Multaq And The Liver


Ive been on multaq a number of months now and it has been working well. Today my cardiologist told me I should stop it because of increased risk of liver damage. Now this is after he originally told me there were no , whatsoever none side effects form this drug. Having had recent colon surgery and recovering from that I don't want to upset the apple cart at this point but in my my next 3 month appt I may stop it. He said I may go into a-fib again. Im a little depressed and getting a liver function test. Any comments?

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My cardiologist said the problem occurred with just two middle aged women, and if it is working, I should not change my medicine (as a middle-aged man).

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Well, my first comment is that you should never believe anyone, even a doctor, that tells you that a medication has no side effects!

Every medication, regardless of what it is used for and even if it's available over the counter has the risk of side effects and while some may be known for not causing many, there is no way anyone can say that any particular medication doesn't cause any side effects.

Especially since such occurrences can completely depend on the individual taking the medication and their body chemistry. There are always going to be some people that take a medication and suffer from no problems, at all. However, there will also always be another subset of people that take it and experience every side effect imaginable, because they are sensitive to it. There will also be another group that experiences a few side effects, but they are mild and disappear very quickly.

This is just the nature of what happens when you put something into your body that it isn't used to having.

And Mitchell, as to possibly going into A-Fib, again, yes that can occur if you stop this medication abruptly, due to the rebound effect. It could even be worse than what you have already experienced. Therefore, you need to be aware of this and make sure your doctor monitors you closely for several weeks, after you stop taking it.

And yes, early in January, the FDA did release a warning regarding Multaq and its increasing the risk of severe liver injury. The drug will now be required to carry a new warning for patients and medical professionals, while it undergoes further study. The manufacturer also has to put a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) into place to ensure that the drug is only used by people that are most in need of it and not by those who are in the most danger of experiencing this liver damage.

And Nicky, this means that it was experienced by way more than just 2 middle aged women, it has to be happening with many people, of all ages and of both sexes, for the FDA to institute such a warning and control plan.


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I have been in A-fib for several years. I never had any symptoms until I fainted one day and struck my head so badly, I ended up in the emergency room. In October of 2006 I had a pacemaker put it. Last June it reported that I was in a-fib 62% of every day. Other than some shortness of breath, I neverr had any symptoms. I had an ablation last July but after a few weeks, I went right back into a-fib. I take 400MG's of Multaq twice a day and have not had any side affects.

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Multaq has almost stopped my afibs but the fatigue is terrible. Of course, I am almost 76 but have always been active. Does anybody else feel tired all the time?

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Yes, I'm tired most of the day, I'm 73 yrs old, I've been taking Multaq for 2 yrs and want to stop, I have gained 23 lbs. am going to Weight Watchers and can't lose the weight, I have edema in my legs, ankles and feet..

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I read that Multaq is toxic to the liver and in fact, a close relative was admitted for a bleeding liver and has been on Multaq for years. I'm stopping it for this reason myself.

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