Apap Cf50 325 40
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I have a prescription for this medicine and it says to take one tablet twice daily. I get terrible terrible headaches and one simply is not enough. I usually take 2 at a time, but gave occasionally taken up to 5 in order for this medcine to work. This medicine makes me extremely dizzy (even after only taking two pills). Are there any other side effects/ long term effects other than liver damage? also, how severe is the liver damage this medicine can cause? I also heard this medicine is basically a strong Advil, is that true? Also, since only one pill does not work for me, is there a higher dose that can be considered safe?

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This is what the label says: BUT/APAP/CF50-325-40TAB WEST-WARD

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Before I can answer all of your questions, I need to know the specific details of what medication you're asking about. You only list Acetaminophen and Caffeine, but you list 3 dosages, which designates that there's a third ingredient you forgot to mention.

Can you check on that and post back? Or post the markings on the tablets, so I can check?

Learn more Acetaminophen details here.

Learn more Caffeine details here.

There are a couple of different possibilities, such as the third ingredient being Codeine, or Butalbital, so I need to know that to answer some of your questions.

As to the possible liver damage, since it contains Acetaminophen which can be toxic if too much is taken, it can be fatal.

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