Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication (Page 68)


Can you tell me about any doctors who can prescribe Vicodin

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It would be nice if things like this petition would actually make a difference, but it won't.

What will make a difference is when chronic pain patients organize and become active. When they email, phone and go and meet their State and Federal Politicians personally. When chronic severe pain suffers reasearch and see how that politician has voted in the past on bills that affect chronic pain patients and if they have sponsored any bills making it harder for chronic pain patients. If/when the politicans have made it clear they won't change their stand, then the chronic pain patient tells them in a very polite way that they will do everything they can do be sure they aren't re-elected. Giving large sums of money to a politicians campaign is the quickest way for them to know you mean business, but most people can't afford to give in those amounts. So we use our voices and fingers instead. We organize and turn up in groups at their offices with signs that say they are not educated on chronic severe pain and the cost to the tax payers of having to care for many that can't care for themselves because of their untreated/under treated chronic severe pain.

The point is to have what we do covered by the evening news. And with enough people, it would be. The point is to be sure that we become as big a pain to the politicians staff as the politicians stand against chronic severe pain suffers has become to those affected. We need to remember that the powers that be have convinced drs and politicians that if someone really suffers from chronic severe pain, that they will be able to receive appropiate treatment. And that the new restrictions only affect those who abuse the drugs or who aren't actually suffering from chronic severe pain.

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Marianne, if your chronic pain is so debilitating, why aren't you receiving SSDI or SSI ? When you receive SSDI, you also receive Medicare. When you receive SSI, you also receive Medicaid.

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BL, thank you for your posts. First, I must say I am on Medicare, already. But, the bills are still high, for the doctors are charging over $200 just to sit and talk. I haven't received the necessary blood tests, that are important because of all the side effects of the many medications I am taking. So, I end up paying over $40 for nothing. No exam, no tests, nothing. Especially the last doctor, who doesn't know me at all and decided, just by looking at me, that I have nothing wrong with me. I've tried other doctors and they won't see chronic pain patients. I have one last hope, a woman doctor who is a hospice doctor and also has her own practice. She comes highly recommended to me, but she doesn't take new patients until July. So, in the meantime, I am limiting the medications I am taking, because some will negatively affect my organs. I've also cut my morphine, myself, down to 15 mgs/day, not taking the prescribed 180 mgs/ the last doctor put me on, when I was already off of it. I will not go back to this jerk, again.

So, I am disabled on disability income. I am trying to support my ex-husband, as well, because he is blind and destitute. I took him off the streets, for no one cares about him. It is so hard, to be in such pain, responsible for my home, myself, he and my animals. But, good news is, I have people signing my petitions, so I am hoping more word gets around. The one site, my petition is on, will send my petition, after I get so many signatures, directly to the white house, the congress, senate and state officials, as well as the DEA, (as if the DEA will listen, for they are causing this oppression, for us all)! It is better than doing nothing, I am in high hopes people will sign it, (including you, DL), because I am home bound and not able to go places.

There is a man who is doing everything he can, writing a book, getting it out there and walked a walk, talking to clinics, doctors etc. His name is Dennis Kinch, he is also doing much work for all of us. Please check out his work, if you are truly concerned for all of us and please tell others about it, too. I am supporting Dennis's work as well, for he has helped many chronic pain patients, including himself. So, I won't give up and neither will any other chronic pain site, as well as people, here, who are suffering. It may be a slow process, but it will happen. I am certain of that.

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I live in Arcadia louisisana I've Ben on loratab and morph spray I have miagrain that send me to e r lest 6/9 times a week I moved here and the doc took me off they are worse now and sick of going to e r they are only thing that help do u know of any doc aroud me that will give them back

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I'm a female veteran,I asked my congressman's aide for help with the local VA HOSPITAL,he caused more trouble for me, making it political, I was told "I didn't go there to be their adversary-NOR,did I go there only to speak for you" I didn't ask him to fix the broken system,I needed a voice,for me...all he did was cause me grief!!I also asked twice for a meeting with my congressman,FORGET THAT,I NEVER GOT ANY RESPONSE.

I had a decent congressman,his people were top...we recently were rezoned,why it makes no sense...with my other congressman's people,I'd call,they were tenacious as bulldogs,never stopped until what was needed was received. I may as not even have one as little as they help...he probably doesn't even know half of what they do,since he's in D.C..Seems that unless some celebrity has a crisis,no one cares about the everyday Joe.

The VA HOSPITAL has caused more suicide attempts because they won't listen then they blame the veteran. America...this is socialized medicine......they decide who gets treatment.I guess with all the new aliens,children,we will get even less. QUESTION: anyone think a prisoner at Guantanamo would have to beg for care?

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I apologize for being away so long, and THANK EVERYONE for their continued help and support. I pray for all of us.

After I last posted, my husband put himself through withdrawal as best he could, then it was all just so depressing and ugly - his misery and my helplessness - that I withdrew. My sincere apologies.

MARIVAN! God Bless You! I shall make sure to stay in touch and support you in anyway possible, whole-heartedly - you touched me to the bottom of my heart, and I am very grateful.

Now, wonderful news, Ya'll! After being turned down over-and-over by all the local physicians and the ones associated with his hospital, my husband started calling the next-over district - and found A REAL Doctor (not a "pain management specialist" that either refuses to use opiates at all - or is one of *The Ones* that addicts go to just to get drugs, and doesn't give good all-round health-care & is perhaps *being investigated* (like my husband's last doctor) -

- My Husband Found a Real Primary Physician who is a GOOD, competent, Committed, and Respected doctor - and he, personally talked to my husband on the phone after receiving his medical info, and said, "If what you are telling me about your history is true, I am not afraid, come in at 6:00 pm tomorrow!!!!! - He actually stayed open late to see my husband and rescue him from the aftermath of withdrawal and inability to get out of bed 23 hours a day.

And - This doctor gave him what seems to be a new-on-the-pain-scene drug (Gabapentin) which my husband says it wonderful (apparently, it works in the brain to block pain receptors, so you need lower doses of opiates) and put him back on morphine and norco at a little less than 1/2 the amount he was taking before getting there. So, he is down from 180-200 mgs of morphine a day to 90, and from 6 norco to 2 a day - but he is really doing great compared to the past, and he thinks the Gabapentin is amazing.

I wanted to share this news - to show that it is not completely hopeless, if you keep trying - and now that my family is so blessed, I am going to commit to staying in touch and providing support to those trying to survive and/or change the way this is dealt with.

I have already talked to some professionals (neurologists and politicians) in an *opening the door* way, and am learning, and - I think - making those professionals more aware of the human aspect of all this.

More on that, later.

I wish I could print the doctor's name here, to help others in the area - but I made a solemn promise, along with my husband, not to "put this doctor's name out there" - not mention him on facebook or in forums. Because, while he is NOT afraid to pick up those run over by the current *pain management scene* and left on the side of the road to die, he does not want to become the target of both the government and addicts. Part of our agreement/relationship with him is that he and my husband get to know each other slowly and establish trust, which includes UA's, random drug counts ( to show he has what he should and has taken what he should), and only recommending him to severe cases after consulting with him.

Anyway, I am very sorry to have just left the forum after all the kindness and some excellent advice - and, I am going to try to Do Something now to change all this for other deserving sufferers, and shall return, with my best intentions in my heart.

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Jimmy R. - are you still here? How are you holding up?

What state do you live in currently? You are going through the standard routine for here for here in Michigan - a new doctor (or even one you have an established relationship with) cuts opiates back and back and back with no sympathy.

Ask your doctor about adding about "gabapentin" - it could help quite a bit in your current situation - as I understand, it works in the brain by blocking pain receptors, so you need fewer opiates to relieve the pain.

My husband's new doctor has him at less than half the amount of morphine and norco he is used to, but the gabapentin has made it very tolerable for him, and he is quite a fan of it.

I wrote more about this (and to others here) in an earlier post, but - as often happens here with me, that post "needs to be reviewed" before it appears on the forum.

No Matter how hard it is - just Hang In - I thought my husband might die the past couple months, but he is back to enjoying life - in fact, more than I have seen in some time. He credits the gabapentin, as he is not suffering as much pain as one would expect from being cut back to half his dosages, and has more energy.

Remember, opiate withdrawal on any level causes extreme depression and sadness. Please hang in - that, too shall pass. I'll have you in my prayers.

To The Others here (esp. BL, Marivan, and Marianne) - thank you for your continuing good, kind, organized, reasonable, responsible, and knowledgeable input.

I made a post earlier, but, as often happens, it "has to be reviewed" prior to posting - too many red flags, somehow - but I apologize for being away and now commit to working for an end to the witch-hunt.

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I haven't been on this site for a little bit, being in much pain and sick from the high heat, in my area, which is very unusual, where I live. So, forgive me for not replying to your kind post, mentioning me, in it. I am so happy to hear about your husband and the medication he is on. I will write the Gabapentin down on my list of possible medications that might help me, too. I am hoping a doctor, a lady highly recommended to me, by three people, will see me, when she starts accepting new patients, in July. I will ask her about this medication, as I am now down to 15 mgs/day of morphine, but take two Norcos, in the morning and at bedtime. I used to only take it when my pain levels were very, very high. But, wasn't addicted to it, because it was only once in awhile. Now, I am in more pain, with restless legs, now, but am hopeful, taking myself off of the morphine, will allow me to be seen by a doctor. I hate being turned down, by them, thinking I'm an addict, especially now, since I have been having many chest pain attacks, too. I have a leaky heart valve and have been told my MCTD is possibly causing pulmonary and heart distress. Plus, my scoliosis of my spine is really curved now, which is also a factor of affecting my lungs and heart. Maybe this doctor will give me an MRI, to see how bad things are, for my first primary denied me, saying "it will cost the taxpayers money," when I was a taxpayer too! So, thank you, for your recent post and the info about the Gabapentin, your husband is on. It gives me hope, maybe others, too. I am so happy to hear he is happier and less painful. May GOD Bless you, I'm still keeping you, in my prayers... Always!

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Vote for Ralph Nader he will help can not be bought off in my prayers

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Marianne, I hope this new dr works out. Have you looked into Medicare Savings Program & Extra Help ? They are for low income people of Medicare. The Medicare Savings Program will pay your Medicare Premium, deductible, etc and Extra Help will help with Medicare Prescription Part D.

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Thank you, DL for your suggestion. I didn't realize there is extra help. I am not paying for my Medicare, as I understand most people pay for it, on a monthly basis. So, this makes me wonder if I am already getting some help? I'm not sure, but I do know, I've paid into Social Security, all my life, starting at age 15 and in one year alone, I paid over $25,000. I think it was a company mistake, but I never noticed it, until I got a statement from Social Security telling me I had done this. I don't know if this is the reason why I am not paying for Medicare now. I don't think I have Medicade, like my sister has, with her heart condition, so, the only thing I know for sure, is that I have Medicare. I sure wish I knew about help about paying the co-pays, because I was engaged for six years, who was taking care of my finances, thinking the whole time he was paying my co-pays. But, when he left, after my supporting two businesses of his, and his second one becoming very successful, but not paying into the household, he left me with one of his young, rich customers, who gave him a Harley Davidson to keep, brand new. I didn't find out how he ran up my credit, ruining it, and used up my money, not paying any of my medical bills, so now I am being sued by all the bills he didn't pay, but said he was. I am happy he is out of my life, for he was very abusive, selfish and I later found out how he has done this to other women, too. Here I thought, when my neighbors told me they were friends with his mother, that I was marrying into a fine family. But they held information from me, I guess they were hoping he would change with me. Ha! So, I sure could use the extra help, but don't know how to go about it. If you know, DL, please let me know, okay? Again, thanks for your kind posts, I do enjoy reading all of your posts and everyone's on this site. May God Bless you, Always!

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The va has now opted ou of pain medication and now prescribe methadone instead. Per our va dr this is happening at every va facility. Basically we r all s*** out of luck. Why? My guess is the i****s who sell their prescriptions on the street have caused accidental overdoses. So those of us in need and take as prescribed get to suffer in constant pain. The dea can't control the streets so they are now controlling DR'S civilian and military alike, pharmacy and hospitals. What is our recourse for help? I have found none. If you do. Please share.

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Marianne, Put Medicare AND Medicare Savings Program in your search bar. Put Medcare AND Extra Help in your search bar. That should take you to the website that explains both programs. If the $104 for Medicare Part B isn't being taken out of your SSDI each month, you must be receiving help.

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Tony..what part of TN? I'm between Knoxville and Bristol. My doc retired and am needing a new physician..was with them for years..lumbar surgery x4..Feb had surgery on my c5,6 and 7.

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Hi Skoski,

I created a petition to The Arizona State House, The Arizona State Senate, and 4 others which says:

"Chronic Pain Patients have severe, ongoing pain, that won't go away, with no chance of relief, except for strong medications. But, now, "The War on Drugs," doesn't just go after the drug cartels and illegal drug smugglers and abusers, they are focusing on real patients, with chronic pain, suffering terribly, yet are now thought as drug abusers. "

Will you sign this petition? Click here:

Or copy & paste the link in your address bar. I think if more people sign my petition and the site sends it out to all, I believe we can turn the DEA's oppression of real chronic pain patients into leaving our doctors, our medications and our pharmacies alone! Including the VA! I wish everyone in the DEA and the others hurting us, will suffer greater pain than we have, if that's possible. Then maybe they wouldn't be so judgemental of real people not abusing their prescriptions, needing them for their intense pain!

I wish you all the best and may GOD Bless you...


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I live in Excelsior Springs, Missouri about 25mins north of Kansas City, Mo. And I am absolutely miserable! I cant find a competant Dr anywhere! I picked a new pcp, and come to find out he is totally anti-pain meds, he oversees patients in the nearby nursing home and my friend works there and she told me they can be crying in pain and he wont give them any narcotics for pain! I have fibro , carpel tunnel in both wrists, pinched nerve in my neck, sciatica , arthritis and he wont give me s***!! Im tried of trying to find a dr that isnt going to treat me like a drug addict little kid! My quality of life has really went down since I gave birth in 2012, and these i****s where I live r gonna make me go nuts on someone seriously!

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h8mydoc, You need to go to a Pain Management Dr.

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Where can you get pain killers for $5ea??? That's cheap and I would gladly pay that!

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There are a few places in north county that truly believe and can tell by scans etc... That it's not an addiction or "its in your head". When you have images, scans, disco grams etc.. It is clear, nerve roots will be impinged, herniations large or small hurt, stenosis and people with back pain/problems know that's just the tip of the ice burg. So, great dr who believe the pain from what they see are dr mark stern (neurosurgeon) he is amazing and has done 2 surgeries on me...(not his a**hole PA) Dr Bradley chesler in Escondido. He does EMG's and is a PM dr! With proof, again is Eric luisang he's a PA that use to be in north county but has moved to riverside. He is awesome and if you just talk to him honeslty and you should all of your drs, you are fine. I have a dr now who has been my primary for 4 years, so I only use her. My other drs offer to prescribe, but I know and trust her and she knows me better than all the drs, and she tries different combinations trying to get it right. She is an amazing dr, and for that I cannot give her name, in case it is someone just seeking meds. She is trusting and would never want her put in a position where she is being abused. She has been a life saver for me and for that, I thank my lucky starts!!!! Without her I would be bed ridden or worse! When you find a great dr, there is nothing better

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A sure deal he takes all insurances medicade care all you will get something the day you go ua does not look for cannabis. he as all neurologist want it legal I know I worked @ Charity hosp 7th floor west neuro he is located in metairie, La Dr Troy Beaucordray or Dr B 504-885-3737 pain is terrible Jesus be with you

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