1st Time Was A "charm" 2nd Was A "nightmare" (Top voted first)


Back in September I was diagnosed with five perforated disc my doctor didn't gave me a prescription for a six-day course of Methylprednisolone. I took it and finish six-day course without any side effects whatsoever! It took all the pain away and sadly it only lasted for about two weeks after that the pain came back. I was told to wait and not take the steroid again for at least five or six months. So I was living on different pain meds for a long time and became allergic to most of the opioids so my doctor prescribed me the same six-day course of Methylprednisolone again. It is now December and I barely made it through the second day of the pill regimen. The side effects are too much for me to handle. I had nausea, severe heartburn, elevated heart rate, sleeplessness, panic attack jitters. My pharmacist told me to try and take some Benadryl along with the medication that didn't help. So I was advised to stop the medication. Needless to say my pain is still with me and it is agonizing! The only thing that takes the edge off is heat packs and/or ice packs. I've lost my life to the pain. I cannot work, cannot function, cannot have the normal life I used to have. I'm at a loss. I don't know what to do? I have a very low tolerance level for any opioid medication and don't even mention muscle relaxers. I took one pill and couldn't wake up for two days from it. If anybody out there has any advice for me I would truly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

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Help anyone? Still having bouts of diarrhea and nausea out of my sleep I wake up I'm in Agony of pain on my back and mystery from my stomach nausea and diarrhea

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Sorry to hear your suffering such debilitating symptoms. I'm by no means a medical provider but I have many years in the field. It sounds like classic opiate abstinence syndrome. Has your doc not prepared you with information and tapering protocol regarding your opiate Withdrawl process?? If not it's completely irresponsible and you should seek medical intervention if the symptoms are so horrific. There are both prescription and OTC preparations that can ease some of your symptoms . My best advice would be seeking a medical evaluation ASAP. What magnifies Withdrawl are underlying medical conditions like you suffer from so this process can be dangerous cold turkey.i wish I had a magic pill to suggest but sadly there is nothing that can alleviate this hell completely. Please post back if you require further assistance or to share your progress. God speed..... Regards, Kenie.

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Ty for your replie;
Since my last post yes I've been to my pain management DR and two days later I was in the ER with severe nausea and diarrhea I told both doctors about my experience with the steroid and a boat insisted the steroid is not in my system I cannot be the cause of my dilemma your suggestion that I go see a Gastrointestenologist and order scope test.
That should take about 2 to 3 weeks to get an appointment with the Gastro and then him ordering the test to be done to take another couple weeks but in the meantime as I'm typing this to you I am having severe nausea and diarrhea since 3 AM it is now 9:15 AM I have some Donnatal elixir I took helped a very little as well as Imodium and ondansetron for nausea. I took two doses of each in a four hour period when the dosages are every either hours.
Now I am so weak and dehydrated I don't have the energy to get out of bed much less wake up to the doctors office but probably won't see me today anyways the only place I have this to go back to the ER again visit number 10 to the ER since August 2016 it is now December 11th 2016 I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!

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In certain circumstances from an outside perspective the most one can do is offer their emotional support. I sympathize with everything you're going through Ronnie. When you're at a loss and don't know what to do, I feel that the best thing you can do is to just remain open to things you haven't tried before. Whether you think it'll help or not, trial and error may be the only way to know for sure...

I believe you have it in you to continue striving for the life you deserve. If you are one to suffer from constant chronic pain, one must accept that there may always be obstacles with pain management, switching medications and implementing various types of lifestyle changes that bring you closer to your personal goals. All I'm saying is to never give up on yourself, because you are worth fighting for! Physical pain and challenges may persist, but mentally (and spiritually) you always have a choice in the matter to bring yourself to a higher level when in doubt or despair. Even if you can't make the changes you want physically (yet), I would still encourage you to focus on the things you can change, like your outlook on life and maintaining optimism in regards to finding a better form of treatment.

Have you ever considered researching alternative treatment options such as kratom, cannabis (CBD/THC), turmeric, acupuncture, reiki, dietary changes (you are what you eat), etc.. as a means of adjunctive therapy?

I wish you a pain free evening and hope you find peace of mind through this difficult situation.

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