Clindamycin And Anti-inflammatory Medication (Top voted first)


I had a gum OP mid-November 2013 and was given Clindamycin 300mg for 5 days and anti-inflammatory tablets. My tongue turned black but no more symptoms. 16.12. 13 I had the next gum OP and was given the same medication. I had slight stomach problems on the 5th day and when I the course was finished, on the 6th day hell broke lose: diarrhea, stomach cramps, I felt very low in energy, slept a lot. On the 24.12.13 I went to the pharmacist and was told that I should haven taken a stomach protector as Clindamycin 300 mg is a very strong doses, especially in connection with anti-inflammatory medication. The dentist says that protector was not necessary as I had no previous stomach or intestine problems. End-January when the protectors given to me by the pharmacist did not really work, I went to see my local GP (doctor). She said that because I have no back teeth my chewing process is much weaker and therefore the stomach much more sensitive, I should have taken a protector in combination with the antibiotics and ant-inflammatory medication. She prescribed a stronger protector: Omeprazol ratio 20mg. This worked for about 3 weeks, I felt much better, wasn't so tired, no stomach ache, no diarrhea. For the last week the stomach pain set in again (but no cramps though), slight diarrhea and tiredness and lack of energy has also set in again. I had to postpone my last gum OP begin of February and therefore still have no back teeth to chew properly. Has anybody any idea why the healing process takes so long and what is happening here??? And please somebody tell me what I can do to get well and fit again?? Anyone here with the same experience? Tanks in advance.

2 Replies

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Hello, Christa! How are you?

It actually sounds like the medications may have caused gastritis and for that to heal up, you'd need to take a medication like the Omeprazole for about 3 months, while also watching what you eat and drink, such as abstaining from spicy foods and alcoholic beverages.

Which anti-inflammatory did you take? They are very well known to cause such stomach problems.

When are you having the teeth done?

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Has anyone gone back on biologics for RA such as Enbrel after being treated for lung disease called actinymycosis?

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