Seroquel Xr Weight Gain
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I was prescribed seroquel xr only for sleep 150 mg for about 3 to 4 years. Gained about 30 lbs Read on other forums there is no hope getting the weight off when you wean off the drug. Well not true for me anyway. I have been off for 3 months and have lost 16 lbs so far and not dieting. Nothing So wanted to give others hope that it is possible.

5 Replies

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I know it's awful , you just want to hide your self away , but I promise you it is do able . Your self worth and cofidence will increase , give yourself credit for trying , no matter how long it takes . Keep goin' man you can do it .

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It will take a few months , to start losing weight , just think of how long you've been on seroquel and it will take that long to start losing and get back to normal . So hang in there you can do it and it will be worth it

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Thanks man , gives me hope . I've been on it so long I'm addicted . Went from size12 to a 20 . Feel and look like crap .

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I have been fighting weight gain for about two years. I shot from a healthy 202 pounds to 232. When I ate very little I lost very little. If I eat "normally" I gain weight. I don't eat carbs, and my weight won't drop. I wish I knew the effects of seroquel 30 pounds ago. I'll talk to my doctor about anti-obesity drugs, or if I can get away with it, get off of seroquel or get to a very low dose. I was at 400 mg, then 350, then 175. Even at 175 mg I gain weight. Next stop is 100 mg. This drug works great. I just don't like looking in the mirror.

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Hi Donna Weikel,

It's quite unfortunate that some prescription medications can cause weight gain, but at least you were able to lose the weight you gained while on Seroquel xr once you stopped taking it! Everyone's body is different so even though some people may not have luck with losing the weight, it doesn't mean that it will be that way for everyone. I'm sure your post will be very helpful to those currently dealing with weight gain due to Seroquel. Thanks for your input!

You can learn more about this drug on the page for Seroquel Xr Details

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