Withdrawal From Vyvanse (Page 21)
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My son had a terrible experience on wyvance. He has phyciatic systems to include halluciations. The doctor took him off the drup cold turkey and Ihe seems to be having withdrawal systems? Is that normal?

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My daughter was switched from her adderall to Vyvanse, and I could not believe the personality change (negative), hostility & anger this drug created in her! Please avoid this drug if at all possible. I am an RN working in Psych, and alerted her to these changes. She could not perceive them in herself. Now that she is back on Adderall, she is her old self. I would like to see her get off of that, too, but she has to be the one to decide that and learn to taper off correctly and safely. Check out the website called The Road Back to safely taper off of any psychoactive medications.

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I am grateful for this discussion. I have been taking Vyvanse for about 1 year for ADHD. I'm 39 and was finally diagnosed. At first, my eyes seemed to open up and I felt crisp, alert, awake, and alive. I think I was able to focus better, but I still couldn't keep myself from jumping around from project to project. I could, however, just keep going until I got all my work done. At 3 am. or 4, or 5, or just stay up all night and keep going. I also was rarely hungry for about 5 hours after taking the V in the morning when I woke. I dragged until it kicked in after 1-1.5 hours. Then I was going strong again. I lost only 10 pounds (am normal weight) since I tried to remember to force myself to eat. If I didn't eat by the time the V kicked in, I felt very strong nausea. And if I drank coffee at the same time, it make the effects too strong (shaky). I was on 40 mg to start, then dropped to 30 b/c I was shaking more and was irritable and grumpy more often as the year went on. Finally, I decided to stop taking it 3 weeks ago. I have been SO unbelievable TIRED (like when I was SUPER hypothyroid before getting thyroid replacement hormone). I also feel pretty depressed and a bit hopeless. I can't do my work at all. I am too tired, don't care, am negative about work. And it's been about 3 weeks! I feel like I could topple over I am so tired. But no other symptoms that make me think it's my thyroid. I am relieved to see others have had these withdrawal symptoms as well, but disheartened to realize I'm still feeling this so many days later than the others. I fall asleep at work all day long. I am getting about 7 hours of sleep a night, too, which is more than I usually get. I think I've covered it all! thanks for the board.

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I totally agree about the danger of the Vyvanse. I think my bipolar husband has some brain damage from taking it for so long. Now that he has gotten off of it he is still having more episodes than before the Vyvanse. I hope he can heal and that it will happen soon.

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Do whatever it takes to stop the Vyvanse and stop it safely! While on it, my son felt good for a few hours in the morning, but felt lousy as it wore off. He also developed a very noticeable tic and bad headaches; he became very angry. He tapered off and became even angrier, threatened suicide and threatened to hurt his family. He was the most docile person before this evil drug. IT IS VERY DANGEROUS!!!!!

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Jeff - P.S. - I too was very worried that I wouldn't be able to accomplish anything at work...and elsewhere if I gave up Vyvanse. In addition, I loved the 'buzz' and was very reluctant to give that up. As it turns out, I am able to get things done...and sometimes I have to give myself an extra push...but things are accomplished and I feel really good I can do that without the medication. I wish you all of the best...hang in there...there IS a light at the end of the tunnel.

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I had the very same fears when I was considering giving up Vyvanse but I'm SO glad I did it. My main side effects were feeling very tired with bad headaches at times...but I could still get up and go to work. Although I wasn't as productive, I still got things done at work while going through the withdrawal. Now, that it's over, I can't tell you how much I love being back to my old self. Yeah, no more little buzz but not having that afternoon anxiety is well worth it. I didn't realize how angry and irritable I had been for that year on Vyvanse...until I gave it up. Oh and I stopped cold turkey. I couldn't wean...I either want it daily or I have to cut it out entirely. I took the last pill in my prescription and that was that. Doctor said it was okay to do also. Good luck to you...it's hard to give up but personally I am SO glad I did!

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I have been on 50 mgs Vyanse for approx 10 months now, and I have stayed at 50 mgs the entire time, never once increasing the dosage. I do like the initial euphoria or burst of energy in the morning, however the comedown in the afternoon has become unbearable. I get extremely irritable, depressed, have terrible thoughts, and sometimes get emotional over stupid things. I desperately want to quit this medication for good, but to be honest, I am a little terrified of the withdrawal that could take place. Over time, I have become extremely dependant on this medication. In the past 10 months since I have started taking the med, I have yet to miss a day because I don't honestly think I could function without it. I feel as if it is the only thing that gives me any motivation to wake up in the morning and go to work. I love the initial "high" so much that I have been willing to sacrifice feeling like absolute crap during the other 80% of the day. ... I don't know how I should go about quitting......cold turkey or slowly weaning??? I am very afraid of getting panic attacks and possibly losing my job due to lack of motivation if I quit Vyvanse cold turkey. Any ideas or thoughts of comfort would be highly appreciated. Thank you.

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When I was on Vyvanse, I'd have a boost of energy about an hour or so into it and that would last maybe 1-2 hours but then it would turn from motivation to major anxiety. I would also have what I would describe as 'mini panic attacks' and little things would start worrying me in major ways. In the evenings, I suppose when the Vyvanse would wear off, I would sometimes feel depressed/down and very anti-social. All and all I found that I was on a rollercoaster of emotions while taking it. I have now been off of it for about 3 weeks or so and I cannot believe how much better I feel! No more anxiety, no mood swings, I feel upbeat and social but in a moderate, calm way. I can't believe I took Vyvanse and put up with the side effects for an entire year. I guess I thought I'd miss the 'rush' but my peace of mind has been a much better trade-off.

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I'm convinced Vyvanse is a very dangerous drug for many people. Read the warnings on the paperwork carefully prior to taking it and if it is making you anxious or hostile or depressed get off of it. Now that my husband has been off of it for 2 weeks he is much better.

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I have been taking Vyvanse 50m for 7 days in a row. I started having mini panic attacks in the afternoon the 3 days I was on the drug. I am on an anxiety med. that has worked great for 3 years, I figured it was the Vyvanse, and decided to keep taking it for a few more days. The panic got worse, so I tapered off to 1/2 dose for one day, then took none for 2 days. The 2nd day I had panic and anxiety all day. It was horrible. I called the DR. who said the Vyvanse was too strong and I should try starting at 15mg at day. I am just hoping the panic subsides soon, like tomorrow! Anyone know of any other info. on panic and Vyvanse?

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I am 33 and i have been on vyvance for 6 months.I now take 40mg 2x per day.i have recently noticed that i have no energy or motivation. i am depressed,anxious and wanting to be alone.will this pass or any suggestions on other drugs?

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I absolutely understand the hostility aspect of Vyvanse! I would lash out at people when irritated-but it would be a much more severe reaction than would be typical with me. At times I felt rage - but it was typically out of proportion to whatever was going on. I stopped taking Vyvanse finally a week ago and have been extremely tired and cranky but the hostility seems to be gone so far. I feel SO much more relaxed and just generally get along better with the people around me. I don't think you or your husband are imagining this at all. I had three MAJOR falling outs with friends and family while I was on Vyvanse (for about a year). I was tired of the conflict and the irritation and am so glad I've stopped. Get a second opinion if you can - especially if your doctor is dismissive of what you're telling him/her. Good luck!

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My husband has been on Vyvanse for over a year and he has increasingly become very hostile. We found ourselves in marriage counseling and in the psychiatrist's office. The doctor encouraged more Vyvanse and starting Lamictal. Twice I mentioned the hostility problem to the doc who just blew me off. Finally, after a horrible act of hostility my husband took himself off Vyvanse cold turkey. It has been a week today and he is still dragging. When do you think he will be feeling more energetic? By the way, the day he stopped taking the Vyvanse the hostility stopped. I feel like the sweet person he really is has returned and the monster Vyvanse made him is gone. How could the doc miss this? I read the bold print in the Vyvanse info sheet with a huge warning.

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There is no doubt that my son experienced severe withdrawal symptoms from Vyvanse. It took over 2 weeks for him to get over it. He was so tired and cranky he could barely move. He acted depressed. He is fully recovered now and I can see how his personality has returned to adorable from irritable. This drug is horrible.,

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Hi Dancer - I am definitely more jumpy while on Vyvanse - tend to be startled easily and drop things, etc. The car accident could in part be related (depending on how the medas affect her) but hard to know for sure. My only advice if you're worried is to get a second opinion. My doc thought it was fine for me but after talking to two other docs, they didn't agree it was necessary or having a good affect. Hope that helps.

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hi i am the mother of the 16 year old, i forgot to mention two days after starting vyvanse, she was in a bad car accident and i am wondering if it was because of the medication. it was her fault and she thought she saw the turning signal on of the other car! or was she just anxious and did n ot think clearly i wonder

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hi my 16 year old daughter just started taking 30 mg of vyvanse it has only been 5 days. she likes how she is productive and i must say it is ok with me. but after reading all these comments i am a little worried she will start to change after a some time and i don't want her to get hooked on this and i do not want to increase the dose.

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I've been taking Vyvanse (40 mg) for about a year now. At first I really liked the effects - concentration, hyper-productivity, and even a bit of a buzz - but those effects have mostly worn off over time. Now I feel the good effects for a hour or so but mostly feel anxious and agitated. I've tried to stop taking the Vyvanse but I fill a need to refill the prescription everytime it runs out. I feel simply too tired for a day or two without it and I also crave the slight 'buzz' that I still get for a bit. My doctor said it's not supposed to be addictive but this sure seems like at least a mild 'addiction' of sorts, no? If anyone has any insight, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

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My son has been experiencing these symptoms of withdrawal for about 10 days. I just figured out that the exhaustion and crankiness are probably wihdrawal. How long does it last?

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