Does Levothyroxine Cause Acne (Page 2)
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I have been taking 25mcg for about 6 weeks and feel much better, no weight loss, but no gain. I have developed acne on my chin and around the right side of my this a side effect? Anyone else had this happen?

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I take 75 and I break out on my scalp and face chin, above my lips, cheeks

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Hi there I started levothroxine 6 years ago beacuse i couldnt get pregnant and got told it would help as i was slightly on the low side , firstly was put on it 25 mg then it went up from there basically I got severe acne on my face and back chest near enough every where as i got pregnant quick i put it down to hormones , but after having the baby it still was a problem, went to the doctor told him my concerns that levothroxine was causing acne he said that it was in no way the cause so I got referred to dermotolgy and started taking istrotreion I went through hell on it and after the course had finished it came back so I thought screw what the doctors says he scared me to not stop taking it he said my hair would fall out and bad thing would happen !well omg wish I had took my own advise earlier after coming off levothroxine no more cystic out breaks my skin is recovering slowing from acne scaring I had beautiful skin before I took this drug , all in all I hate this drug and it also made me put weight on and cause anxiety depression hope this helps if you are going through what I have been through . I also would like to add I just didn't stop at once I weaned myself off levothroxine as if you do it suddenly can be dangerous I had awful withdrawals but it was worth it no more painful cystic acne .God luck with your journey x

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You might want to go back and read the original post. There was a question about acne as a side effect that we are not told about. The OP was not about the thyroid problem itself. Maybe this is an issue that doesn't concern or bother you....then, good for you. Rather than being judgmental, perhaps you might want to consider the content of the original question and add something helpful or positive to share.

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I don't get it. People are more interested in pimples than your underactive thyroid? Really? Untreated underactive thyroid causes way more serious problems all over your body than cystic acne. Yes, I have had cystic acne and I have had problems with underactive thyroid. If there is a safe medicine that takes care of both problem and side effect. I am all for it. But if not, I take the synthroid until something better comes along.

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My doctor said it was the levothroxine. She said my thyroid wasn't working like it was suppose too. And now my thyroid was working like it shold which is putting natural oil to moisturize my skin and that's what causes the acne.

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I've been using. .125mg for the past two weeks and I've noticed pimples on my chin and around my mouth , also some chin hairs.

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I do on the right side of my cheek and jaw area, I hate it it goes then it leaves scaring occurs,so I went to get medicine and antibiotic's

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There is no doubt in my mind that levothyroxine causes cystic acne. Just started taking it the first of the year and immediately broke out. No more levothyroxine for me. I'll take my chances.

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Yes I think you are correct about raising other hormone levels. I'm experiencing the same thing.

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I am on my third day of taking levothyroxine 25 mcg and I developed 4 pimples on my right shoulder and one on my forehead.

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Break outs all on face under arms back it's a mess right

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I've been taking this medicine for about week now and I had a bad break out of painful acne on my leg/buttocks, right where it connects. I take it for hypothyroidism and have birth control implant and it doesn't help, I'm on the lowest dose possible. So does it ever go away or should I talk to my doctor about changing since I've never had this problem before and I've only taken it a week???

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I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with my body? I stopped taking Levothyroxine for one month and my face cleared up! After I started taking it again for just 4 days and I have breakouts all over my face again. I was concerned that I might have food allergies. Now it seems the cause is Levothyroxine. Going to see a doctor to find out.

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I was diagnosed with under active thyroid put on eltroxin 0.5mg and developed bad acne from it. I just through it in dusbin. Wil this clear up and how long does it take. I feel luke an outcast. And i never had a problem with my skin

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I am so glad I found this page. I have been on Nature-Throid for almost two years. I went to an endocrinologist to verify my levels and she stated that I needed to lower the dose and she wanted to switch me to the Levothroxine telling me it is safer. I am 56 years old and until recently had nice, clear skin as I take care of my skin using anti aging products and facials on a regular basis as well as a decent diet. After almost 3 weeks I noticed breakouts of cystic acne on the side of my forehead, cheeks and chin area. It has to be the medication as I haven't broke out with acne since my early twenties. I think I will be going back after this trial period of 6 weeks and go back to the Nature Throid. I did not get acne from that.

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I've been taking Levothyroxine for several years and never had issues with acne until a year ago when my doctor prescribed a higher dose. Now I get acne all over my chin, corner of mouth and even forehead. I've never had acne problems, not even as a teen. Thanks to all of your testimonies I feel much better knowing that it's not anything that I am doing wrong, but the pills. I will have a talk with my doctor to try to come up with a solution.

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I hear ya. I am 46 and started taking my medication again and i have been breaking out horribly from it. Didnt realize what it was from so looked it up and seen all these posts. I hope it passes. Mine are 75 mcg

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I started levothyroxine 5 weeks ago. I have been getting breakouts on my chin. . Once one clears another one appears. Not your usual acne either. Large red welts. Is this common?

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I g ave acne break out on neck and upper torso.

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I've been taking a low dose for about 6 weeks and I'm having horrible acne problems. I've been getting huge pimples under the skin all around my chin and jaw. It seems that's few new ones appear every day. I have dry skin and haven't had acne for decades. This acne doesn't seem to get better on its own. I tried soaking them in hot water, no luck. I tried tea tree oil soap, no luck. Tried acne gel, no luck. It's so frustrating. My face in general also seems swollen.

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