Viibryd Side Effects (Page 21)


What if any side effects are people experiencing on viibryd

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I took Vii for exactly a month. After titrating up to 40 mg, I started getting this strange feeling like I wasn't actually there... I had very frequent childhood memories flash into my mind. I have been off for 2 weeks, but I am still feeling horribly anxious and depressed. I think this is probably the worst "medication" I have ever taken. I would not recommend it to my worst enemy.

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I was on Viibryd for 4 months. I expected side effects but not quite as severe as I had them. The muscle pains were constant which I didn't expect. To make a long story short and I don't know if there's any correlation I wound up with sciatica on my left leg. I spent 4 months in crippling pain. X-rays and MRI showed I have a condition called Spondilothesis it's a slippage on one of my vertebra in my back. I went for back surgery in Sept. I'm slowly on the mend. I've never had back issues, so I was thinking could the Viibryd caused the muscle weakness which in turn caused the vertebra to slip. Or am I grasping at straws? I would love some input from someone out there.

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I'm one week off and am wondering how long it will take to go away. I'm ready to check myself in the hospital because I'm so sick from this medicine. When does all the side effects go away?

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Im not sure how long its gonna take u. I was very lucky no side affects. Oh except one. It drives me nuts. These brain zaps. No its not only when I miss a dose or something as obvious as that. Just every so often sometimes frequently it feels like I am struck my lightning no pain but literally my brain zaps like an on off switch. When it happens it happens like multiple times a night. I will deal with this. This med has changed my life. I was depressed and sad and angry. Now im like easy going, well im still a jerk but I can tolerate things like my father having cancer, and losing his entire tongue. Its really impressive. I still hurt but it doesn't last long. Like I have a clarity. Things big things dont bother me which was the problem. I only take this med. 30mg for depression anxiety. No weight gain, no hair loss. No aches or issues. I take mine at night not in the Am it helped me feel more normal it helps me sleep. I was burnt out all day when I took it in am. I read so much negativity on these sites, so I wanted to share my success. I get along with my parents for Christ's sake. Its a miracle! Well the meds and my psych dr. She is really on top of it so im very lucky

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I am off now about 14 months, my body was damaged with the muscle aches and the severe pain in my head at times. It is hard for me to walk. It feels like my hamstrings are stiff from the back of my legs to my toes. I am happy for those that have had success from this med. I just know it wasn't for me and I hope in the months or years to come that this will improve. My feet hurt horrible. Started with swimming recently for the muscles, reg exercise and working with exercise bands were not a success. hope the best for you all.

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Karrie, it starts good and progressively gets BAD. Do you think Brain Zaps are a good, normal thing for you body. Be careful.

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I have been on Viibryd for 5 weeks now, the last 2 weeks have been at the 40mg level. Surprisingly, I have noticed no side effects except a tinge of nausea when I first started at 10mg. I felt most normal at 20mg (almost as if it wasn't working) but decided to go all the way and see how 40mg feels for a while. It gives me a slightly warm/high feeling. No zombie effect. My conditions are mild, so I was afraid it's overkill, but so far I feel fine, mood seems better, and doctor says 40 is a normal dose. Sleep is fine, no wacky dreams. I take it in the morning, a few hours plus or minus don't seem to matter. I do not take with anything else except a little Xanax as needed. I have not had any alcohol while on this, nor do I plan to. You have to respect this drug. Don't play around. I tried Celexa in the past with poor results: too many side effects, but I was also taking with alcohol.

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I've been on Viibryd for a month and a half using the starter pack my doctor gave me. He had me start with 5 mg gradually working my way up. I'm currently at 20 mg in addition to taking 350 mg of Lamictal in the morning, and Trazodone 50 mg & Restoril 30 mg (both are sleep aids) at night. Side effects so far: nausea every day for a minimum of 30 mins, bad night sweats, sweaty feet (gross - never experienced this before), significant memory loss, and one day I almost passed out while at Dunkin' Donuts (had to grab the counter to keep from falling) due to quick onset of dizziness and leg weakness. The worst - WORST - thing I've experienced was an awful panic attack. I've never had one before, and thought I was having a heart attack and was surely going to die that night - it was horrific. I told my doctor about it, but he feels that gradually over time the side effects will lessen significantly or go away altogether. I, however, want to ween off of Viibryd but need his assistance to do so - I've read so many posts that doing it yourself is torture and very dangerous. I think this medication should be taken off the market - too many moderate to severe side effects felt by too many people. Definitely not for me.

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Yes I know. My dr is aware. Its well worth feeling better. This med has changed my life. I won't be on it forever, but I will be on it as long as I feel good. Its not a daily thing and it doesn't really affect my life as it is always before I go to bed. Read so many replies or posts with people being on multiple meds. Im on one. All meds have side affects, its finding one u can live with. Every individual body reacts different. Some of these side affects ie passing out is a lil crazy.

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I take 20mg daily and do fine without side effects now, though when I first started mid November had minor such as feeling high, feeling sad and brain zaps. I started with 10 mg per day then worked way up to 20mg. After 1.5 to 2.0 months at the 20mg level noticed life was good again. long lead in time it's now working.

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I fully agree.. It starts out wonderfully! For the first few months I got along with everyone, felt great & was on top of everything.. Now I have continuous brain zaps that won't stop. It started out when I'd miss a dose or take it a couple hours late. Now it's a constant thing.
My hair wasn't falling out at first either. Now I don't think it will ever stop! I've also recently noticed I've been overly anxious. My husband & oldest son have told me I'm no longer myself..
The negative side effects start out slowly but over time they become overwhelming and uncontrollable.
To those who have positive results on this med, I'm truly happy for you.. For the rest of us, all we can do is pray these side effects don't last forever once we've tapered off completely..

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Numb--- update on how you're feeling?

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***I've also had a lot of hair loss, but I was told it was due to a vitamin D deficiency. Who knows for sure though - my PCP said it was the vitamin D, but he doesn't know I'm taking Viibryd.

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I took viibryd for about three weeks and about one week in my toes began to feel numb. Then slowly it progress up the back of my leg. The back of my right leg was numb, but also felt tingly, super sensitive, and kind of itchy. Especially when I laid down. I told my dr. And he took me off the medicine. It as been a month now and symptoms have not gone away. My primary doctor said it sounded like a pinched nerve and probably unrelated, but I see other with very similar symptoms and I think there must be a correlation. I was put on a dose of steroids to see if it helped-it didn't. I know need to contact my dr. Again have an MRI.

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Aly, I am in pain all over. I have had labwork and MRI's and injections....It is the Viibryd. I don't know why doctor's won't believe. I am 53 y/o and when I get up to move it is like a 80 y/o lady getting up. My feet hurt terribly and the brain zaps are awful. I have been off over a year now, beginning to think these are permanent side effects.

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Thanks for sharing! What new meds to her pot you on that are now working for you?

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Karrie and Scooter (and anyone else interested),
Here's a quick follow up to a post I wrote in November that may be helpful to you if the Viibryd quits working as it did for me. I was one of those that experienced only annoying side effects from the medication and nothing long term. But it did lose its efficacy after several months, and the stomach discomfort became bothersome.

After a lot of research, I found that some doctors were prescribing ADHD medications for depression patients. I don't have a great deal of ADHD symptoms, but I was intriqued with many of the similarities in how many patients described the depressive part of the condition on various forums and how I personally felt. My psychiatrist was willing to give it a try.

I started with a low dose of Concerta, and the effects were immediate. Unbelievable, really. Since that time, she has changed me to Focalin (comparable dosage) which is a similar drug but has a different release cycle. The depression is gone. Let me repeat that: After more than 15 years of trying nearly everything, the depression is gone! I'm still getting no negative side effects. And best of all, this is a drug that I can stop at anytime. If I just want to relax on a Sunday, I don't take it that morning - no problem. My life isn't perfect, but I am 100x more functional... and that makes me happy.

Best of luck.

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I have pain, blurred vision. Brain fog. Brain zaps. Lost muscle usage. Gained weight. Speech slurred. And can hardly walk. Forget the stairs without great effort. And no doctor believes me.

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All are listed in comments below. Prob better to avoid alcohol while on it as well.

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