Myrbetriq Side Effects (Top voted first)


I started taking Myrbetriq 4 months ago. About 2 months ago I became very dizzy and was diagnosed with Vertigo. I am now in therapy for it, but nothing is really helping it. I am concerned it is a side effect. Otherwise this med is fabulous. Has anyone else suffered from this or did this just happen to me?

35 Replies (2 Pages)

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When is the best time of the day to take Myrbetriq?

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I would really like to know when is the best time to take this medicine as well!!

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I have had EXTREME hair loss after 3 months of taking 50mg of Myrbetriq. Anyone have this side effect?

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At my last appt, my Dr and I decided maybe to try to go up to 50 mg. and maybe it work a little better. I asked if there would possibly be any side effects. He said the only thing that might happen would be my blood pressure might rise. Since I have low blood pressure I didn't think this would be an issue. He gave me 2 weeks worth of samples to try. It only took a few days to realize that even a small elevation in blood pressure would give severe headaches, major migraines that nothing helped. So, I went back down to 25 mg and the headache went away. I don't know what dosage you are on, but this could be your issue as well. It does raise blood pressure.

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I started on this RX 8/7 worked very well. I was advised of 3 important side effects. Hypertension I am norm tensile now but why risk hi B/P and an additional medication.Second side effect UTI I have ongoing colonized ecoli disease so didn't bother me. Third side effect headache I am not a headache person I had 1 migraine in my life. On tue night 9/2 and unfortunately alone and I reside in the country, I developed the absolute worse headache in my life Vicodin 10 didn't touch the pain aspirin cold compress. Difficult to walk knew I could not safely drive to an er the pain was indescribable Laid on bathroom floor for a while as I was vomiting on and off.At worst I feared cerebral aneurysm ,temporal arteritis as I could feel my temporal vessels on both side pulsating. I took the risk that it was a side effect and held out until about 8 am when it finally abated. Dont think I'm stupid if I got to an er they would want MRI can't have one due too metal in leg. If they decided IV fluids and pain meds and it worked then I would be discharged with no way home no taxis in my area. I have never been so frightened in my life. I am a retired RN with 42 yrs er experience! I will never take that med I would advised anyone not to take it I have had Menderes syndrome with dizziness and unsteady gait 2 times that lasted 1-2days but I haven't had that in over 10 yrs.Perhaps that might have made me predisposed I am unsure. Hope this doesn't mean a lifetime of night diapers but it beats that headache by a mile. Good luck to all taking it just beware of side effects.

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Hello, What is the best time to take Mybetriq? Works at night but not during the day.

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I will quit taking Merbetriq today as I have developed terrible headaches that last almost 24 hours. Pain medication does nothing for these headaches. Can't live with the pain. Sure hope the FDA reads this site and the MFG. of Merbetriq.

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Myrbetriq Causes HIGH blood pressure!

I had normal and sometimes slightly elevated BP when I first started taking this drug. It worked great for the OAB, but after about 6 months, my blood pressure climbed sky high (170-180 systolic, well over 100-120 diastolic). Of course, blood pressure meds were prescribed next. Then came a med for fibromyalgia. Well, I got sick of all of it. I was gaining weight, feeling like crap, and my blood pressure was still on the high side. So, I weaned off everything and started taking supplements. My fibromyalgia was flaring pretty bad at the time and I said, "if I die, I die! I am in pain all the time anyway." I figured I had nothing to lose at that point because the meds weren't making me feel a darned bit better. I was sore, tired, and getting fatter by the day.

Now, after being off meds for almost a month, my BP is back to normal, and only occasionally is high-normal (approaching 140). Sometimes it's actually low.

I am going to have to find an alternative to Myrbetriq (maybe go back on Detrol LA?) as peeing my pants all the time isn't a good option!

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I just started taking Myrbetriq a week ago and my blood glucose has increased. Will the increase eventually go away or will I need to stop this drug? The increase has gone from 100 to 115.

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I'm sorry to hear of your troubles. I started Myrbetriq. 3 weeks ago. started on 25mg and was feeling a great deal of relief. I have MS and my Over active bladder is caused by that, well I switched over the 50mg and that day, I started feeling dizzy,sick to my stomach, very bloated, and a good deal of abdominal pain. I took it for a couple more days, and asked a friend what to do, and she suggested I stop taking it, call my doctor and see if he can put me back on the 25mgs. I am just hoping these effects go away soon/ Not sure how long this lasts after you stop medication.. None the less my uro told me that this medication has no side effects, and that made me happy- i dont normally react well to medication, and well it is seeming to be true for this one too. back to the drawing board :( hoping this feeling sick goes away SOON!!

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I have been having the same dizziness upon getting up from a laying position since I've been on this med. However, it has been the only way to keep my panties dry and no stress incontinence at all. I've read others stating that they are having episodes of Vertigo as well, although I didn't know about that side effect but apparently it is. I tried to stop the medicine and got very ill with flu like symptoms, fever, etc. The PCP said it was possibly my just stopping the med. I decided to begin the med again because of it's results, but will try to ween off at a slow pace if I decide to stop it again.

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How long before you noticed a difference with having to keep going to the rest room?

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Yes. Just went to ER after starting this drug. Had blackout spell and severe positional vertigo. I believe it interacts with other medications that I had been take good. Unproven but I have stopped taking it.

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After my first pill last Friday, I was carried to the ER. No memory of it. My blood pressure went over 230/109. Could not walk. Both my doctors say it was a drug reaction. I am not allergic to anything but Percocet. I am lucky to be alive. Dye scans are ok.

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I have been taking 25 milagrams of Myrbetriq for a Month now for over active bladder. It works great but I'm having stomach pains and noticing black stool. I don't take any other medication but regular tylonal. I think I'm gonna have to stop taking the Medicine just to see if that's causing these problems. Has anyone else experienced this?

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Before going to bed is best time to take it
it works great except for the headaches I stoped taking it because of headaches.

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Thanks for your reply. My bladder issues are caused from bladder spasms due to a ureteral implantation that I had to repair damage caused by a botched hysterectomy. I was a total mess inside so the spasms come and go. My Urologist is top notch and we have gone through tons of stuff. The Myrbetriq is the best thing I have tried.

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I found that it wasn't the meds that caused my Vertigo, it was my neck. I went to different therapy and it cleared up in about 2 weeks. The Myrbetriq is still the best med I have found for overactive bladder. I just wish it wasn't so expensive.

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Yes, it happened to my husband

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I had been taking Toviaz, provided free by the manufacturer on its low-income program, but there was a delay in the annual renewal process and I ran out. Got samples of Myrbetriq from doctor's office to tide me over. Noticed an improvement in symptoms after the first day! But about three or four days later, I developed a runny nose. Now I'm in danger of running out of Puffs! Other than the Puffs issue, I'm doing very well. Will continue using samples for a little while longer to see if the runny nose goes away. Has anyone else had the same side effect? If so, did it persist or get better?

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