Opana Addiction (Top voted first)


My son is buying Opana off the street and is addicted to 3- 40 mg a day... I am 69 years old and have had a masdectomy (double) taking muscle relaxers and Norco for muscle/nerve spasms- He stills 20 of my Norco and Muscle relaxerd a day- either slling them or trading them for opana... I also take parkinson's meds. and have discovered he is also stealing them (1/2 of a 30 day supply)... I am at my whits end... Do not know what to do... He takes alll the Zanax he can get his hands on and takes all he can get his hands on. He is up all night, every night and sleeps only 1 to 2 nights a week, has lost weight and is so mean, I am afaird of him.... Please tell me what to do. I have considered having him comitted (involuntary) and afaird they would not keep him and he might harm me... He does have back and knee pain from an injury and no one will hire him when he tells them he is on med. for his injuries... Please tell me what I should/could do for him.. I am getting terrified of him and lock my bedroom doors at night due to his addiction. Please help me.

5 Replies

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My son is serving one year in prison for his opana addiction. He had to become a theif to provide his addiction. Unfortunately, he would steal from loved ones since it was more easy. Prior to his addiction~i never even heard of opana. Please lock your mess in a safe or in your trunk of your car. His addiction can not be helped without detox. I hope this happens soon

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I was married to someone with an addiction problem. The only thing that worked for me was to find my own help in Al Anon. This is a program for the friends and families of alcoholics/addicts. You can find meetings in your area online. My experience is that I could not force him to do anything that he wasn't ready for, and I had to take actions to help myself. It's tough, but sometimes when you start to change, the addict has no choice but to change their ways also. Definitely lock up your meds meanwhile. Sorry that you, or anyone, has to go through this type of situation, but there is help out there.

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However if you are afraid, you need to call the police immediately. That is first and foremost is being safe. Then you report to the policie aout the drug thefts. You are not "ratting him out", or "snitching", you might very well be saving his life. That is how you have to look at it.

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NO HIS ADDICTION CANT BE HELPED WITHOUT DETOX (((((AND TREATMENT)))))) 3-4 days of detox wont do a damn thing except make him mad. I dont know the odds, but NIDA does, and maybe NA, some treatment hospitals etc, but I know for a fact just going to detox will give him a minute, very small, tiny chance to stay clean ---about 2 weeks. I think dr drew said that "he knows of no addict --and he has treated 10000, but knows of none who stayed clean at this stage", and it was about a week into treatment when I was tellling a patient that. So detxo will only allow him to sit (uncomfortably) in treatment. Any of us who have been know all too well. Without detox, he has zero chance of getting treatment. They go hand in hand. Why do you think people who go to jail or prison come out and immediatley use? And they haven't used for days/weeks/months/years while locked up? WHY? Because they went through a hell of a detox while locked up, and then were basically dry drunks, in other words not sober, but not using. They are still in addiciton ande willl use the second they have access. I was a pharmacist in a small town by a prison and worked 3 days a week in the prison pharmacy. These guys would come into my pharmacy about 2-3 days per weik, brand new clothes, jeans and a light colored button shirt, sometimes light blue, sometimes white, anyway they come in with brand new clothes, and 100$ bill. They want the c5 codeine/phenergan cough syrup. You can legally buy 4 oz every 48 hours, but most pharmacies wont sell it because people with coughs go to the dr, and so the only ones buying are abusers and it becomes very time consuming to do the record keeping so most wont do it. Legally they can, but they wont.

Point is, here are guys coming in right off the bus and fresh out of prison. I was the first stop. WHy? to buy codeine which is on bottom of addicts list, but its all they could get at the time.

CALL THE POLICE. DEMAND THEY GET YOU TO SAFETY OR ARREST HIM, and DEMAND THAT HE GET treatment or is not allowed back. Get a protection order until he has gone to treatment and stays clean, you can have him immediately arrested if he violates. It requires you to be firm. If you wont follow thru, then dont waste your time. Good luck. Its very very hard, but it sounds like its passed time. If your DR found out he was stealing your meds and you had not told the dr, or called the cops your doctor would discharge you from his/her practice. So keep that in mind, you are on the verge of losing your meds permanently if you dont get very assertive and aggressive about this. it sucks but it has to be done. You 'll save it sounds potentially like both of your lives.

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I have to agree, all you can do here is look out for yourself.

If that means turning him in, then that's what you're going to have to do, because he is going to require medical assistance to beat this addiction.

Learn more drug addiction details here.

Does anyone else have any advice to add?

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