Intuniv - Irritability/depression (Page 4) (Top voted first)


My 11 yr old daughter was diagnosed with ADHD 5 yrs ago. We have still not found the right combination of medicines for her. Impulsive behavior became a major issue for us. Our ped neurologist suggested intuniv. Since she was also battling anxiety, she started zoloft and intunive while stopping stimulants completely. After a few months, we saw behavioral changes and opted to stop the zoloft. The intuniv alone was not enough to control the inattentiveness, so she is now on a stimulant along with the intuniv. Now we are struggling in a major way with her being disrespectful to us, screaming at us and her sisters, and just being plain out rude ugly to everyone. She thinks everyone is against her. When we speak to her in a authoritative tone, she thinks we are screaming at her. She thinks her teachers do not like her....etc, etc, etc. Just tonight, I started wondering if the Intuniv could be causing this type of side effect. I read the side effects online and it does say that it can cause irritability....but it is doing such a great job of controlling the hyperactivity and impulsivity in a way that the stimulant does not (since the stimulant has the crash and burn effect after a certain period of time). I am really stumped!

62 Replies (4 Pages)

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Wow. If I was 7 years old and took 4 meds, I wouldn't be happy either. Poor princess. Her body's chemistry is on a roller coaster ride. Have you taken a period where her body was able to clear itself of all the meds lingering before trying something new? In many cases, if they child is NOT really ADHD, the stimulants will only make them agressive. Non stimulants make better sense for ADD or impulsivity. ie; Intuniv, Straterra. Some children may need more than the impulsiveness to be controlled. Makes sense to try 1 med at a time till you see which has what effect

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Sounds like your child is very intelligent and sensitive. Why are you putting him in an after school care program? For god sakes, he needs his mother!

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