Cymbalta Reviews (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Has anyone been prescribed this medication for back pain?

88 Replies (5 Pages)

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Careful with this drug! I took it for a couple of weeks and ended up in the hospital with swelling of my brain stem. It is very hard to get out of your system. I only wish I had read up more on it before taking it

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Faith, I have been prescribed cymbalta for back pain, herniated disk. The thing is I was on Cymbalta for a month and when I wen to get my med refilled my insurance wanted a prior authorization from my doctor and I was off my Cymbalta 60mg. In any event it caused me to have extreme headaches and vertigo. I have felt pain relief but I would rather take a pain medication then deal with the with drawls that come along with cymbalta.

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Does anyone know if cymbalta raises your pulse rate. Mine is running from 90 - 110 .

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I was one Cymbalta for two months then decided to stop it because it killed my sex life. I've read horror stories about withdrawal but usually from people who've been on it for years..usually. My experience: I felt sluggish with a slight bit of vertigo for the first two days off. Then weird head rush feelings for over a week. It is uncomfortable but not imposssible.

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Not back pain, but peripheral Neuropathy in my feet. NOT diabetic. I have suffered greatly for almost TEN YEARS! Recently, I visited a neurologist to see what's new in treatment. I eschew opiates and have learned to live with the constant debilitating pain. I even have a TENS unit implanted on my spine. This Dr. prescribed Cymbalta. I read up on it and decided not to take it. But the pain is so bad I gave in and I was astonished to have pain relief within hours. I woke up in the morning and was prepared to be slammed and there was nothing. No lightning strikes! No hammered toes. I am amazed and practically in tears! This JUST happened. I am ecstatic and foot pain free for the first time in TEN YEARS! I'm dizzy and have NO appetite and can't really eat anything, but I hope that subsides. If we have to ramp up the dose though. because of diminishing efficacy, I will revisit my decision.

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Read about the withdrawals that come with this drug before taking it daily. It may be wise not to start it.

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I am an RN. I, by no means, wish to over ride your MD. If your doctor thinks you should be on it, and you disagree, SPEAK WITH YOUR MD! Let her know why you're apprehensive. For me, the withdrawal was so physically and emotionally painful that I will never go on any antidepressant again. Although I'm fighting the rebound depression, I feel physically better off the needs. I'm less clouded. It's a personal decision. Good luck.

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Do NOT take this medication!!!!!!! I can't say it loud enough,strong enough,or describe enough just how bad this medication is. I was on it fo approximately 3 years. It was prescribed for depression and more importantly low back pain. It helped initially but after about 6 months I had gained at least 35 pounds and didn't care about anything. This drug took me an entire year to get off of. I was on 120 mg at peak dose. This drug is truly one of the BAD ones. It is banned in France and cannot be prescribed under any circumstances! My Dr saw how hard it was for me to be on this drug and essentially is very Leary to prescribe due to what it did to me. Eli Lily has been sued a minimum of two thousand times and so many more suits will follow. Eli Lily never provided a way for patients to get off the drug and the insert in the container basically lied to physicians and their patients. I can't say it enough, stay away from this drug!

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I have been taking 60 mg of cymbalta for 3 years. This medicine was great in the beginning as far as giving me energy and helped my pain but after time I just felt worn out and depressed. I started winging myself off 60 mg for 2 months and I kept having this weird sensation in the right side of my head along with other side effects, but after about a month with nothing it got worse; crawling feeling, annoyed feeling almost like I was going to have a seizure but more so giving me panic. So I had to go back on the cymbalta until I could get in with a psychiatrist. She took me off cymbalta and put me on Prozac for 7 weeks, then took me off that. Now I'm taking topamax but still have this feeling in the right side of my head, just not as bad, and she says this could take months to go away. Well wtf is it? Has anybody out there had this experience because it's some pretty scary s*** to have happen.

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Yes I hace this medication but not for my back pain. Im on it for depression, but it dont work for the pain or depression for that matter.

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I just took my first dose today. Now doing research. I was prescribed for depression as well. (It's supposed to help me sleep, too) Sorry to hear that it isn't working for Chris! Hope it works for me.

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I have lupus and it helps with my arthritis but so far my depression isn't improving. how long does it take to notice any improvement?

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Those effects may wear off as your body adjusts to the new med, but itwill take about 2 weeks or so.

I had no results from Cymbalta for either pain or depression, anxiety and OCD, but it has provided good results for some people.

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It is a time release medication, if you crush it, you can end up with too much of a dosage at once and you risk severe side effects as well as overdosing.

Wow Cindy, I am so glad you are getting good results from it. I tried it for awhile and it didn't help me with anything, not my depression, nor my pain, so I had to go back to my Zoloft and onto narcotic pain management.

That is the way these drugs work though, they do not work for everyone, because they are only effective on certain types of nerve pain.

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Grace, I know several people with Fibro, via chronic pain message boards, who have had good luck with these types of meds. Since they work directly on certain types of nerve pain, they can help significantly in your type of situation. It will take between 2 weeks to a month, though, before you see results and know if it will help you. Have you tried anything else yet, like Neurontin or Lyrica?

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Unfortunately, that is a common side effect of most anti-depressants of any type. This is an SSNRI anti-depressant, it has just also been shown to help relieve some types of nerve pain.

Here's the monograph listing, if you reaf the side effects listing, you will see that weight change is a normal one that many people experience.

Cymbalta Click Here

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I have been on Cymbalta for 10 days on day 4 it eally took all my depression and darkness away ..however I have these spacey vertigo side effects that make me feel almost druggy ( I am also on REmeron for sleep problems) anyone else know if this happens to others or how long it will take to go away? I am on 30mg not sure if I should ask Doc to increase it to 60mg with these side effects?

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For most people the side effects usually last about 2 weeks, it does vary a little from person to person, depending on your body chemistry, tolerance, and the other meds you are taking.

Since you are also on Remeron, you may get a double whammy, and have side effects that are a little worse and may last an extra week or so.

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verwon I am just starting med therapy for my FMS. I was trying to go without meds as much as possible. I have had so many meds perscribed to me over ten years ago for my FMS that i could not function. I stopped taking all meds and refused med therapy until i was perscribed cymbalta. It seems to be helping some. I am still in pain though. I am going to give this med a chance. I am tired of living in chronic pain daily. Cymbalta takes some of the edge off at this time. Praying it works even more as the med therapy continues.

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I had a reaction to Celebrex (hives) I wonder if it is because a took ambein at the same time.

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