Weaning Off Pristiq For Good (Page 8)


I just wanted to tell all of you trying to get off pristiq, its possible. I was on pristiq for severe panic attacks for 6 months. It saved my life. It gave me a chance to slow down my career, gave me a huge wakeup call. This drug put a cloud over my brain. I was not my happy, fun loving self. I was like a step ford wife. You can't wean off this pill. I was on 50 mg. I did every other day for a month. Every third day for two weeks then cold turkey. It really was not so bad. I layer on my couch for three days, cried a bit and watched movies. I'm happily on all holistic medications, no longer a slave to Pristiq. If I can beat anxiety, anyone can. My biggest advice.. Exercise. Next, surround yourself with positive people. Three, talk out your problems. Good luck.

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Thanks Andrew, I'm now stable on 50mg and intend to take the next taper a lot slower! Interesting that I phoned the psychatrist to ask for advice and I've not received a call back...considering he is the one incharge of all our local hospital mental health advisory and oversees 2 major university psyc depts I really thought he would have know what he was talking about! I don't know how we can educate but I'm sure going to try. :)

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Hello. I was on pristiq 50 mg for two years and now I am no longer taking it. I tried three times to come off it, but now have been successful. Drinking lots of water, taking things slowly and "positive thinking" helps tremendously. It is not easy, but it is certainly possible. I cut my tabs into quarters (I'm aware that this isn't recommended) and took a quarter whenever I felt weird, sick or dizzy. It has a fast reaction time this way, but it is kind of like security, knowing you can feel better within an hour or so if the side effects are kicking in. I cannot stress enough how healthy eating and exercise helps and lots of music too. I have felt very emotional coming off this drug, but just feel it and roll with it because it won't last forever. Also, when I go to sleep at night, I make myself as comfortable as possible and try to meditate and forget thoughts from the past or future plans and just breathe and relax. I hope this helps. Xx

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HI i have been on Pristiq different doses for the past year and a half, Day 2 of cold turkey.. im so dizzy and nearly falling asleep at work, i feel sick. Im sticking to it and will beat this and find another way to deal with my Bipolar. I hate that doctors hand out medications without us knowing the full extend of what we are taking.. Staying positive and going to ride this out..

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oh gosh - I am so sorry you are going through this (and i can totally relate!!)...please make sure you have some sort of support (family and/or friend) available to help you get through this. My advice would be to maybe try and take some time off to allow your mind/body a chance to adjust. the rx of xanax helped me to relax a little - I would also highly recommend finding some type of holistic body support (accupuncture or something similar to help bring some balance to your body/mind). Take good care and please know you are not alone in this!!!

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Acupuncture was the saving grace for my daughter!!!! She is free of the Pristiq poison, no thanks to her psychiatrist. He didn't want her to go off and while she was struggling severely with weaning he was NO help...and has NEVER called to see how she's doing! Nice caring doctor lost his drugged patient so doesn't give a crap about her....she's not making him money for evaluation appointments any longer. He did bill us for the 5 min. call to wean properly, huh...$300! He said cut the last three pills in half and take a half daily till gone....when she was up crying, sweating profusely, anger like I've never seen, brain zaps, headaches...so much more....he never returned our panicked calls....BUT billed us $300. Thank God my boss told me of her acupuncturist....within minutes my daughter had relief! She is back in school and organized like she use to be...exercising, smiling, talking....HAPPY!!!!! About 4 months free of Pristiq and Dr. Hermann!!!! Good luck everyone!!!! <3

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Hey Nancy!
I hope your symptoms go away go. I've been off Pristiq for two years this coming February! You are a lot stronger than I was, I couldn't work at all for 5 days. I wanted to mention something I didn't mention in my first post about my withdrawal.. Swimming really helped me! I live in Florida so I had easy access to a pool, but for some reason swimming helped with the sick feelings and mental stability. I still swim often as it is almost therapeutic for me. I am sure by this weekend you will feel like a new woman, I wish I could take away some of your discomfort because I know exactly what you are going through. Keep happy thoughts, there is light at the end of the tunnel :)

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Hi Amy & Dot,
You are not alone, give yourselves a big pat on the back for being so brave and taking your wellness into your own hands. The nausea, insomnia, constant double taking because you forgot what you are doing does pass until you cut down your dose again! I'm on day 2 of cold turkey off 25mg and it sucks...I've felt the sauna and plunge pool combo to help plus eating :) my goodness if I get out of this alive I'm going to be a good 10kg heavier! I started to taper off 100mg and have been an emotional wreck for a month now, I decided on cold turkey because I'd rather go through more pain quickly than long drawn out withdrawals more slowly. Even as I write this I'm thinking 'is this making any kind of sense'! You can only do what's right for you, keep your fluids up and let it all out, as they say 'this too shall pass'. I am very greatful for this site, kinda makes me feel less crazy and not so alone. I tried to open up to people and use them for support but at the end of the day unless you have been through it there is no way you can possibly understand...good luck and keep us all posted on your progress :)

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Nancy that is great to hear im waiting for my acupunturist to call me today to discuss treatments for me..
Day 3... fuzzy head, if i take a deep breath my head feels too light. I dont get paid if i have a sick day so am forced to work, i am lucky i am sitting quiety at my desk though. Last night i got emotional about a movie on TV which was great to feel something again instead of being a cold hearted person.
The hardest part is being single and beign in a new job where i dont have anyone to talk too.. Thank god for site like this to help me through..

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Hi other pristiq survivors,
I have been on pristiq for 5 years now (100mg) I'm super tired all the time and have no motivation to do anything accept work (which is now a comfortable routine for me) I am not sure if I am tired because of my pristiq or not but I've had everything checked and I'm super healthy so I guess it must be the pristiq. Has anyone had similar side effects? Mine are some of the following (some a little obscure)
Unmotivated to do anything
Limited sensitivity (down stairs)
Sometimes dizzy
Hungry at late nights

Just to name a few.

I am going to move from 100mg to 50mg tomorrow. How long do I do this until I move to the next step?

Need some support and advice. Please help!

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Hi all,

I just wanted to quickly update the thread that after having stopped taking prestiq approximately 2 months ago, I have had to recommence taking an anti-depressant. It really sucks because of all the misery I went through trying to get off this stuff - so my doc prescribed zoloft, which apparently is easier to come off.

For all of its pitfalls, Prestiq certainly created a nice "buffer" for me mood-wise, and, now that it is gone, I spiralled out. I will check back in soon.

Has anyone here gone from Prestiq to Zoloft??

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Try acupuncture for depression/anxiety...find a good acupuncturist, that specializes in depression/anxiety....exercise, exercise, exercise! Read the posts for ideas and support. God bless!

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Hi everyone, I'm nearly at the close of day 3 totally clean! Has anyone experienced heart palpitations as part of their withdrawal? I saw my natropath today who has blended me some St. John's wort, heavy duty b's for the nervous system as well as some immune strengthening herbs. Brain zaps still happening, plus total mania and the need to keep busy and my lips are very tingly...not to mention what seems to be a thousand trips to the bathroom and lotsa tears...I treated myself to some massage and family time...keep hanging in there everyone, we can all do it! :)

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How are you doing Michelle? I just saw this message and I hope you are in a much better situation now. I liked your optimism! You can beat this! God bless

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Hi Nancy, thank you lovely of you to care :)
I'm 11 days free!!! Feeling totally amazing and full of love for life :)...
Really looking forward to my future and will never ever take the advice of a GP again! Lol.. Bless you xx

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I am so happy for you!!! My daughter has been free since May....she is doing awesome, too. She is living again :) you both are inspiration to those in pain. Keep your positive attitude!

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I'm an attorney, and my doctor put me on Pristiq because I was too stressed out with work and had severe anxiety. My insurance decided not to pay for my medication. I want to get off of this medication. I went three days without this drug, but I could not take it. I went ahead and paid out of pocket. I really want to get off of this medication, and this website is the first step for me to get other's advice. I wish there were drugs out there to get people off of this, but it would be counterintuitive. I really do not know anyone personally who is going through this, and I will be relying on this site. Please keep up the good work and I will post my results.

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Good luck! You will make it and be happier for it! Get the name of a good acupuncturist and exercise, exercise, exercise! My daughter is free and happy! Nancy

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DS i am now 2 weeks off it and no more side effects. First 5 days were the worst. I can cry again through a movie, i have emotion back.
take a week off work, prepare some healthy meals, go for a walk everyday. Its tough but if you want to he free from it you will be able to push through. Im single with no support and i did it, just be prepared . Good luck

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DS,,,,,what might help is to have your pristiq compounded at a pharmacy. I had mine made into 10 mg, but in hindsight should have done 40mg, then 30, then 20mg or so. I took like 3-4 a day for a total of 30-40 mg. This really helped a lot. All the other advice on here is great as well. Best wishes!!!

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How do you have compounds made? any specific company that you recommend? that sounds like a really great idea for reducing because pristiq certainly does not make it easy for us.

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