Benzos & Urine Drug Tests - Benzos Are Not All The Same Amount Of Time - Some 1 Day! Others 2 Weeks! (Page 3) (Top voted first)


You can't just say: All benzodiazepines (Benzos) will take "this-long" to leave your body... That you will Pass your drug-test is you wait such and such of days. Especially with benzos since they don't all work in the same way - I know it really Sounds like they would since they're the Same Class of drug.. But it's just not so. There's some Major Differences between them. HUGE Differences people in terms of how long they stay IN your body and when you can pass a urine test and when there's no way you can for quite a while.

There's a few reasons for this... What seems to stand out as the main reason for this, has to do with what's called the half-life. The time between when you "feel" the drug.. and it Leaves your body entirely. And Not ALL benzos have this same half-life - some are different by weeks even!

And this half-life thing is a Very Important distinction between say Valium and Ativan. And it appears to be the major reason why some benzos are easier to get Off of than others are.

So Which ones are which?

Well I'll take a look at Ativan first. This benzo, ativan, is one of the shortest acting benzos out there. - This means it gets in, gets to work right away and gets out of there fast. like a navy seal. However... This also means that it's withdrawal symptoms will hit you fast and harder than the others with a longer half-life. It leaves your body Fast- Meaning Ativan will have Left your blood stream, urine, your entire body.. Anywhere between 7-20 HOURS you will be testing negative for Ativan.

Yup - Hours. So if you took a few Ativan Pills (mine was usually any where between 6-10 mg daily.. got higher after 1 or 2 pills stopped doing anything - But anyways so I'd take 4-5 2mg tablets every single day - and by the next afternoon? 24 hours later I'd do a urine test and Never did I test positive. Never. I'd take it without even thinking of what time I'd need to leave a urine-sample. So Ativan, this anti-anxiety benzo leaves the body completely - This Fast.

Now a Benzodiazepine that has one of the Longest Half-Lifes would be: Valium. It takes quite a while for this one to leave your body completely. Making it an easier benzo to taper off of and get off of - It is one of THE Worst Benzos to take if you're also taking drug-tests where they aren't allowed.

You may FEEL the valiums anywhere between 1-6 hours - but it Stays-Around inside you well after that time - (it's half-life) to about 14 days, give or take. that's 2 WEEKS with Valium - One DAY with Ativan. And they are Both from The Exact Same Drug Family.

This is Also Why some people will switch to Valium before they begin a full benzo detox, since it's withdrawls are less severe than the Ativan is. Again, the shorter-half-life: 1.) the quicker it's out of your system - but 2.) the harder the withdrawl. But you really NEED a doctor to help with exchanging one benzo for another - Because say 1mg of valuium isn't even Close to 1mg of Ativan! one does NOT equal one of the other. This is where people who've been pill-popping or using narcotics for decades end up on the slab at the morgue. Seriously people. Even the online Charts that TRY and give you a what equals what are not the same from chart to chart. This really should be a docotr-involved thing! And if you dont WANT YOUR Doctor to know this situation? - Go to an e.r. - Go on detox day 1 and a 1/2 and explain the situation to them. No Insurance? Give a false-name if you need too. You gotta do what you gotta do To Live another day! For with Life there's Hope for better days to come. Just be sure not to have ANY ID's in your pockets at all.

- Or get an appointment with a low-income doctor's office. That way you can tell This Doctor the whole truth without fear of retribution or losing your regular physician. Say How many pills - of what type and how often you've been taking. And he'll assist you and help you do what you Need to do to detox off without seizures death or even just that feeling like crapness. Say "scripts from different doctors sometimes" as to avoid him calling your reg. doctor.

And he should help figure out what.. say: (example) 4mg a day Ativan will mean in Valiums. Or maybe lay out an Ativan withdrawl amount and script you for those.

Because it is SO Dangerous to try this yourself!It Does NOT GO 1mg of one does NOT = 1mg of another benzo. Not even close! And the online charts are not even close to being the same nor even close to accurate. You could easily OD trying to figure the exchange-rate of Ativan to Valium or Valium to Ativan. Very Serious stuff, so ask a Doc if you think that's something you need to do. Seriously, no joke.

So if you're worried about or for your own Freedom or Methadone clinic or whatever it is - what/need to test urine-clean.. Ativan bezo takes ONE Day - While Valium or even Xanax is closer to Weeks. HUGE Difference, ya?

Also though - you gotta remember any of these type of "you should tests clean by whatever-date - is for those with healthy Livers. If you have Hep C or any Liver disease, medications are not Filtered OUT of your Body on time - or anything Close to usual, depending - and this is a good way and common way that 'we' tend to OD and die. What is usually filtered out in A Day.. if you have a problem with your liver, your body is NOT filtering them out in a day - but some of the medication if not most (depends of severity of the condition) means your next dose runs into the next one, and the one after that, etc etc might be adding up to one huge-overdosing amount - Since the med isn't being expelled - it can just get to a higher and higher level in your blood stream, within your body and BAM!! You OD on a dose you've been on without an issue for years - b/c now your 'filter' isn't doing the job it used to - and you die.

Just info we gotta pass on to each other - Knowledge is power my friends while ignorance is our mortal enemy.
So keep do what you gotta do - Just make sure we're all smart about it - and recognize what is REALLY dangerous - it's not a "you're acting like a baby" move, but instead it's recognizing stupid and dead when it's just a little buzz or some sleep that you're trying to get.

93 Replies (5 Pages)

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its just starting for me today!!!!!

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Ok I have been on anxiety meds for about 2 yrs now. About 2 mths qgo I was put on konolipin. I ran out so I took xanax for about a week. I stopped the day b4 my drug test 4 a new job that I really need. Will they show up the same...

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You'll be fine. I'm being detixed off my clinic for abusing benzos. What state do you live in if you don't mind me asking? Delaware has,AC STRICT no tolerance policy for mixing the two drugs.

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Will 5 MG of valium show up on drug test if I took the night before

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So how long would xanax take to get out of urine? I took about 8 over the weekend; a big f*** up. I got a urine test for probation tomorrow.

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I'm also being detoxed. I've had 2 20 MG drops in the last 45 days. I think pretty soon they're gonna start detoxing me 2 mgs every 2 days. Im scared out of my mind.

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My mother was on prescribed Ativan and her urine did not show it. Despite the fact that she insisted she regularly took it she was refused further care also. And not offered an explanation or another test.

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Even if u drank bunch of water

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I completely agree with you I used to have trouble explaining this very point to a neighbour of mine Ativan and Mogadon may as well come rom different worlds I uess it's a Cheistry thing

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No. I'm in the same situation. It'll just come up benzod such u have a script. You'll b fine.

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xanax has the shortest half life. And it's the strongest benzo. So that's not a fun one to come off of cold turkey...needless to say that's why I switched to valium.

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Even though this post is very old it caught my attention. Im goin through a similar situation. I've taking xanax 1mg 3 times per day for 20 years consistently, Wellbutrin 100 mgs a day, Gabapentin 600mg 3 per day. I also attend a methadone clinic for the past 7 yrs at 150 mgs a day where I've been orally swabbed at least 1-2 times a month. My problem is the last test swab came back "NEGATIVE" after 7 yrs of comin back positive, "like it should." So now im being acused of not taking my xanax , wich i cant go a day without... My question is what would make the swab test come back NEGATIVE after 7 yrs ,even though i take 3mgs a day ?? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

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I am really confused right now. I have had a few recent visits to the er while under the care of my pcp and pain management. I had three visits within a two week window. The first visit being on March 29th. I was administered valium and pain meds. The next day I was given a drug screen. That came back positive for the metabolites of valium. I again went to the er on April 3rd. I was only given pain meds at that time. The last time I went to the er was on april 10th. I again was then again drug screened the next day. The results showed I had the pain meds, but also the metabolites of valium. On May 3rd the dr had told me that the metabolites should not be in my system. On May 11th 8 days later I was drug screened again. I do not know the results of that test yet, but called my dr office to have the results sent to me. On May 12th I was terminated from pain management. I had only taken the two 5mg of valium on those two visits. I am not going outside my contract. I know there are a lot of variables that go into how long it takes for the metabolites to be out of your system. I am 43,f, 295lbs, not active due to my ailments. The only thing I can think of is my dr isn't considering any of the other factors as to why it is still there. I am at a loss of what to do. This is the only pain management I can go to because of my insurance. I know this can follow me for a long time, and potentially damage me to get into another pain management for a long time. I need to clear my name. How do I go about proving my doctor was to hasty on terminating me for the reasons she is saying that it shouldn't be in my system. I know this is not an exact science but I was told 4-6 weeks. I don't feel she gave me enough time for it to clear. what do I do next? Even if I was to get an attorney to clear my name I wouldn't know what type of an attorney I would get. I would welcome anyone thoughts, and ideas to try and head in the right direction to get this cleared up.

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I took a valium on July 15th. It's now August 28th and i'm still testing positive. I don't understand why? I started drinking green tea with ginseng hoping it will help to get it out of my system. Please advise.

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I Ian in the same situation , I take 2 mg clorazapam 160 mg methadone, what clinic are you located at, thanks

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Let's get something straight... I've been taking pills for about ten years. I'm only 27, hence ive learned everything being so worried for years about U/A's, I was so big into tests I bought wizzinator an "quick fix" an set of heating pads from wally Mart...(if ur urine test doesn't need a substance in it just clean) to this day, I promise you your best bet is to lookup "quick fix 5.7" it worked for literally years saved my ass many many times, probation, jobs, lab test might seek the "crystals" in urine therefore buy the Canadian version which includes that for deeper tests.

Since I have tests now needing substance I am screwed, I haven't taken xanax in 16 months; dosed every day prior to that for years always worrying till I perfected the clean if you are taking Ativan regularly it breaks down in your body much quicker than xanax. I see these 6 week posts, total trash meant to scare folks.

Regular use of Ativan, (everyday multiple doses) and have a urine test, if your a fat dude, not active, I would say a good 14 days to be real safe.

Regular Ativan, multi times daily. Average dude, somewhat active, to be safe, give urself, 6 days.

It does depend on fat of a person, regardless always drink alot of water, like I said if u just need clean urine, "quick fix-5.7" it works great many times over, AT LABS! The main key with it though is when u find it, online or smoke shop, u must get the head pads an rubber band to bottle which has temp strip, must keep warm to body temp depending on the room they give you, usually 98-100 degrees. If they watch u pee, wizzinator but If u can't stop using an don't wanna f*** um, but u have to pay for this s***... A broke person doesn't have that lux, so the above sums up Ativan in urine, 6 days for average person heavy user; for an occasional user, 3 times per week, 4 days.

The 1 time use of Ativan also depends, fat person or average and dose taken.

Ave person single use ativan- 24hrs IF dose taken doesn't exceed 1-2mg

Any higher then 1-2mg is pushing 30-40hrs.

Fat people give urself time before tests, the absolute point, breaking down the variables... body weight, dose taken, an how often are the main things u must know if u want to pass a test.

Don't believe the 6 weeks, that person is taking very heavy use of probably xanax thinking it's the same, an there probation officer scared them hence don't believe everything u read, do your own homework! (shortest acting benzo is Ativan). Hope I helped at least someone - years of benzo use of all kinds....(perfected my body's breakdown and got insight from others on there's.)

(Shortest acting benzo to longest)
- Klonopin/Xanax

(Longest of any benzo cuz of properties) is...Valium


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Ok I've been taking anywhere from 1mg to 2mg of Xanax for about 2weeks now my last does was 1 and a half mg yesterday about 7am.. I go to the methadone clinic and am worried I'm going to get a drug test this weekend and lose my take homes.. I go to the clinic 48hrs after my last dose of Xanax what's the probability of testing positive?

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do detox drinks work for benzos if u stop 5 days b4 ur test

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What is your weight age and body fat? Need to know so I can see

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Impossible to overdose on benzos..?

Today's Darwin Award winner!

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