How To Taper Off Lyrica (Page 2)
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I have been taking Pregabalin for 15 months at 150 mg daily. I had my hip replaced two months ago and no longer need the meds. How do I taper off, step by step, so as to minimize side effects?

27 Replies (2 Pages)

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I am NoT a doctor Ali, but I have been told to halve one of your daily doses, as in if you take 150mg in the morning and 150 mg in the evening then start taking 75mg in the morning and continue with 150 at night for a period of time before decreasing another tablet. But if you are having bad thoughts or feelings I would seek medical advice asap. Good luck.

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What's the next dosage I can titrate to from 150mg twice a day, to wean off Lyrica? I have many of the side effects that are much worse than when I started. I can see changes in me not for the good.

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You're very welcome! Please update me on how it's going!

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Thankyou Verwon, I plan to start the weaning process in a few weeks. I may take a six week period to make a gradual exit. I am taking your caution to heart. One less med will also help deal with some persistant acid reflux.
Cheers, Rod

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Thanks for the information on your experience Eunie. Much appreciated

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Hello, Rod! How are you?

And thanks to Eunie for your helpful response.

One caution I would like to add is to please do not stop this medication cold turkey, since it is an anticonvulsant, though it also helps with nerve pain, a sudden withdrawal could cause seizures.

Typical side effects to this medication, as listed by the FDA, may include nausea, dizziness, mood swings and weight gain.

A slow taper is the best way, as long as your doctor approves and is supervising you.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Lyrica is quite easy to come off. Your Dr could prescribe a lower dose for two weeks or what I did was drop one pill a day for two weeks, then two pills a day for two weeks and so on. I had a bit of a headache but no problem.

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