefully so it doesnt burn. If you need help just state your problem I will try to help.

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Hell yes you can snort them. follow these directions. use a morter a pestal. grind the f:ing gel tab with another med. I use a 1 mg tab of klonopin and a pinch of backing soda. The gel tab will turn into a powder with this mix. then snort it. Great High and the stuff does not gel up your nose or have any other side effects.

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