Zubsolv Reviews (Page 6)


Has anyone tried it?

418 Replies (21 Pages)

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The reason you don't drink coffee or soda is because the medication is designed to absorb better under your tongue at a certain PH level. It's best to keep oils from vaping, coffee and anything that could change the PH levels in your mouth.

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Been on sub films for 3 years. They worked for me and now my insurance won't cover them, will only cover zubsolv so I got my doc to switch me since it will be cheaper. It def tastes better but I don't think it works as well. Only been a week, maybe it's in my head but as of now I'd say stick with sub films if you have the choice. I would if I could afford the $700 script of suboxone instead of zubsolv. Having said that it does keep me from having withdrawals which is the goal so who am I to complain its much better than what I was doing.

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I hear ya there! I've been through enough and now having to switch to zubsolv, get my dose cut and having issues with it, as I am nalexone sensitive...was spitting the sub out after it dissolved. I tried that with the zubsolv, and felt horrible! I now have headaches and stomach problems again and I'm also worried that cravings will start, especially if they deny my claim to get 90/mo! I've been sober just over 3yrs, and don't ever want to be back to where I was! I sure hope they do something about this, as they've got to be flooded with complaints and appeals! For everyone who is truly trying to stay sober, I hope and pray for all our sakes that something is done about this!

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I have made the switch without problems. In fact, my headaches have decreased with the Zubsolv, and tastes a lot better. I bet you, if more people keep an open mind to this, and make sure they are getting the correct dosage, because there is a difference, the makers of Suboxone will in fact drop their price or go out of business. This is a good example how these companies are the only ones making out here in the US. If there is a standard, where everyone is equal when it comes to meds, we would have a much better healthcare system. Be mad at ObamaCare for now, but watch how these companies will fold into something more streamline. Of course, with people that are taking these type drugs, they consider it a luxury drug. Why should others have to pay for your addiction problems? So right there, it's important to speak out against these high priced companies, like Suboxone.

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I don't mind at all dealing with the side affects, I can adjust to that...I just received my denial of coverage for 90 in the mail today, which is what really gets me! How can they approve 90 suboxone but they want to make life miserable for the ones who are on a higher dose...for good reason! I guess I'll be sick and in pain for a while. I have 2 kids to take care of, my Dr made it very clear that he wouldn't recommend the drop in dosing, so I guess I'll just have to see what my options are and file for a 2nd level hearing! Like I don't already have enough stress in my life, now they're going to throw more instability at me?! It's absolutely asinine!

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I made the change two weeks ago and the old saying still rings true you get what you pay for you buy cheap s*** paper that's what you got and the first one of you that's says it's all in my mind can go screw yourself I started on 90 8/2 films and 90 subutex a month the pharmacys got wise to that taking double the max daily dose it was just over kill I got where I could get by with 2 8/2 films a day the doctor said I would never be able to stop I work 12 a day 7 a week construction I have beat my body up so bad knees are gone have 3 screws in one hand pins and hardware I'm not one of the b****ing ass people depending on disability or the county to pay for even though I could be well to the root of the problem I'm doing ok with the meds it takes more plain and simple don't get me wrong I'm not detoxing but these dam Zubsolv are like freaking Xanax man I just wanna fall asleep nothing like putting 2 8/2 films in your mouth and that instant WOW there's something wrong were not getting told lets just say I took as many as it should have to equal up and nothing sleepy actually had to get the doc to up my adderall to 30mg 3x a day which very very few will do just to stay awake so no I don't like them but also no I'm not detoxing but I'm having to take them 3 times a day where the subs I could get by with 1 no problem

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To: Gonna Try the Change.....first off, taking 2 8/2 film strips of Suboxone or the other is pretty normal. I know a lot of people who take 2, I did for awhile but lowered my dosage a little at a time so now I'm down to one 2mg in the AM and another 2mg in the PM. There are people on here that say they take 2 8/2 in a 24 hour period. Plus, it does the opposite to me, I get too much energy, it's like I'm on speed or something. The Zubsolv seems to work for some of us and not for others. Unfortunately that's what we call side effects in this business. I would find a new doctor if he won't dispense 16mg in a 24 hour period, If you are on it for many years and continue to take that dosage for rehad reasons and not chronic pain, then maybe I can understand why the Dr. won't do it.

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Gonna try change, getting 90 subs and 90 sebutex, no offense but if you know anything about bupronorphine, it does have a ceiling effect and that's just overkill...especially saying you were able to get by with one sub. I'm nobody to judge you though. I'm in a similar situation, had a bad injury and nearly lost both of my arms. A plate, 17 screws and severe ulnar nerve damage on one and 2 screws, tendon and ligament reattachments in the other, so I feel your pain! I'm just not willing to give up on my sobriety, as you seem to not want to either or both of us would be on stuff that could turn life upside down! I fight every day with pain, both physically and mentally. I can no longer pick up my son who isn't even 2 yet! It's a sickening feeling, especially in my early 30's! I just want to be able to live a normal life that I can enjoy and not feel miserable every day! I know I'm a lil off topic, but it's hard to find anyone who really relates to the pain along with trying to live a sober life! I just wish they'd at least cover the same amount with the zubsolv as the subs! It's just baffling to me and seems like they're tryin to set people like us up for failure as if the struggle isn't already hard enough! Best wishes to you and all those who are struggling with these issues!

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I was switched to zubsolv by my insurance co ( not the doc ) mind you. I failed on the zub and went back for an appeal and won.. Now I'm back in sub film 1 8/2 a day

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TO: Sober Dave - Thank you for noticing that too. You are very correct, Suboxone and the rest of these type of meds, have a ceiling effect where the opiate receptors become fooled into thinking they are full, but you do not get the opiate high. So no matter how much you take at once, which is pretty low dosage because they are synthetically strong, by increasing the dose is a waste of time, money, probably increase your heart rate, blood pressure and kidney/liver problems. Taking (2) 8mgs in a 24 hour period is pretty standard. I have been through 3 doctors, because of relocating, and all of them say the same thing. If you need more than 2 8mg a day, "Gonna try and Change"....that's a big amount and just doesn't sound right at all. After the 3 years I have been on this, I take (1) 2mg in the AM and (1) 2mg around 8PM. Maybe you are taking the 2mg of the 8mg and getting that mixed up word wise, at least I hope so. Sober Dave, I read your post and I'm very sorry to hear what you have been through. I give you a ton of credit for staying sober. Doubt many others could. I'll be thinking of you. Peace

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Thanks J Norris, by no means am I trying to start a pity party, but I'm just ready for this mess to be behind me! I'm one of those cases that I do benefit from taking the max fda dose of 3/day. At least until I'm stable enough to start to cut down. It was hard enough trying to learn how to live life sober, and then all this happens at a time that's supposed to be the happiest moments in life with a new child.. instead I was casted on both arms and miserable, then it just seems to keep getting worse and worse...I'm just glad to be sober and have what I do...just gotta get adjusted to a whole new level of living aside from being sober. The ins deal is just another nightmare and I really don't know what I'm going to do when I loose it all together! I guess if I lived through years of iv using, I can make it through this. Life's not easy, but hopefully one day all this will be said and done and I will be able to fully enjoy life and the fact that God has given me the strength to handle just about anything.

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Sober Steve well my UHC covers the 3 a day I guess it's just the plan I'm going to the Doc. He's gonna put me on the 12's since the zub's don't have that dosage and try to push it thru and a question for everybody had any problems with sleep walking or waking up not knowing where you are so far I have woke up on the toilet 2 times at the kitchen table with tea spilt everywhere is have done ran into 3 walls maybe it's not going well with my other meds?? Any answers

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I guess you have a different policy than my company offers. I had to send in a request to get the 3 that I've been on and they still denied me! In the denial it stated that I could file a 2nd tier appeal, I talked to the state and they told me to just keep on going filling appeals, which is just a joke and unnecessary b.s! The fda states that the max amount is 3,so I really don't understand why, I'm paying for the best policy the company offers! My Dr told me to have my psychologist send a letter to inform them of the severity of my ptsd and details of my accident. They should have a professional at this level to actually speak with the Dr., so hopefully it'll turn out for the best. It's still going to cost me money that should be going to my kids to pay for the extra 10 days of meds! As far as your situation, that's just crazy! I'd definitely bring that up to your Dr.! That could be dangerous! I haven't had any problems like that, but I have noticed a difference between the two. Now I'm starting to have really bad shoulder pain, I could barely lift my arm this a.m and have a bump in my armpit that is unbearable! I can't lift my arm up past my shoulder! I don't think it has to do with the zubsolv, but whatever it is, it needs medical attention! It just seems like I'm doomed to be on pain management, which I really don't want, even if it's controlled and dispensed out of my sight and reach. I sure don't want to spend the rest of my life miserable. I've been tolerating the pain for almost two years, but it's just getting out of hand now and I really don't want my kids to have a dad that's just an ass because of pain. I want to at least be there for them and do the most I can! I really don't know what other options that I'd have...? Good luck with the crazy stuff that the zubsolv is making you do! I'm on adderall and diazapam and have no side effects other than headaches. My stomach problems have actually been a little better, but I'd still rather be on what I know works for sure!

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Gonna try the change: You happen to be one of the lucky ones with you UH because that's what I have and they said no more Suboxone being cover. It was too expensive so that's why I switched to Zubsolv and thank goodness it works for me. Actually, I think these are stronger, I think the wording of the dosage makes it look less, but I've been cutting the 5.7 in half, then taking a 1.4 in the night. About sleep walking, the only drug I know of that will do that to you is Ambien. That's a very dangerous med for some people, they even blackout. SOBER STEVE: If the FDA would approve Suboxone and these meds, for patience with chronic pain, most of us wouldn't be in this mess. There are Countries in Europe that approve this for pain. Funny though, my doctor got me hooked on opiates but he also has a license to distribute Subonoxe. He has the system down, got you coming and going. He's one smart cookie,

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I couldn't agree with you more! Our government puts these drugs in our hands just long enough to ruin our lives then floods our streets with deadly H for our youth to perish from. All the while making the road to recover from this hell nearly impossible for those without financial means. America couldn't be more in ruins!

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J Norris, I was actually on suboxone before my accident, went on pain meds for about a month and when I started getting "that feeling", I called my Dr and told him that I no longer wanted to be on the pain meds, avoiding a time bomb, so I went back to the suboxone maintenance and have been dealing with the pain. I'm one lucky guy to have a Dr who has been through addiction first hand, so he can relate to me, but I know that a whole lot of dr's are just in it for the money! I saw all that first hand when I lived in FL and even the 1st Dr I found when I moved here, it was like going to a drug dealer! Literally exchanging cash for a piece of paper! Thank God that someone referred me to this guy, when I told him why I had come to him, he had actually heard of people meeting him in parking lots for scripts, etc. I wasn't really planning on being on this for good, but now that things have changed since my accident, I'll probably have to be on something, but I still hope to decrease my dose. I'm still waiting on my psych Dr to call to submit my 2nd tier appeal, so hopefully they'll come to their senses and approve it. If not, I'll do whatever it takes to maintain my sobriety, even if it means that I have to be on some sort of CONTROLLED pain management. That's my absolute last option though!

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I started zubsolv almost 3 weeks ago. This is my first time in any type of bup/nal combo. I have been addicted to opiates for over 10 years and recently was introduced to H. I was iv using opana er heavily up until the 1ST of June when I decided to go into a 30 day treatment center. I completed my 30 day's and came home and fought torturous cravings until I decided to go to a sub clinic. I haven't told many people that I decided to start taking subs for fear they would think it meant I was "using" again. But to me sitting in my bathroom with the door locked with a needle full of opana in my arm would be "using" again! So I don't beat myself up for deciding to go. Since I started on the zubsolv I have had very few cravings and the ones I do are mild and very manageable. I am very pleased with my personal results. Quick question though, does anyone know if TennCare pays for zubsolv? My doctor said something like they only pay if the medicine is prescribed to you from a doctor within the TennCare network and my doc is not.

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I started yesterday on a dose of Zubsolv 5.7/1.4 mg 2×day switching from Suboxone 8 mg strips 2×day & am having a terrible time. I had been on Suboxone strips for three years & just recently had a lot of irritation under my tongue like a burn so my doc decided to try the Zubsolv. I had run out of my strips this past Monday, knowing that I'd be alright & not suffering much if any WD's, before my doctor visit & rx approval on Friday. Well, I was in the beginning of WD's & immediately took the Zubsolv after filling it, waiting patiently for that uncomfort to subside & it has yet to happen. How is this possible? I've been racking my brain; maybe it's only in my head that it's not working, maybe it has to build up more in my system, etc, etc, but this doesn't make any sense.
Anyone else had this problem? Any recommendations? I'll definitely be calling my doc on Monday to get me switched back!

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I almost wonder if they're handing out the testers with no meds in them! I had a lil discomfort and could feel the difference between the two, but they're the same composition as suboxone, so what was already built up in your system should've worked! I have noticed that their claim that the zubsolv dissolves faster is a bunch of b.s! I still keep it in my mouth for at least 30min., if not longer. And I always wait to take it 15min after I eat or vape, brush my teeth, rinse with warm water and then mouth wash. Hope it gets better for you though!

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